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Grand Conclave Of Masonic Knights Templar,
a 9 your Committee think , in a very satisfactory manner , and to be of a character calculated to enhance the dignity and reputation of the Order . ( Signed ) "HENRY EMLY , Grand Chancellor . " It was ordered that the Report be entered on the Minutes . The M . E . and S . G . M . then stated , that he had for a long time intended to present jewels for the use of the Grand Conclavebut had been
, prevented from doing so as no form of jewel had been agreed on . The Committee having , however , suggested jewels , which had been approved oy the last Grand Conclave , and these jewels being now completed , he begged the Grand Conclave would accept them as a mark of his esteem and affection for tbe Order .
Fr . Udall then proposed that the thanks of the Grand Conclave be given to the Grand Master for his most handsome and liberal present , which , having been seconded by Fr . Vigne , and put by the V . H and E . D . G . M ., was agreed to with acclamation . The Grand Chancellor reported , that the Committee appointed at the last Grand Conclave to settle the ritual for the installation of an Eminent Commanderhad agreed on a form which they recommended
, for general adoption by the Order . It was thereupon resolved , that the Ritual settled b y the Committee be generally adopted by the Order , and that the Grand Chancellor be empowered to furnish copies to E . C . ' s of Encampments , on payment of an adequate sum for making the copies of it . Fr . Burchell then proposed the motionof which he had iven
, g notice with reference to a testimonial to the two Chancellors of the Order , in respect , more particularly , of the time and attention they have devoted in the matter of the laws and constitutions of the Order ; and the same having been duly seconded by the D . G . M . — It was resolved , —
That in consideration of the services rendered to the Order by the Grand Chancellor , Fr . H . Emly , a testimonial be presented to him of the value of thirty guineas from the funds of the Grand Conclave . " That in consideration of the services rendered to the Order by the Grand Vice-Chancellor , Fr . J . H . Law , a testimonial be presented to . him of the value of thirty guineas from tbe funds of the Grand Conclave . " That the Deputy Grand Master , Frs . Udall , Dawes , Moore , and Burchell , be a Committee to carry those resolutions into effect . "
The G . M . having announced to the Grand Chancellor and Grand Vice-Chancellor the foregoing resolutions , they returned their thanks to the Grand Conclave for those marks of approval of their conduct in their offices . Fr . Udall proposed Fr . George Wackerbarth as Treasurer for the ensuing year , which having been duly seconded , he was unanimously elected accordingly .
The G . M . then appointed the following officers for the year ensuing : — Dep . G . M ., Fr . W . Stuart ; G . Prior , Fr . B . B . Cabbell ; G . Sub-Prior , Fr . J . Carnac Morris ; G . Prelate , Rev . E . Moore ; First G . Captain , Fr . Le J . Vigne ; Second G . Captain , Fr . H . Vernon ; G . Chancellor , Fr . H . Emly ; G . Vice-Chancellor , Fr . J . H . Law ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Conclave Of Masonic Knights Templar,
a 9 your Committee think , in a very satisfactory manner , and to be of a character calculated to enhance the dignity and reputation of the Order . ( Signed ) "HENRY EMLY , Grand Chancellor . " It was ordered that the Report be entered on the Minutes . The M . E . and S . G . M . then stated , that he had for a long time intended to present jewels for the use of the Grand Conclavebut had been
, prevented from doing so as no form of jewel had been agreed on . The Committee having , however , suggested jewels , which had been approved oy the last Grand Conclave , and these jewels being now completed , he begged the Grand Conclave would accept them as a mark of his esteem and affection for tbe Order .
Fr . Udall then proposed that the thanks of the Grand Conclave be given to the Grand Master for his most handsome and liberal present , which , having been seconded by Fr . Vigne , and put by the V . H and E . D . G . M ., was agreed to with acclamation . The Grand Chancellor reported , that the Committee appointed at the last Grand Conclave to settle the ritual for the installation of an Eminent Commanderhad agreed on a form which they recommended
, for general adoption by the Order . It was thereupon resolved , that the Ritual settled b y the Committee be generally adopted by the Order , and that the Grand Chancellor be empowered to furnish copies to E . C . ' s of Encampments , on payment of an adequate sum for making the copies of it . Fr . Burchell then proposed the motionof which he had iven
, g notice with reference to a testimonial to the two Chancellors of the Order , in respect , more particularly , of the time and attention they have devoted in the matter of the laws and constitutions of the Order ; and the same having been duly seconded by the D . G . M . — It was resolved , —
That in consideration of the services rendered to the Order by the Grand Chancellor , Fr . H . Emly , a testimonial be presented to him of the value of thirty guineas from the funds of the Grand Conclave . " That in consideration of the services rendered to the Order by the Grand Vice-Chancellor , Fr . J . H . Law , a testimonial be presented to . him of the value of thirty guineas from tbe funds of the Grand Conclave . " That the Deputy Grand Master , Frs . Udall , Dawes , Moore , and Burchell , be a Committee to carry those resolutions into effect . "
The G . M . having announced to the Grand Chancellor and Grand Vice-Chancellor the foregoing resolutions , they returned their thanks to the Grand Conclave for those marks of approval of their conduct in their offices . Fr . Udall proposed Fr . George Wackerbarth as Treasurer for the ensuing year , which having been duly seconded , he was unanimously elected accordingly .
The G . M . then appointed the following officers for the year ensuing : — Dep . G . M ., Fr . W . Stuart ; G . Prior , Fr . B . B . Cabbell ; G . Sub-Prior , Fr . J . Carnac Morris ; G . Prelate , Rev . E . Moore ; First G . Captain , Fr . Le J . Vigne ; Second G . Captain , Fr . H . Vernon ; G . Chancellor , Fr . H . Emly ; G . Vice-Chancellor , Fr . J . H . Law ;