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and that during forty-five years' actual service in Freemasonry , no event had occurred that could convey more pleasure than the charge then committed to his hands . It was not , he said , the individual value of such a present , but it was a testimonial from a Lodge of long standing to one of new creation , of the desire to render aid in the great cause of Freemasonry , and the furtherance of the great principles of Brotherly Love , Relief , and Truth . We are unable to do more than give an outline of Bro . Sydenham ' s address , which received due acknowledgment from the W . M . and Brethren present .
DURHAM . GATESHEAD . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 56 ) . —The annual meeting of this Lodge took place on Monday , the 27 th of March , Avhen Bro . Wm . Morrow was installed W . M . for the ensuing year . In the course of the evening P . M . Bro . J . E . Wilkinson , in a highly complimentary speechproposed the health of the retiring MasterBro
, , . E . D . DaA'is , who had occupied the Chair for two successive years , and in the name of the Lodge presented him Avith a massive silver claret jug , most exquisitely embellished , and bearing a very eulogistic inscription , as a testimonial of his zeal and the esteem in which he is held by his Brethren .
ESSEX . Worth Essex Lodge ( No . 817 ) . —The annual meeting of this excellent Lodge , for the purpose of installing the W . M . was held at the White Hart Hotel , Booking , on Monday , April 3 rd , and on the occasion thirty-five of the Brethren were present . Francis BrOAvne , Prov . J . G . D ., ' W . M . ; Charles Phelips , of Briggens Park , Herts ; Walter Honeywoodof Coptford Place ; Edward Mart Wadeof
, yn , Booking ; and Octavius Richard Hanbury , of Toppesfield , Essex , Esqs . w ere severally balloted for and initiated . The Lodge was then opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . Wm . 0 . Hustler , the W . M . Elect , was then presented by Bro . the Rev . S . Lea Wilson , Prov . G . Chap ., Herts , and installed and proclaimed in the several Degrees by Bro . Jer , How , P . M ., No . 82 . The W . M . then appointed Bro .
James Rolfe , S . W ., John Savill , J . W ., Rev . W . S . Hemming , Chap ., A . Cunnington , Sec , Ed . Haiden , S . D ., J . Brooks , J . D ., T . Swindell , I . G . The re-eiection of Bro . Wm . Philip Honeywood as Treasurer Avas unanimously confirmed . Among the Visitors present was Bro . Skinner , D . Prov . G . M . of Essex , who delivered the charge to the newly initiated Brethren in a most impressive manner . Not the
least interesting part of the business was the presentation of a handsome jeAvel to Bro . M . Lane , as an acknowledgment on the part of the members for the very satisfactory discharge of the duties of Secretary to the Lodge for some years . The business of the day was conducted by Bro . How , the Installing Master , who addressed " the W . M ., the Officers , and the Brethren generally , on their several duties . The Brethren adjourned toa banquet , which was provided b y the care and attention customary with Bro . Durrant .
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and that during forty-five years' actual service in Freemasonry , no event had occurred that could convey more pleasure than the charge then committed to his hands . It was not , he said , the individual value of such a present , but it was a testimonial from a Lodge of long standing to one of new creation , of the desire to render aid in the great cause of Freemasonry , and the furtherance of the great principles of Brotherly Love , Relief , and Truth . We are unable to do more than give an outline of Bro . Sydenham ' s address , which received due acknowledgment from the W . M . and Brethren present .
DURHAM . GATESHEAD . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 56 ) . —The annual meeting of this Lodge took place on Monday , the 27 th of March , Avhen Bro . Wm . Morrow was installed W . M . for the ensuing year . In the course of the evening P . M . Bro . J . E . Wilkinson , in a highly complimentary speechproposed the health of the retiring MasterBro
, , . E . D . DaA'is , who had occupied the Chair for two successive years , and in the name of the Lodge presented him Avith a massive silver claret jug , most exquisitely embellished , and bearing a very eulogistic inscription , as a testimonial of his zeal and the esteem in which he is held by his Brethren .
ESSEX . Worth Essex Lodge ( No . 817 ) . —The annual meeting of this excellent Lodge , for the purpose of installing the W . M . was held at the White Hart Hotel , Booking , on Monday , April 3 rd , and on the occasion thirty-five of the Brethren were present . Francis BrOAvne , Prov . J . G . D ., ' W . M . ; Charles Phelips , of Briggens Park , Herts ; Walter Honeywoodof Coptford Place ; Edward Mart Wadeof
, yn , Booking ; and Octavius Richard Hanbury , of Toppesfield , Essex , Esqs . w ere severally balloted for and initiated . The Lodge was then opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . Wm . 0 . Hustler , the W . M . Elect , was then presented by Bro . the Rev . S . Lea Wilson , Prov . G . Chap ., Herts , and installed and proclaimed in the several Degrees by Bro . Jer , How , P . M ., No . 82 . The W . M . then appointed Bro .
James Rolfe , S . W ., John Savill , J . W ., Rev . W . S . Hemming , Chap ., A . Cunnington , Sec , Ed . Haiden , S . D ., J . Brooks , J . D ., T . Swindell , I . G . The re-eiection of Bro . Wm . Philip Honeywood as Treasurer Avas unanimously confirmed . Among the Visitors present was Bro . Skinner , D . Prov . G . M . of Essex , who delivered the charge to the newly initiated Brethren in a most impressive manner . Not the
least interesting part of the business was the presentation of a handsome jeAvel to Bro . M . Lane , as an acknowledgment on the part of the members for the very satisfactory discharge of the duties of Secretary to the Lodge for some years . The business of the day was conducted by Bro . How , the Installing Master , who addressed " the W . M ., the Officers , and the Brethren generally , on their several duties . The Brethren adjourned toa banquet , which was provided b y the care and attention customary with Bro . Durrant .