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Notices Of Eminent Members Of The Canongate Kilwinning Lodge Of Scotland.
his mother Lodge , Dec . 2 , 1737 . That he was a man' and a Mason of acknowledged worth and talents is sufficiently testified by the fact , that for the long term of eleven successive years , Brother Douglas presided as Master o , the Lodge , vacating the chair at the election in June , 1748 . Nor was this altogether to terminate his official career . In 1750 he was once more chosen to preside over the Brethren ; but in December , 1751 death severed him from the society of his friends earthand arrestee !
on , his useful labours . Brother Douglas was equally honoured and respected in the Grancl Lodge , in which he held the responsible station of Grand Master Substitute , from the year 1738 till the period of his demise . He is worthy of a niche among the worthiest . Among those initiated under Dr . Douglas , and who attained to the honours of office , were the subjoined : — _ JAMES COUIOUN , some time Lord Provost of Edinburgh . He was initiated Oct 251737 ancl at the
. , , election in 1738 was appointed Junior AAarden of the Lodge ; he was promoted the year after to the bemor VVardenship . At the Grand Lod ge election in 1741 , he became Junior Grand AA arden , in which situation he died , in the month of May , 1742 . On the day of his interment , a solemn funeral LocKe was convened , in token of the deep respect with which he was regarded by his Brethren . Various pieces of sacred music , appropriate to the occasion , were performed . Provost Colhoun held the government office of Post-master-general for Scotland .
DR . JOHNBOSWELL ; he was of the family of Auchinleck , Ayrshire and uncle to the celebrated biographer of Johnson , whom we shall afterwards have occasion to notice . Dr . Boswell was initiated on Dec . 6 174 . 2 , and at the Grand Lodge election in 1753 , was chosen Senior Grancl AV artten . He was a man of great accomplishments , and became 0 " . ° f that literary circle of distinguished persons which included Dr . Blair , Principal Robertson , Lord Hailes , & c .
DAVID DALRYMPLS , advocate , afterwards Lord AVesthall ; he was the son of Hew Dalrymple , Lord Drummore , formerly mentioned , and became a Master October 7 , 1747 . He occasionall y officiated as a H arclen in Ins mother Lodge , though not appointed formally to any office . In 1 < o 2 , however , he became Junior Warden in Grand Loelge and m 17 o 4 was promoted to the rank of Depute Grand Master The year following he received a commission as Provincial Grancl Master for
the district of Aberdeen . His Masonic honours were finally crowned by his being elected Grand Master Mason , November , 1774 . He filled the grand chair for two successive years ; on his retirement from which lie ivas appointed one of the judges of the Court of Session , under the title of Lord AVesthall . He died in 1784 . AVe clo not find any details published m Lawrie ' s History of Grancl Lodge to illustrate the Masonic rule of this Grand Master .
There were also initiated , about the same time , the Lord Viscount Kenmure , the Hon . AVilliam Fraser , Thomas Gordon of Earlston , David Lethune of Kilconquhar , Dr . Thomas Drummond , Francis Buchanan of Arnprior , & c . 1 his latter Brother met an unfortunate fate ; having conscientiousl y joined the cause of the Stuarts , he was taken prisoner tried , and condemned for high treason , ancl executed at Carlisle behaving to the last with the most heroic resolution . Another individual somewhat prominentl y connected with the rebellion of 1745 , was John Murray of Broughton , who became a Mason in the Canongate Kilwinning Lodge , December , 1738 . His conduct , however , was a contrast
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Notices Of Eminent Members Of The Canongate Kilwinning Lodge Of Scotland.
his mother Lodge , Dec . 2 , 1737 . That he was a man' and a Mason of acknowledged worth and talents is sufficiently testified by the fact , that for the long term of eleven successive years , Brother Douglas presided as Master o , the Lodge , vacating the chair at the election in June , 1748 . Nor was this altogether to terminate his official career . In 1750 he was once more chosen to preside over the Brethren ; but in December , 1751 death severed him from the society of his friends earthand arrestee !
on , his useful labours . Brother Douglas was equally honoured and respected in the Grancl Lodge , in which he held the responsible station of Grand Master Substitute , from the year 1738 till the period of his demise . He is worthy of a niche among the worthiest . Among those initiated under Dr . Douglas , and who attained to the honours of office , were the subjoined : — _ JAMES COUIOUN , some time Lord Provost of Edinburgh . He was initiated Oct 251737 ancl at the
. , , election in 1738 was appointed Junior AAarden of the Lodge ; he was promoted the year after to the bemor VVardenship . At the Grand Lod ge election in 1741 , he became Junior Grand AA arden , in which situation he died , in the month of May , 1742 . On the day of his interment , a solemn funeral LocKe was convened , in token of the deep respect with which he was regarded by his Brethren . Various pieces of sacred music , appropriate to the occasion , were performed . Provost Colhoun held the government office of Post-master-general for Scotland .
DR . JOHNBOSWELL ; he was of the family of Auchinleck , Ayrshire and uncle to the celebrated biographer of Johnson , whom we shall afterwards have occasion to notice . Dr . Boswell was initiated on Dec . 6 174 . 2 , and at the Grand Lodge election in 1753 , was chosen Senior Grancl AV artten . He was a man of great accomplishments , and became 0 " . ° f that literary circle of distinguished persons which included Dr . Blair , Principal Robertson , Lord Hailes , & c .
DAVID DALRYMPLS , advocate , afterwards Lord AVesthall ; he was the son of Hew Dalrymple , Lord Drummore , formerly mentioned , and became a Master October 7 , 1747 . He occasionall y officiated as a H arclen in Ins mother Lodge , though not appointed formally to any office . In 1 < o 2 , however , he became Junior Warden in Grand Loelge and m 17 o 4 was promoted to the rank of Depute Grand Master The year following he received a commission as Provincial Grancl Master for
the district of Aberdeen . His Masonic honours were finally crowned by his being elected Grand Master Mason , November , 1774 . He filled the grand chair for two successive years ; on his retirement from which lie ivas appointed one of the judges of the Court of Session , under the title of Lord AVesthall . He died in 1784 . AVe clo not find any details published m Lawrie ' s History of Grancl Lodge to illustrate the Masonic rule of this Grand Master .
There were also initiated , about the same time , the Lord Viscount Kenmure , the Hon . AVilliam Fraser , Thomas Gordon of Earlston , David Lethune of Kilconquhar , Dr . Thomas Drummond , Francis Buchanan of Arnprior , & c . 1 his latter Brother met an unfortunate fate ; having conscientiousl y joined the cause of the Stuarts , he was taken prisoner tried , and condemned for high treason , ancl executed at Carlisle behaving to the last with the most heroic resolution . Another individual somewhat prominentl y connected with the rebellion of 1745 , was John Murray of Broughton , who became a Mason in the Canongate Kilwinning Lodge , December , 1738 . His conduct , however , was a contrast