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phed the dinner , dessert , and wines , including claret and champagne and furnished every thing in such abundance , delicacy , variety , t „ d luxury , as afforded entire satisfaction , and left no cause of comolaint to the most fastidious palate or eager gourmand . _ NEN . AGH .-It is with much satisfaction we have to announce the revival of the ancient and honourable Craft of Masonry in Nena-h . After a lapse of twen it is
ty years again , by the exertions of a few Brethren about to shed the brilliancy of its lustre over the darkness in winch those who have not been illumed by the light of Masonry are enshrouded . ' A warrant ( No . 208 ) having been granted by the Grand Lodo-- of Ireland for Netiagh , on Monday evening last , with the assistance of several Brethren from 271 , the Lodge No . 208 was consecrated , the . Master mstalled , and the several officers appointed , in due conformity wi . h the usages of the ancient Craft . After the installation , the
following very appropriate address was delivered by the Worshi pful Master Bro . James Dempster : — ' " Brethren , —The high honour which you have conferred upon me by having been unanimously chosen as your Master , I assure you shall never be erased from my memory ; and althoug h I have been for a number of years rather neglectful of the Craft , it was the want of opportunityin hof
, Nenag , attending to the duties of a Mason , alone which prevented my cultivating the fundamental principle ofthe Order ' Brotherly love . ' I feel that this appointment will stimulate me to exertion m behalf of the institution to which in my early days I was much devoted , having a due sense of the excellence of its principle * ' and the salutary laws and social duties which it is founded
on I observe , sometimes , that mere curiosity , or views of self-interest or -i groundless presumption that the principal business of a Lodge is ' mirth and entertainment , had induced men of loose principles and discordant tempers to procure admission into our community ; this , together with unpardonable inattention on the part of those who proposed them as to thenlives and conversationhave constantl
- s , y occasioned much discredit and uneasiness to the Craft-such persons being in nowise qualified for a society founded upon wisdom , and cemented by morality and Christian love . Therefore let it be your peculiar care to pay strict attention to the merits and characters of those who , from among tlie circle of your acquamtancemay be desirous of becoming members of
, our society lest through inadvertence unworthy persons may find means to introduce themselves amongst you , whereby you will discourage the reputable and worthy . For it is well known from experience that nothing more contributes to the dissolution of a Lodge than too great a number of members indiscriminatel y made , a want of regulation in their ex-
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phed the dinner , dessert , and wines , including claret and champagne and furnished every thing in such abundance , delicacy , variety , t „ d luxury , as afforded entire satisfaction , and left no cause of comolaint to the most fastidious palate or eager gourmand . _ NEN . AGH .-It is with much satisfaction we have to announce the revival of the ancient and honourable Craft of Masonry in Nena-h . After a lapse of twen it is
ty years again , by the exertions of a few Brethren about to shed the brilliancy of its lustre over the darkness in winch those who have not been illumed by the light of Masonry are enshrouded . ' A warrant ( No . 208 ) having been granted by the Grand Lodo-- of Ireland for Netiagh , on Monday evening last , with the assistance of several Brethren from 271 , the Lodge No . 208 was consecrated , the . Master mstalled , and the several officers appointed , in due conformity wi . h the usages of the ancient Craft . After the installation , the
following very appropriate address was delivered by the Worshi pful Master Bro . James Dempster : — ' " Brethren , —The high honour which you have conferred upon me by having been unanimously chosen as your Master , I assure you shall never be erased from my memory ; and althoug h I have been for a number of years rather neglectful of the Craft , it was the want of opportunityin hof
, Nenag , attending to the duties of a Mason , alone which prevented my cultivating the fundamental principle ofthe Order ' Brotherly love . ' I feel that this appointment will stimulate me to exertion m behalf of the institution to which in my early days I was much devoted , having a due sense of the excellence of its principle * ' and the salutary laws and social duties which it is founded
on I observe , sometimes , that mere curiosity , or views of self-interest or -i groundless presumption that the principal business of a Lodge is ' mirth and entertainment , had induced men of loose principles and discordant tempers to procure admission into our community ; this , together with unpardonable inattention on the part of those who proposed them as to thenlives and conversationhave constantl
- s , y occasioned much discredit and uneasiness to the Craft-such persons being in nowise qualified for a society founded upon wisdom , and cemented by morality and Christian love . Therefore let it be your peculiar care to pay strict attention to the merits and characters of those who , from among tlie circle of your acquamtancemay be desirous of becoming members of
, our society lest through inadvertence unworthy persons may find means to introduce themselves amongst you , whereby you will discourage the reputable and worthy . For it is well known from experience that nothing more contributes to the dissolution of a Lodge than too great a number of members indiscriminatel y made , a want of regulation in their ex-