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AVe viewed this procession from several eli gible positions , and felt a deep interest in its movements , and much gratification from its solemn and imposing aspect . Want of time and space prevents us from giving the reflections which the ceremonies suggested . Suffice it to say , that dense crowds ol the public" had assembled to witness the laying of the corner-stone ; among whom were many respectable ladies , whose presence imparted liveliness ancl interest to the scene . An event of such general importance was this deemed , that we know of gentlemen who came fifty miles to town in order to be present at the procession .
THE MASONIC DINNER . About seven o ' clock , a party of about ninety persons sat down to a sumptuous banquet at the Masonic Hall . The company included Grancl Officers , Masters , and other Masonic Brethren ; also his AVorship the Mayor , Aldermen , and a number of the principal gentlemen of the city , as guestsancl the dinner was pronounced the most successful of
; the numerous and well-ordered dinners prepared by mine host at Mason ' s Hall . After the cloth was removed , the company drank the usual loyal Masonic general toasts . Masonic toasts were drank with Masonic honours only . Lord Falkland ' s health , which was drank with much enthusiasm , was replied to by the Honourable Lieutenant-Colonel J . L . Starr , A . D-C ., in a speechwhich several of the company have pronounced the most
-, ap propriate and spirited of his many happy efforts . He concluded by proposing , on behalf of his Excellency , the health of the Right AA ' orshipful Alexander Keith , Esq ., Provincial Grand Master of Nova Scotia , which was drank with all the honours , and suitably acknowledged by Mr . Keith .
Lieutenant Colonel E . Cunard , junior , A . D . C ., in a brief and appropriate speech , replied to a complimentary toast . His AVorship the Mayor , expressed his gratification at the events of the day , and the pleasure which he and the aldermen felt at the novel event of their mingling in a Masonic procession and festival ; and he trusted , that the combined energy and attention of the common council , over which he presided , would tend to advance the prosperity of Halifax .
The Mayor proposed " the Masonic Fraternity of Nova Scotia , " which was responded to by the Junior Grand AVarden , at the request of the Grand Master . A . M . Vniacke , Esq . and Judge Sawers , acknowledged toasts with complimentary expressions towards the Masonic Fraternity . The Hon . Michael TOBIN , junior , rose , as the acting Chairman of the Board of Commissioners , in the absence of the Hon . J . B . Uniacke , returned thanks
to the meeting for the honour clone them , and the entire satisfaction which the Commissioners felt at the proceedings of the R . AA ' . G . Master , ancl the Lodges , in the interesting ceremony in founding the new Bridewell . Several guests were brought up in succession by number fourteen , and highly complimentary speeches were made on the occasion of their meeting at a Masonic banquet , and a smile might be detected on the faces of several of the Brethren , who , no doubt , fancied they could discern in those culogiums something like a wish , at some future period , to be enrolled anions' the Craft !
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AVe viewed this procession from several eli gible positions , and felt a deep interest in its movements , and much gratification from its solemn and imposing aspect . Want of time and space prevents us from giving the reflections which the ceremonies suggested . Suffice it to say , that dense crowds ol the public" had assembled to witness the laying of the corner-stone ; among whom were many respectable ladies , whose presence imparted liveliness ancl interest to the scene . An event of such general importance was this deemed , that we know of gentlemen who came fifty miles to town in order to be present at the procession .
THE MASONIC DINNER . About seven o ' clock , a party of about ninety persons sat down to a sumptuous banquet at the Masonic Hall . The company included Grancl Officers , Masters , and other Masonic Brethren ; also his AVorship the Mayor , Aldermen , and a number of the principal gentlemen of the city , as guestsancl the dinner was pronounced the most successful of
; the numerous and well-ordered dinners prepared by mine host at Mason ' s Hall . After the cloth was removed , the company drank the usual loyal Masonic general toasts . Masonic toasts were drank with Masonic honours only . Lord Falkland ' s health , which was drank with much enthusiasm , was replied to by the Honourable Lieutenant-Colonel J . L . Starr , A . D-C ., in a speechwhich several of the company have pronounced the most
-, ap propriate and spirited of his many happy efforts . He concluded by proposing , on behalf of his Excellency , the health of the Right AA ' orshipful Alexander Keith , Esq ., Provincial Grand Master of Nova Scotia , which was drank with all the honours , and suitably acknowledged by Mr . Keith .
Lieutenant Colonel E . Cunard , junior , A . D . C ., in a brief and appropriate speech , replied to a complimentary toast . His AVorship the Mayor , expressed his gratification at the events of the day , and the pleasure which he and the aldermen felt at the novel event of their mingling in a Masonic procession and festival ; and he trusted , that the combined energy and attention of the common council , over which he presided , would tend to advance the prosperity of Halifax .
The Mayor proposed " the Masonic Fraternity of Nova Scotia , " which was responded to by the Junior Grand AVarden , at the request of the Grand Master . A . M . Vniacke , Esq . and Judge Sawers , acknowledged toasts with complimentary expressions towards the Masonic Fraternity . The Hon . Michael TOBIN , junior , rose , as the acting Chairman of the Board of Commissioners , in the absence of the Hon . J . B . Uniacke , returned thanks
to the meeting for the honour clone them , and the entire satisfaction which the Commissioners felt at the proceedings of the R . AA ' . G . Master , ancl the Lodges , in the interesting ceremony in founding the new Bridewell . Several guests were brought up in succession by number fourteen , and highly complimentary speeches were made on the occasion of their meeting at a Masonic banquet , and a smile might be detected on the faces of several of the Brethren , who , no doubt , fancied they could discern in those culogiums something like a wish , at some future period , to be enrolled anions' the Craft !