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The History Of Initiation.*
been written for their instruction ; my own attention was early attracted to its importance , and having derived the hig hest gratification from it , I have ventured to offer the preceding remarks , under the idea , that they may direct the Mason to consult the orig inal with greater avidity . However I may have failed in my attempt , yet the attempt was laudable ; those who can judge for themselves will view it with liberality ; and the learned and affectionate friend , whose master-mind has
compassed so much space—whose spirit has roamed over such extensive regions , and discovered such inexhaustible treasures , will , 1 dare venture to predict , view my ambition to treat of such things with the complacency of a benignant heart . A word or two for the publisher ; honest Brother Richard Spencer , in the department of typography , has justice done to the author ; and I have no doubt , that the Masonic public will , by the necessity of frequent editions , render the labours of both pleasant and profitable . B . T . C .
Brother Sharp's Jubilee Oration.
IN another part of our present No . we have devoted a considerable portion of our space to a detail of the interesting meeting of the Craft which took place at Warwick , on the 16 'th of August , in celebration of the Jubilee of the Shakspeare Lodge , established in that town . From that report , our readers will form some idea of the salient spirit with which our AVarwickshire Brethren are prosecuting their Masonic laboursin furtherance of the honour and advantage of our Fraternity .
, One of the principal gratify ing features of the meeting at Warwick , ( held with the full sanction , and personal co-operation of the constituted authorities of the province ) , was the delivery of a highly appropriate Oration by Brother James Sharp , the AV . M . of the Lodge , which , in compliance with a resolution unanimously adopted by the Brethren present , is now in the Press , " and will shortly be published , in a cheap formfor general circulation among the Craft ; and the profits of
, its sale appropriated to the use of the three Masonic charities . Being present at its delivery , we can vouch for its Masonic orthodoxy ; and , therefore , do not hesitate most strongly to recommend it to the attention of the Fraternity at large , —persuaded as we are , that its own merits are alone sufficient to ensure for it a ready passport to public favour , independent of those higher claims it has upon the liberality of benevolent Mason—claimswhich cannot fail to hallow and
every , prosper a publication that has its orig in in the exercise of that godlike virtue which forms the chief corner-stone of our mystic Order . The AVorshipful Brother commenced his Oration by observing , that the day had at length arrived which had so long been anticipated by many of the Brethren ivith feelings of enthusiastic delight ; and that they were then assembled to rejoice , that the goodly fabric of the Lodge
* See advertisement in our advertising sl-. eot . VOL . VIII . v r
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The History Of Initiation.*
been written for their instruction ; my own attention was early attracted to its importance , and having derived the hig hest gratification from it , I have ventured to offer the preceding remarks , under the idea , that they may direct the Mason to consult the orig inal with greater avidity . However I may have failed in my attempt , yet the attempt was laudable ; those who can judge for themselves will view it with liberality ; and the learned and affectionate friend , whose master-mind has
compassed so much space—whose spirit has roamed over such extensive regions , and discovered such inexhaustible treasures , will , 1 dare venture to predict , view my ambition to treat of such things with the complacency of a benignant heart . A word or two for the publisher ; honest Brother Richard Spencer , in the department of typography , has justice done to the author ; and I have no doubt , that the Masonic public will , by the necessity of frequent editions , render the labours of both pleasant and profitable . B . T . C .
Brother Sharp's Jubilee Oration.
IN another part of our present No . we have devoted a considerable portion of our space to a detail of the interesting meeting of the Craft which took place at Warwick , on the 16 'th of August , in celebration of the Jubilee of the Shakspeare Lodge , established in that town . From that report , our readers will form some idea of the salient spirit with which our AVarwickshire Brethren are prosecuting their Masonic laboursin furtherance of the honour and advantage of our Fraternity .
, One of the principal gratify ing features of the meeting at Warwick , ( held with the full sanction , and personal co-operation of the constituted authorities of the province ) , was the delivery of a highly appropriate Oration by Brother James Sharp , the AV . M . of the Lodge , which , in compliance with a resolution unanimously adopted by the Brethren present , is now in the Press , " and will shortly be published , in a cheap formfor general circulation among the Craft ; and the profits of
, its sale appropriated to the use of the three Masonic charities . Being present at its delivery , we can vouch for its Masonic orthodoxy ; and , therefore , do not hesitate most strongly to recommend it to the attention of the Fraternity at large , —persuaded as we are , that its own merits are alone sufficient to ensure for it a ready passport to public favour , independent of those higher claims it has upon the liberality of benevolent Mason—claimswhich cannot fail to hallow and
every , prosper a publication that has its orig in in the exercise of that godlike virtue which forms the chief corner-stone of our mystic Order . The AVorshipful Brother commenced his Oration by observing , that the day had at length arrived which had so long been anticipated by many of the Brethren ivith feelings of enthusiastic delight ; and that they were then assembled to rejoice , that the goodly fabric of the Lodge
* See advertisement in our advertising sl-. eot . VOL . VIII . v r