Article ERNEST AND FALK. ← Page 15 of 16 →
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Ernest And Falk.
P . Because you can be anything without being called so . E . Very Avell ! I understand ; but to return to my question to which I must give a someAvhat different form . As I IIOAV know those evils , against which Freemasonry is arrayed—F . You know them ?
E . Did you not yourself name them to me . F . I have incidentally enumerated a few of them as instances . Only a very feAV of the most evident , the Avidest , the most apparent to the Avorst of eyes . But how many are there remaining , which , although they do not reach so far , are not so evident , not so incontestable , are no less certain , not less
necessary ! E . Then let me confine my question to that part only Ai'hich you have indicated to me . How can you prove to me from that portion that the eyes of the Freemasons are really directed to it ? You are silent ? You meditate ? F . Certainly not upon Avhat is a fitting reply to your
question . But I do not knoAv to what motive I should ascribe the inquiry . E . And you will answer it , if I tell you my reason ? F . I promise it . E . I know and fear your penetration . F . My penetration ?
E . I am afraid you will sell me your speculations as facts . F . Many thanks for the compliment ! E . Are you angry , or hurt ? F . Not at all ! Rather should I haA ' e thanked you for bestowing the name of penetration upon that Avhich you might have called quite otherwise .
E . Certainly not . Yet I know how the mind deceives itself , and unconsciously attributes plans and motives to others , which they had never entertained .
F . But Avhat leads us to form opinions as to the intentions and motives of others ? Surely their actions singly ? E . From Avhat else ? And here I come again to my question —From Avhat single action of the Freemasons can Ave judge that it is even a portion of their aim to level and do aAvay with all those divisions which states and state-craft have produced
among men ? F . And , besides this , and without in any way hurting this state-craft and these states . E . So much the better ! It is not , perhaps , necessary that there should even be deeds to prove this , if certain peculiarities , certain variations , leading to it or springing from it .
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Ernest And Falk.
P . Because you can be anything without being called so . E . Very Avell ! I understand ; but to return to my question to which I must give a someAvhat different form . As I IIOAV know those evils , against which Freemasonry is arrayed—F . You know them ?
E . Did you not yourself name them to me . F . I have incidentally enumerated a few of them as instances . Only a very feAV of the most evident , the Avidest , the most apparent to the Avorst of eyes . But how many are there remaining , which , although they do not reach so far , are not so evident , not so incontestable , are no less certain , not less
necessary ! E . Then let me confine my question to that part only Ai'hich you have indicated to me . How can you prove to me from that portion that the eyes of the Freemasons are really directed to it ? You are silent ? You meditate ? F . Certainly not upon Avhat is a fitting reply to your
question . But I do not knoAv to what motive I should ascribe the inquiry . E . And you will answer it , if I tell you my reason ? F . I promise it . E . I know and fear your penetration . F . My penetration ?
E . I am afraid you will sell me your speculations as facts . F . Many thanks for the compliment ! E . Are you angry , or hurt ? F . Not at all ! Rather should I haA ' e thanked you for bestowing the name of penetration upon that Avhich you might have called quite otherwise .
E . Certainly not . Yet I know how the mind deceives itself , and unconsciously attributes plans and motives to others , which they had never entertained .
F . But Avhat leads us to form opinions as to the intentions and motives of others ? Surely their actions singly ? E . From Avhat else ? And here I come again to my question —From Avhat single action of the Freemasons can Ave judge that it is even a portion of their aim to level and do aAvay with all those divisions which states and state-craft have produced
among men ? F . And , besides this , and without in any way hurting this state-craft and these states . E . So much the better ! It is not , perhaps , necessary that there should even be deeds to prove this , if certain peculiarities , certain variations , leading to it or springing from it .