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. To which follows a list of Prince Masons , or Sovereign Princes Grand Rose Croix , acting under the authority , and with the sanction , of His Grace the Duke of Leinster , Supreme Head of all grades of Masonry in Ireland , and registered in the books of the Supreme Grand Council of Rites for Ireland . June 16 th , 1841 . 26 th Sivan A . F . 527 , A . L . 5845 , —including the original chapter of Prince Masons of Ireland ;
No . 1 , Cork ; No . 2 , Dublin ; and No . 3 , Lisbon . N . B . To guard against imposition all certificates are signed by the Duke of Leinster , and by THOMAS WRIGHT , Grand Secretary to the S . G . Council of Rites for Ireland .
His Grace the Duke of Leinster and the Supreme Grand Council of Rites give notice to all regular and legal Chapters , Colleges , and Councils of the superior degrees of Masonry that the meetings ofthe Supreme Grand Council are held at the Grand Lodge Rooms , in Dublin , on the third Wednesday in March , June , September , and December , in every year , at which meetings country or foreign Chapters , & c , may he
represented by proxies , when then- officers cannot attend . Applications for warrants to he addressed to John Fowler , Esq ., Dep . G . Sec , Commercial-buildings ; or to Thomas Wright , Esq ., M . I ) ., 26 , Great Shipstreet , Dublin . Dublin , Sept . 14 ft , 1841 .
LIMERICK , Sept . 14 ,. —The welcome-home banquet from the Brethren of Lodge No . 13 , to their esteemed Worshipful Master , Michael Furnell , Esq ., came off last night at tbe Masonic Hall , Henry-street , Brother Watson in the . chair . Covers were laid for forty , but a greater number of the Brethren attended to greet and gratulate their much regarded and respected Worshipful Master . The hall exhibited an aspect
alike splendid , varied ancl beautiful . All the gorgeous and mystic symbols of the Craft were appropriately displayed ; various banners decorated the walls , on which were suspended Masonic devices , illuminated with coloured lights , and the whole elegantly ornamented with classic festoonings of rich , drapery . Crowds of variegated lamps sparkled in every angle and recess of the ample hall , and shed effulgence on
the whole scene of fraternal love , festivity , and felicity . Over the throne the arms and motto of the Furnell family appeared in lucid grandeur , all set in curiously constructed lamps made for the occasion . Many delightful songs were given , and some admirable speeches delivered . " Peace , love , and harmony" prevailed throughout ; and the Brethren separated with a joyous determination to speedily indulge in another and not remote merry and fraternal meeting . Purser , of the Club-house , was the caterer—and it is but justice to say that he sup-VOL .VIII .3 c
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
. To which follows a list of Prince Masons , or Sovereign Princes Grand Rose Croix , acting under the authority , and with the sanction , of His Grace the Duke of Leinster , Supreme Head of all grades of Masonry in Ireland , and registered in the books of the Supreme Grand Council of Rites for Ireland . June 16 th , 1841 . 26 th Sivan A . F . 527 , A . L . 5845 , —including the original chapter of Prince Masons of Ireland ;
No . 1 , Cork ; No . 2 , Dublin ; and No . 3 , Lisbon . N . B . To guard against imposition all certificates are signed by the Duke of Leinster , and by THOMAS WRIGHT , Grand Secretary to the S . G . Council of Rites for Ireland .
His Grace the Duke of Leinster and the Supreme Grand Council of Rites give notice to all regular and legal Chapters , Colleges , and Councils of the superior degrees of Masonry that the meetings ofthe Supreme Grand Council are held at the Grand Lodge Rooms , in Dublin , on the third Wednesday in March , June , September , and December , in every year , at which meetings country or foreign Chapters , & c , may he
represented by proxies , when then- officers cannot attend . Applications for warrants to he addressed to John Fowler , Esq ., Dep . G . Sec , Commercial-buildings ; or to Thomas Wright , Esq ., M . I ) ., 26 , Great Shipstreet , Dublin . Dublin , Sept . 14 ft , 1841 .
LIMERICK , Sept . 14 ,. —The welcome-home banquet from the Brethren of Lodge No . 13 , to their esteemed Worshipful Master , Michael Furnell , Esq ., came off last night at tbe Masonic Hall , Henry-street , Brother Watson in the . chair . Covers were laid for forty , but a greater number of the Brethren attended to greet and gratulate their much regarded and respected Worshipful Master . The hall exhibited an aspect
alike splendid , varied ancl beautiful . All the gorgeous and mystic symbols of the Craft were appropriately displayed ; various banners decorated the walls , on which were suspended Masonic devices , illuminated with coloured lights , and the whole elegantly ornamented with classic festoonings of rich , drapery . Crowds of variegated lamps sparkled in every angle and recess of the ample hall , and shed effulgence on
the whole scene of fraternal love , festivity , and felicity . Over the throne the arms and motto of the Furnell family appeared in lucid grandeur , all set in curiously constructed lamps made for the occasion . Many delightful songs were given , and some admirable speeches delivered . " Peace , love , and harmony" prevailed throughout ; and the Brethren separated with a joyous determination to speedily indulge in another and not remote merry and fraternal meeting . Purser , of the Club-house , was the caterer—and it is but justice to say that he sup-VOL .VIII .3 c