Article POSTSCRIPT. ← Page 3 of 6 →
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" TIiiis unceremoniously dismissed from the high situation which I have held so Ions X shall still , in my retirement , fee ! the pleasing consciousness that I have violated no moral obligation - that I have compromised no virtuous principle—that I have omitted no Masonic duty—or done anything to forfeit the esteem of the Craft at large . My connection with l- ' rei masonry will never raise the blush of shame upon my check , however I may regret that the labours of forty years of my life should not have terminated more auspiciuusly . '' A variety of letters from talented Brethren , of high standing and great Masonic attainments , are given , which greatly increases the interest of the narrative . The proceedings of the dedication and consecration
follow at length ; as well as an oration as delivered by the reverend author , embracing a range of intellectual power , only to be found in a mind so richly stored with the gems of Masonic literature ; every line is a symbol and a type ; we select the following : —
" We are not possessed of any direct evidence to prove , that the dramatic or symbolical legend which is used amongst us as a memorial of the resurrection of the dead , was known and practised by the artificers who travelled into other countries after the Temple of Solomon was completed , healing with them the evidences of having been engaged in the construction of that superb edifice . Nor are we able to prove , by any existing records which have come under my observation , that it was known , even so recently as the establishment of Christianity ; because any series of facts , transmitted by oral tradition only , how pure and unchangeable soever they may have remained , will scarcely admit of positive proof beyond three or four generations of human life . But that a commemorative legend of a similar character , prevailed in the most early times , even before the deluge , is evident ; and , I think , capable of proof . It might , perchance , have a symbolical application to certain appearances in the heavens , and ihence be interpreted astronomically ; but its leading and principal reference was to rejlfatts . whicn were thus preserved in the absence of written records , in the minds of the pious race who amievcn steadfastly to the worship of their Maker , amidst the apostacy which daily reduced their numbers , until only eight just persons were found upon the earth . " '
And having thus briefly noticed the narrative , we shall proceed to the consequent transactions . The provincial press has led die van in raising the standard of honour and virtue . —The Lincolnshire , Nottingham , Warwick , Somerset , Devon , and Stafford papers , with a most honourable unanimity , have spoken out with resistless eloquence , in favour of the truly good man . We know that Dr . Oliver has received from Brethren of the highest standing
, letters breathing their regret for the misconduct of his oppressor , and their disgust at such an exercise of power . We also have received a vast number of letters on the subject ; and although to give the names of the writers might be to expose them to the " Familiar , " we cannot , in justice to our distinguished historian , omit a few extracts from our numerous communications .
EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS TO THE EDITOR . "After this stretch of power , I suppose I shall be the next victim . N'importe , I shall be in good company . I detest tyranny , wherever or upon whatever occasion , or by whomsoever exercised . " " I have addressed our exalted though persecuted Brother , the de-Provincialof Lincoln
posed ' Deputy ' . My veneration for Freemasonry is unchanged , but at my advanced period of life I am disposed , with my present feelings , to renounce all further submission to its dictates under the rule of a despotic ' Few , ' who now govern the Craft with the impunity of power . Pray use my name in any article you may send forth to the public . Your views , if carried out , will place the Doctor on the pinnacle so justly his due . Being defunct officially by the ' fiat of nature , ' I will not giro another chief the opportunity to Lincohiize me . " VOL . ix . ¦ / . z
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" TIiiis unceremoniously dismissed from the high situation which I have held so Ions X shall still , in my retirement , fee ! the pleasing consciousness that I have violated no moral obligation - that I have compromised no virtuous principle—that I have omitted no Masonic duty—or done anything to forfeit the esteem of the Craft at large . My connection with l- ' rei masonry will never raise the blush of shame upon my check , however I may regret that the labours of forty years of my life should not have terminated more auspiciuusly . '' A variety of letters from talented Brethren , of high standing and great Masonic attainments , are given , which greatly increases the interest of the narrative . The proceedings of the dedication and consecration
follow at length ; as well as an oration as delivered by the reverend author , embracing a range of intellectual power , only to be found in a mind so richly stored with the gems of Masonic literature ; every line is a symbol and a type ; we select the following : —
" We are not possessed of any direct evidence to prove , that the dramatic or symbolical legend which is used amongst us as a memorial of the resurrection of the dead , was known and practised by the artificers who travelled into other countries after the Temple of Solomon was completed , healing with them the evidences of having been engaged in the construction of that superb edifice . Nor are we able to prove , by any existing records which have come under my observation , that it was known , even so recently as the establishment of Christianity ; because any series of facts , transmitted by oral tradition only , how pure and unchangeable soever they may have remained , will scarcely admit of positive proof beyond three or four generations of human life . But that a commemorative legend of a similar character , prevailed in the most early times , even before the deluge , is evident ; and , I think , capable of proof . It might , perchance , have a symbolical application to certain appearances in the heavens , and ihence be interpreted astronomically ; but its leading and principal reference was to rejlfatts . whicn were thus preserved in the absence of written records , in the minds of the pious race who amievcn steadfastly to the worship of their Maker , amidst the apostacy which daily reduced their numbers , until only eight just persons were found upon the earth . " '
And having thus briefly noticed the narrative , we shall proceed to the consequent transactions . The provincial press has led die van in raising the standard of honour and virtue . —The Lincolnshire , Nottingham , Warwick , Somerset , Devon , and Stafford papers , with a most honourable unanimity , have spoken out with resistless eloquence , in favour of the truly good man . We know that Dr . Oliver has received from Brethren of the highest standing
, letters breathing their regret for the misconduct of his oppressor , and their disgust at such an exercise of power . We also have received a vast number of letters on the subject ; and although to give the names of the writers might be to expose them to the " Familiar , " we cannot , in justice to our distinguished historian , omit a few extracts from our numerous communications .
EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS TO THE EDITOR . "After this stretch of power , I suppose I shall be the next victim . N'importe , I shall be in good company . I detest tyranny , wherever or upon whatever occasion , or by whomsoever exercised . " " I have addressed our exalted though persecuted Brother , the de-Provincialof Lincoln
posed ' Deputy ' . My veneration for Freemasonry is unchanged , but at my advanced period of life I am disposed , with my present feelings , to renounce all further submission to its dictates under the rule of a despotic ' Few , ' who now govern the Craft with the impunity of power . Pray use my name in any article you may send forth to the public . Your views , if carried out , will place the Doctor on the pinnacle so justly his due . Being defunct officially by the ' fiat of nature , ' I will not giro another chief the opportunity to Lincohiize me . " VOL . ix . ¦ / . z