Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 2 →
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To Correspondents.
BRO . THOMAS .--A Correspondent thus writes : — " The W . I-I . White mentioned at page 242 , was , I believe , P . G . M . for Lincolnshire ; and he it was who appointed the Rev . G . Oliver , P . G . Chaplain . If it be the same person , he was an attorney and parliamentary agent , and lived in Old Palace-yard . BRO . J . NASH . —We have received several letters of inquiry ; but not knowing his address , or object , can give no satisfactory reply . He has been lately at Stafford , Wolverhampton , Birmingham , and other contiguous towns . Another tvorthj / is on the alert . RKV . G . POWELL . —The MS . has been returned , with thanks for the perusal .
Sic VOLO SIC JUBEO being coarse and pointless , is declined . P . G . SEC . DORSET . —Many thanks for the obliging communication . S . W ., 387 , who by name would have been more welcome , inquires , " Has any Brother sat in Lodge , either in England or any other country after he has arrived at the sovereignty of a kingdom ; and , if so , please to state the name . " Perhaps some intelligent correspondent will solve the question .
A FATHER . —If our warning be in time , read the words— " Abandon hope , all ye who enter here . " No ' office is more unsafe . A DEPUTY P . G . MASTER . —Although there may be no fear of his being LINCOLNIZED , we can tell him he is marked . His chief mttst glance at the barometer , and consequently must intimate caution . The motto is no longer " nee aspera terrent , " but " cavendo tutus . " CLKRICUS not having been present at the Grand Lodge in December , 1840 , could not himself declare the report to be incorrect We assure him that the abuse of the Asylum is understated , and that the words ' •we have all the money , " were actually uttered . The report is but a very moderate account of an vmmasonie and intemperate address . A GRAND O FFICER . —We never heard of any other effusions of the Grand Master , than the letters occasionally addressed to Grand Lodge ; probably some of the addresses to the throne
are the composition of His Royal Highness . A DORSET MASON . —It is probable that the late D . P . G . M . resigned ; but we have had no intelligence . A GRAND OFFICER ( qy- Ninny ) should state the number and page where "lies abound in the F . Q . R . " A general accusation is a sure sign that he can bring no proof ; but let him be cautious ; the ye's and yr's will not conceal the cunning of assumed quaintness . Since speeches ( bless the mark ) have not been reported , the sycophants of G . L . have become as intolerant , and rude as they are time-serving .
BRO . HEWETT . —The report of the Cork Female Asylum has been received . A YOUNG MASTER MASON . —The freedom from the " genus irritabile vatum , " makes us yearn for better acquaintance . " The Eulogium " is entitled to a more formal paternity . It shall appear in our next ; and , we hope , with name and address . A FRIEND intimates that a certain Brother was very good-natured on the 7 th instant . The widow ' s petition did not profit by so rare an occurrence . AN ENEMY TO FRAUD IN ANY SHAPE . —The tannt of a flippant toady who uses the word " ingenuity" as a weapon to ward off a " palpable hit , " was ridiculous . Flippant may
rejoice in the idea that he belongs to the genus "homo ; " but Lord Monboddo described such to be of a different tribe ; and a "judge" of these matters , in later days , gave rather an unfavourable opinion of the class . Bno . GooDWYljr . —The excellent article is necessarily deferred , from press of matter . A MASON . —We rep-ret to hear of any supposed incivility in the G . S . office . A brusque manner is not agreeable , but may be overlooked , as arising from the " Constitution . " We would acquit the party of intentional rudeness . A SUHSCRIRKR . —We differ . Bro . Price ' s letter was calculated to benefit the Boys' Charity . A DEVON TYRO . —The pamphlet has not been sent ; but we have reported the particulars of the P . G . L ., 1841 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To Correspondents.
BRO . THOMAS .--A Correspondent thus writes : — " The W . I-I . White mentioned at page 242 , was , I believe , P . G . M . for Lincolnshire ; and he it was who appointed the Rev . G . Oliver , P . G . Chaplain . If it be the same person , he was an attorney and parliamentary agent , and lived in Old Palace-yard . BRO . J . NASH . —We have received several letters of inquiry ; but not knowing his address , or object , can give no satisfactory reply . He has been lately at Stafford , Wolverhampton , Birmingham , and other contiguous towns . Another tvorthj / is on the alert . RKV . G . POWELL . —The MS . has been returned , with thanks for the perusal .
Sic VOLO SIC JUBEO being coarse and pointless , is declined . P . G . SEC . DORSET . —Many thanks for the obliging communication . S . W ., 387 , who by name would have been more welcome , inquires , " Has any Brother sat in Lodge , either in England or any other country after he has arrived at the sovereignty of a kingdom ; and , if so , please to state the name . " Perhaps some intelligent correspondent will solve the question .
A FATHER . —If our warning be in time , read the words— " Abandon hope , all ye who enter here . " No ' office is more unsafe . A DEPUTY P . G . MASTER . —Although there may be no fear of his being LINCOLNIZED , we can tell him he is marked . His chief mttst glance at the barometer , and consequently must intimate caution . The motto is no longer " nee aspera terrent , " but " cavendo tutus . " CLKRICUS not having been present at the Grand Lodge in December , 1840 , could not himself declare the report to be incorrect We assure him that the abuse of the Asylum is understated , and that the words ' •we have all the money , " were actually uttered . The report is but a very moderate account of an vmmasonie and intemperate address . A GRAND O FFICER . —We never heard of any other effusions of the Grand Master , than the letters occasionally addressed to Grand Lodge ; probably some of the addresses to the throne
are the composition of His Royal Highness . A DORSET MASON . —It is probable that the late D . P . G . M . resigned ; but we have had no intelligence . A GRAND OFFICER ( qy- Ninny ) should state the number and page where "lies abound in the F . Q . R . " A general accusation is a sure sign that he can bring no proof ; but let him be cautious ; the ye's and yr's will not conceal the cunning of assumed quaintness . Since speeches ( bless the mark ) have not been reported , the sycophants of G . L . have become as intolerant , and rude as they are time-serving .
BRO . HEWETT . —The report of the Cork Female Asylum has been received . A YOUNG MASTER MASON . —The freedom from the " genus irritabile vatum , " makes us yearn for better acquaintance . " The Eulogium " is entitled to a more formal paternity . It shall appear in our next ; and , we hope , with name and address . A FRIEND intimates that a certain Brother was very good-natured on the 7 th instant . The widow ' s petition did not profit by so rare an occurrence . AN ENEMY TO FRAUD IN ANY SHAPE . —The tannt of a flippant toady who uses the word " ingenuity" as a weapon to ward off a " palpable hit , " was ridiculous . Flippant may
rejoice in the idea that he belongs to the genus "homo ; " but Lord Monboddo described such to be of a different tribe ; and a "judge" of these matters , in later days , gave rather an unfavourable opinion of the class . Bno . GooDWYljr . —The excellent article is necessarily deferred , from press of matter . A MASON . —We rep-ret to hear of any supposed incivility in the G . S . office . A brusque manner is not agreeable , but may be overlooked , as arising from the " Constitution . " We would acquit the party of intentional rudeness . A SUHSCRIRKR . —We differ . Bro . Price ' s letter was calculated to benefit the Boys' Charity . A DEVON TYRO . —The pamphlet has not been sent ; but we have reported the particulars of the P . G . L ., 1841 .