Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 7 of 7 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article TESTIMONIAL TO COL. TYNTE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic business . Bro . Barfield , W . M ., raised Bro . Ballard , of St . George ' s Lodge ( 164 ) , at Greenwich , and passed Bros . Vincent and Sams , of 752 . Bro . Scholefield was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Madden , Treasurer . BEADON LODGE ( NO . 902 ) . —This flourishing Lodge commenced
its Masonic duties on Wednesday the 21 st , at the Star and Garter Tavern , KeAV-bridge . The Lodge , Avhich Avas named after the worthy magistrate whose name it bears , has only been in existence ei ght months . Forty-three members have joined it in that short time , and tAvo members have been initiated , making a total of forty-five . There was one passing and an initiation on this occasion . From the great patronageas well as the number of good working Masons that
, belong to this Lodge , it bids fair to fulfil the expectations of the promoters , and to become one of the best Lodges in the Craft . Bro . Beadon has presented the Lodge with three handsome pedestals , which Avill not be used before August at the installation , out of respect to the donor , as it is expected he will then instal the W . M .
Royal Arch.
ST . JAMES ' CHAPTER ( NO . 2 ) , —On Thursday , April the 6 th , the Companions of this Chapter held their quarterly meeting , at the Freemasons * Tavern , when Comp . Sam . Tompkins , M . E . Z ., assisted by the Principals and Officers , exalted a duly qualified Brother into the Royal Arch , in a most able manner . MOBIAH CHAPTER ( No . 9 ) . —At the usual meeting of the Chapter
, on Thursday the 16 th , Comp . Benham was installed in due form into the second principal ' s Chair , the ceremony being most admirabl y gone through by Comp . Roberts , M . E . Z . OLD KING ' S ARMS CHAPTER ( NO . 30 ) . —The Companions of this Chapter held their annual meeting at the Freemasons' Taveru
, on Monday the 3 rd , when Comp . W . M . Watson , P . P . of No . 91—a most excellent Chapter held at- Gravesend—installed , in a very effective manner , Comp . Filer as Z ., Comp . Linton as II ., and Comp . Watkins as J . At the conclusion of tlie business the Companions dined together , and passed a truly Masonic evening .
Testimonial To Col. Tynte.
ON the occasion of the meeting of Grand Conclave on the 12 th May , an elegant and appropriate Testimonial was presented to Col . Charles Kemeys Kemeys Tynte , M . E . and S . G . M . of Masonic Knights Templars , an illustration of which we present to our subscribers with tlie present number . On each side of the pedestal is a
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Masonic business . Bro . Barfield , W . M ., raised Bro . Ballard , of St . George ' s Lodge ( 164 ) , at Greenwich , and passed Bros . Vincent and Sams , of 752 . Bro . Scholefield was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Madden , Treasurer . BEADON LODGE ( NO . 902 ) . —This flourishing Lodge commenced
its Masonic duties on Wednesday the 21 st , at the Star and Garter Tavern , KeAV-bridge . The Lodge , Avhich Avas named after the worthy magistrate whose name it bears , has only been in existence ei ght months . Forty-three members have joined it in that short time , and tAvo members have been initiated , making a total of forty-five . There was one passing and an initiation on this occasion . From the great patronageas well as the number of good working Masons that
, belong to this Lodge , it bids fair to fulfil the expectations of the promoters , and to become one of the best Lodges in the Craft . Bro . Beadon has presented the Lodge with three handsome pedestals , which Avill not be used before August at the installation , out of respect to the donor , as it is expected he will then instal the W . M .
Royal Arch.
ST . JAMES ' CHAPTER ( NO . 2 ) , —On Thursday , April the 6 th , the Companions of this Chapter held their quarterly meeting , at the Freemasons * Tavern , when Comp . Sam . Tompkins , M . E . Z ., assisted by the Principals and Officers , exalted a duly qualified Brother into the Royal Arch , in a most able manner . MOBIAH CHAPTER ( No . 9 ) . —At the usual meeting of the Chapter
, on Thursday the 16 th , Comp . Benham was installed in due form into the second principal ' s Chair , the ceremony being most admirabl y gone through by Comp . Roberts , M . E . Z . OLD KING ' S ARMS CHAPTER ( NO . 30 ) . —The Companions of this Chapter held their annual meeting at the Freemasons' Taveru
, on Monday the 3 rd , when Comp . W . M . Watson , P . P . of No . 91—a most excellent Chapter held at- Gravesend—installed , in a very effective manner , Comp . Filer as Z ., Comp . Linton as II ., and Comp . Watkins as J . At the conclusion of tlie business the Companions dined together , and passed a truly Masonic evening .
Testimonial To Col. Tynte.
ON the occasion of the meeting of Grand Conclave on the 12 th May , an elegant and appropriate Testimonial was presented to Col . Charles Kemeys Kemeys Tynte , M . E . and S . G . M . of Masonic Knights Templars , an illustration of which we present to our subscribers with tlie present number . On each side of the pedestal is a