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Cornwall , to avoid the great distance in travelling ; the Brethren in this city coincide in this suggestion , and hope that the subject may meet consideration at HOME . The value of the Freemasons' Review is most sensiby felt ; we learn matters of high importance from its pages ; and are grateful for the stand it has made in defence of our true
privileges-FRIENDLY LODGE ( 291 ) , PROV . 2 , KINGSTON , Dec . 13 . —The Brethren met pursuant to notice . The retiring Master , Bro . N . Nathan , after an appropriate eulogium , installed Bro . D . Martin as AV . M . for the year ensuing , who afterwards returned his thanks in a very neat address for the honour conferred , and installed the following Brethren as officers . Bros . Sigismund Schloss , and Edward Pearson , AA ' ardens ; G .
Emerson , Tr ., T . S . Cushnie , Sec . ; A . E . Robins , P . Belenfaute , Deacons ; A . Depass , J . G . ; J . Chaves , Tyler . After the banquet , which was attended by upwards of eighty Brethren , Bro . Martin , W . M . in the chair , many loyal and Masonic toasts were given , which called forth as many eloquent addresses and replies ; the harmony of song enlivened the scene , to which social conviviality lent its kindest pleasure , until the "harbinger of morn" admonished the Brethren , who separated in love , peace , unity , and concord .
America, (United States).
NEW YORK . —GRAND LODGE , December 1 , 1841 Present R . AV . AVILLIS , Deputy Grand Master . Letters read from the National Grand Lodge of Switzerland , stating " they were equally desirous of strengthening the great Masonic chain on the two hemispheres ;"—mutual Representatives were appointed . A . communication was received from l'Union Franchise Lodge , ( 17 ) , informing the Grand Lodge , that on the 25 th of June last a Gold Medal
was voted , and subsequently presented , to a beloved member of that Lodge , Bro . John Peter Marcelliu Henry , captain of the brig Georgette of Rochelle , as a reward for his noble and courageous conduct in saving the ship Alexander , dismasted at sea , and towing said ship upwards of 2000 miles , to the port of Rochelle in France , the place of their common destination . June 1 , 1842 . —Present Bro . WILLIS as G . M . , and Representatives
from the Grand Lodges of Ireland , Columbia , Hamburgh , New Jersey , Georgia , and South Carolina . RESOLVED , that Brethren residents of this city , and not members of any Lodge , shall not be permitted to visit the Grand Lodge , except by special invitation . Bro . AVILLIS read a communication from the chair , embracing various topics , couched in energetic language . * From this valuable document we take the following extracts : —
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Cornwall , to avoid the great distance in travelling ; the Brethren in this city coincide in this suggestion , and hope that the subject may meet consideration at HOME . The value of the Freemasons' Review is most sensiby felt ; we learn matters of high importance from its pages ; and are grateful for the stand it has made in defence of our true
privileges-FRIENDLY LODGE ( 291 ) , PROV . 2 , KINGSTON , Dec . 13 . —The Brethren met pursuant to notice . The retiring Master , Bro . N . Nathan , after an appropriate eulogium , installed Bro . D . Martin as AV . M . for the year ensuing , who afterwards returned his thanks in a very neat address for the honour conferred , and installed the following Brethren as officers . Bros . Sigismund Schloss , and Edward Pearson , AA ' ardens ; G .
Emerson , Tr ., T . S . Cushnie , Sec . ; A . E . Robins , P . Belenfaute , Deacons ; A . Depass , J . G . ; J . Chaves , Tyler . After the banquet , which was attended by upwards of eighty Brethren , Bro . Martin , W . M . in the chair , many loyal and Masonic toasts were given , which called forth as many eloquent addresses and replies ; the harmony of song enlivened the scene , to which social conviviality lent its kindest pleasure , until the "harbinger of morn" admonished the Brethren , who separated in love , peace , unity , and concord .
America, (United States).
NEW YORK . —GRAND LODGE , December 1 , 1841 Present R . AV . AVILLIS , Deputy Grand Master . Letters read from the National Grand Lodge of Switzerland , stating " they were equally desirous of strengthening the great Masonic chain on the two hemispheres ;"—mutual Representatives were appointed . A . communication was received from l'Union Franchise Lodge , ( 17 ) , informing the Grand Lodge , that on the 25 th of June last a Gold Medal
was voted , and subsequently presented , to a beloved member of that Lodge , Bro . John Peter Marcelliu Henry , captain of the brig Georgette of Rochelle , as a reward for his noble and courageous conduct in saving the ship Alexander , dismasted at sea , and towing said ship upwards of 2000 miles , to the port of Rochelle in France , the place of their common destination . June 1 , 1842 . —Present Bro . WILLIS as G . M . , and Representatives
from the Grand Lodges of Ireland , Columbia , Hamburgh , New Jersey , Georgia , and South Carolina . RESOLVED , that Brethren residents of this city , and not members of any Lodge , shall not be permitted to visit the Grand Lodge , except by special invitation . Bro . AVILLIS read a communication from the chair , embracing various topics , couched in energetic language . * From this valuable document we take the following extracts : —