Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 11 of 23 →
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brated on Tuesday , the 9 th of May , at the George Hotel , Avhen a numerous assemblage of the Brethren , and several visitors from London and Birmingham , were present . The proceedings commenced on Monday , the 8 th , Avith a meeting of the Northampton Chapter of Royal Arch Masons , when the M . E . Z . Comp . C . W . Elkington was unanimously re-elected the First Principal ; Comp .
G . Worley , Second ; and Comp . the Marquis of Huntley , Third Principal lor the ensuing year . On Tuesday , the 9 th , the Prov . Grand Lodge was held . After the usual business of the day , the Brethren sat down to refreshment . Amongst those present were the R . W . Prov . G . M ., the Marquis of Huntley ; Bros . Ewart , Dep . Prov . G . M . ; J . Hervey , S . G . D . of England ; C . W . ElkingtonP . S . G . W . Warwickshire ; Bros . Maehin
, , and Pursell , from Birmingham ; Bros . Ryley , C . Markham , H . P . Markham , Higgins , Welchman , Stricklan , Fox , Marshall , Woolley , Osborn , Andrew , Worley , Boome , Roberts , & c . & c . & c . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been dul y honoured , the W . Bro . C . W . ELKINGTON proposed " The health of the R . W . the Prov . G . M . the Marquis of Huntley , " and alluded in eloquent terms to the excellencies of that nobleman ' s Masonic career . He
stated that it was just that day twelve years since he ( Bro . Elkington ) had the honour ( as W . M . of the Pomfret Lodge ) , to receive the noble Marquis at his first Prov . G . L . Meeting , and that , although he had since ceased to be connected with the Province , except by ties of affection , he was glad to hear , and to state , that the Prov . G . M . had never been absent from one of tbe annual meetings . Bro . Elkington , after alluding to the various changes since that memorable day , and
calling attention to the many , Avho had been summoned from this sublunary abode to the G . L . above , proposed in the most complimentary terms , the health of the noble Marquis . The toast having been received Avith continued cheers , the Prov . G . M . thanked Bro . Elkington and the Brethren for their kind reception , and stated he was grateful to Providence for having spared him to preside over them for the last twelve years . The noble Marquis
alluded to the establishment of a Royal Arch Chapter , which Avas mainly OAving to the exertions of his Brethren of the Pomfret Lodge . He was pleased to know he had been elected Third Principal in the Chapter , and he hoped to attend his duties regularly . After noticing the new Charity that day formed in the way of a Benevolent Fund for the Province , he specially called upon the Brethren to subscribe
liberally toAvards it . The Wardens and Officers were responded to by Bros . Hervey and Worley . Bro . H . P . MABKHAM then proposed the health of the visitors , which was responded to by Bro . Maehin , P . S . G . W . of Warwickshire . Several other toasts having been given and responded to , amongst which " Success to tbe Pomfret Lodge , " " The Ladies , " & c . a most agreeable evening was terminated about nine o'clock , and the Brethren separated , highly gratified with the proceedings of the day . VOL . II . Y
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brated on Tuesday , the 9 th of May , at the George Hotel , Avhen a numerous assemblage of the Brethren , and several visitors from London and Birmingham , were present . The proceedings commenced on Monday , the 8 th , Avith a meeting of the Northampton Chapter of Royal Arch Masons , when the M . E . Z . Comp . C . W . Elkington was unanimously re-elected the First Principal ; Comp .
G . Worley , Second ; and Comp . the Marquis of Huntley , Third Principal lor the ensuing year . On Tuesday , the 9 th , the Prov . Grand Lodge was held . After the usual business of the day , the Brethren sat down to refreshment . Amongst those present were the R . W . Prov . G . M ., the Marquis of Huntley ; Bros . Ewart , Dep . Prov . G . M . ; J . Hervey , S . G . D . of England ; C . W . ElkingtonP . S . G . W . Warwickshire ; Bros . Maehin
, , and Pursell , from Birmingham ; Bros . Ryley , C . Markham , H . P . Markham , Higgins , Welchman , Stricklan , Fox , Marshall , Woolley , Osborn , Andrew , Worley , Boome , Roberts , & c . & c . & c . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been dul y honoured , the W . Bro . C . W . ELKINGTON proposed " The health of the R . W . the Prov . G . M . the Marquis of Huntley , " and alluded in eloquent terms to the excellencies of that nobleman ' s Masonic career . He
stated that it was just that day twelve years since he ( Bro . Elkington ) had the honour ( as W . M . of the Pomfret Lodge ) , to receive the noble Marquis at his first Prov . G . L . Meeting , and that , although he had since ceased to be connected with the Province , except by ties of affection , he was glad to hear , and to state , that the Prov . G . M . had never been absent from one of tbe annual meetings . Bro . Elkington , after alluding to the various changes since that memorable day , and
calling attention to the many , Avho had been summoned from this sublunary abode to the G . L . above , proposed in the most complimentary terms , the health of the noble Marquis . The toast having been received Avith continued cheers , the Prov . G . M . thanked Bro . Elkington and the Brethren for their kind reception , and stated he was grateful to Providence for having spared him to preside over them for the last twelve years . The noble Marquis
alluded to the establishment of a Royal Arch Chapter , which Avas mainly OAving to the exertions of his Brethren of the Pomfret Lodge . He was pleased to know he had been elected Third Principal in the Chapter , and he hoped to attend his duties regularly . After noticing the new Charity that day formed in the way of a Benevolent Fund for the Province , he specially called upon the Brethren to subscribe
liberally toAvards it . The Wardens and Officers were responded to by Bros . Hervey and Worley . Bro . H . P . MABKHAM then proposed the health of the visitors , which was responded to by Bro . Maehin , P . S . G . W . of Warwickshire . Several other toasts having been given and responded to , amongst which " Success to tbe Pomfret Lodge , " " The Ladies , " & c . a most agreeable evening was terminated about nine o'clock , and the Brethren separated , highly gratified with the proceedings of the day . VOL . II . Y