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EniMBURGH . —Masonic affairs have continued unusually dull ; there have been no meetings of particular moment . The forthcoming season will , it is hoped , be auspicious . DALKEITH , June 21 , St . John ' s Day—Brother John Henderson was p laced in the chair as R . AV . Master of the Dalkeith Kilwinning Lodge , on which occasion he delivered an inaugural address with much feeling . " The principal topics embraced a Masonic illustration of the
very principles by which the Lodge duties should be observed , and the indulgence of the glass restricted to temperance . He especially adverted to the mode of recruiting the numbers of the Brethren , and ably exposed the traitorous opposition of such recreant members as by their evil examples brought discredit on the Order . On the conclusion of his address , the worthy Master presented a testimonial to Brother Alexander Porteous , the . Past Master , which had been unanimously voted to him .
In this pleasing duty he took a diffusive range—in describing the services rendered to the Lodge hy that distinguished Brother ; observing that the testimonial was not intended to repay those services , but to acknowledge them in the most grateful manner .
MONTROSE . —The Freemasons' Quarterly Review is duly appreciated in this district . AA e are indebted to it for an account of Masonic proceedings over the whole world , so interesting to the lovers of the Royal Art , and it is to be hoped that we may in some measure emulate the zeal and industry which is recorded in that publication . AVe have in the town three Lodges ; St . Peter ' s Lodge in particular , as being the scene in which DrBurnes ' s-j- initiatory first commenced ; also
. progress his three brothers , one of them , Sir Alexander , who has carried into the distant country of Bokhara these Masonic germs , which may in good season develope great results . The father of these four worthies was also a member . We have a Royal Arch Chapter ancl a priory of Knights Templars , not in active operation , but capable of resuscitation .
KINROSS , August 17—Ceremonial at Laying the Foundation Stone of the New Town Hall . —In pursuance thereof , on Wednesday , the 17 th instant , at half-past eleven o ' clock , the Lodge assembled in the County Hall , and , an hour after , intimation having been made of the arrival of various other Lodges who bad been invited to attend , a deputation of the Brethren , with the Milnathort Instrumental Band , proceeded to escort them to the place of meeting . At one o ' clock the ancient Society of Hammermen , among -whom -we obs-tved memteits of fifty years ' standing , assembled in front of the building , and were shortly after joined by the acting committee of subscribers to the new buildings , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
EniMBURGH . —Masonic affairs have continued unusually dull ; there have been no meetings of particular moment . The forthcoming season will , it is hoped , be auspicious . DALKEITH , June 21 , St . John ' s Day—Brother John Henderson was p laced in the chair as R . AV . Master of the Dalkeith Kilwinning Lodge , on which occasion he delivered an inaugural address with much feeling . " The principal topics embraced a Masonic illustration of the
very principles by which the Lodge duties should be observed , and the indulgence of the glass restricted to temperance . He especially adverted to the mode of recruiting the numbers of the Brethren , and ably exposed the traitorous opposition of such recreant members as by their evil examples brought discredit on the Order . On the conclusion of his address , the worthy Master presented a testimonial to Brother Alexander Porteous , the . Past Master , which had been unanimously voted to him .
In this pleasing duty he took a diffusive range—in describing the services rendered to the Lodge hy that distinguished Brother ; observing that the testimonial was not intended to repay those services , but to acknowledge them in the most grateful manner .
MONTROSE . —The Freemasons' Quarterly Review is duly appreciated in this district . AA e are indebted to it for an account of Masonic proceedings over the whole world , so interesting to the lovers of the Royal Art , and it is to be hoped that we may in some measure emulate the zeal and industry which is recorded in that publication . AVe have in the town three Lodges ; St . Peter ' s Lodge in particular , as being the scene in which DrBurnes ' s-j- initiatory first commenced ; also
. progress his three brothers , one of them , Sir Alexander , who has carried into the distant country of Bokhara these Masonic germs , which may in good season develope great results . The father of these four worthies was also a member . We have a Royal Arch Chapter ancl a priory of Knights Templars , not in active operation , but capable of resuscitation .
KINROSS , August 17—Ceremonial at Laying the Foundation Stone of the New Town Hall . —In pursuance thereof , on Wednesday , the 17 th instant , at half-past eleven o ' clock , the Lodge assembled in the County Hall , and , an hour after , intimation having been made of the arrival of various other Lodges who bad been invited to attend , a deputation of the Brethren , with the Milnathort Instrumental Band , proceeded to escort them to the place of meeting . At one o ' clock the ancient Society of Hammermen , among -whom -we obs-tved memteits of fifty years ' standing , assembled in front of the building , and were shortly after joined by the acting committee of subscribers to the new buildings , and