Article I-'REEMASONKY. THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITU... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY. LINCOLNSHIRE. AT A MEETING ... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY. Just published , AN ACCOUNT... Page 1 of 1
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I-'Reemasonky. The Royal Masonic Institu...
I- 'REEMASONKY . THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION For Clot / dng , Educating , and Apprenticing the Sons of Indigent and Deceased Freemasons .
H . ft . H the DUKE OF SUSSEX , K . G ., M . W . G . Master , President . A QUARTERLY GENERAL C < > URT of the GOVERNORS and SUBSCRIBERS ¦ £ *• of this Institution will be held at the Office , 7 , Bloomsbury-place , Bloomsburysquare , on MONDAY , the 3 rd of October . The hair will be taken at Seven o'Clock in the Evening , precisely . AUGUSTUS U . THISELTON , Secretary .
Freemasonry. Lincolnshire. At A Meeting ...
FREEMASONRY . LINCOLNSHIRE . AT A MEETING of the FRATERNITY , from the several Masonic Lodges in this province , held at the new FREEMASONS' HALL , Lincoln , on the 9 th of June , ISIS , Brother W . II . ADAMS , Esq ., Mayor of Boston , in the Chair ,
It was resolved unanimously , " That the Brethren present avail themselves of this opportunity to express their unfeigned regret at the removal of Dr . Oliver from the office of D . P . G . M . of Lincolnshire—for which removal no cause whatever has been assigned , nor any explanation g iven . At the same time , they are anxious to express their unshaken confidence in , and high esteem for , the character of Dr . Oliver in every relation of life .
" That the foregoing resolution be advertised in the papers of the province , and in the Freemasons' Quarterly Review . " ( Signed ) W . H . ADAMS , P . G . J . D ., Chairman .
Freemasonry. Just Published , An Account...
HOLDE N in the CITY OF LINCOLN , on the 9 th of June , 1842 , with the Ceremonies used at the Dedication and Consecration of a NEW MASONIC HALL , and the ORATION delivered on that occasion , including a NARRATIVE of the circumstances attending the REMOVAL of the AUTHOR from the Deputy Grand Mastership of the Province ; drawn up at the express request of all the Brethren present . By the Rev . G . OLIVER , D . D ., Past D . P . G . M . for Lincolnshire , and Chaplain of the
AVitham Lodge ; Honorary Member of the Bank of England Lodge ; the Shakspeare Lodge , AVarwick ; the First Lodge of Light , Birmingham ; the St . Peter ' s Lodge , Wolverhampton ; the Olive Lodge , Horncastle , & c . & c . & c . Hie murus ahenus csto , Nil eomt- 'iri : siti . Hon . London , R . SPEINXKK , 314 , Hig h Holborn , - Nottingham , B . S . OLIVEB , 11 , Long Row .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
I-'Reemasonky. The Royal Masonic Institu...
I- 'REEMASONKY . THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION For Clot / dng , Educating , and Apprenticing the Sons of Indigent and Deceased Freemasons .
H . ft . H the DUKE OF SUSSEX , K . G ., M . W . G . Master , President . A QUARTERLY GENERAL C < > URT of the GOVERNORS and SUBSCRIBERS ¦ £ *• of this Institution will be held at the Office , 7 , Bloomsbury-place , Bloomsburysquare , on MONDAY , the 3 rd of October . The hair will be taken at Seven o'Clock in the Evening , precisely . AUGUSTUS U . THISELTON , Secretary .
Freemasonry. Lincolnshire. At A Meeting ...
FREEMASONRY . LINCOLNSHIRE . AT A MEETING of the FRATERNITY , from the several Masonic Lodges in this province , held at the new FREEMASONS' HALL , Lincoln , on the 9 th of June , ISIS , Brother W . II . ADAMS , Esq ., Mayor of Boston , in the Chair ,
It was resolved unanimously , " That the Brethren present avail themselves of this opportunity to express their unfeigned regret at the removal of Dr . Oliver from the office of D . P . G . M . of Lincolnshire—for which removal no cause whatever has been assigned , nor any explanation g iven . At the same time , they are anxious to express their unshaken confidence in , and high esteem for , the character of Dr . Oliver in every relation of life .
" That the foregoing resolution be advertised in the papers of the province , and in the Freemasons' Quarterly Review . " ( Signed ) W . H . ADAMS , P . G . J . D ., Chairman .
Freemasonry. Just Published , An Account...
HOLDE N in the CITY OF LINCOLN , on the 9 th of June , 1842 , with the Ceremonies used at the Dedication and Consecration of a NEW MASONIC HALL , and the ORATION delivered on that occasion , including a NARRATIVE of the circumstances attending the REMOVAL of the AUTHOR from the Deputy Grand Mastership of the Province ; drawn up at the express request of all the Brethren present . By the Rev . G . OLIVER , D . D ., Past D . P . G . M . for Lincolnshire , and Chaplain of the
AVitham Lodge ; Honorary Member of the Bank of England Lodge ; the Shakspeare Lodge , AVarwick ; the First Lodge of Light , Birmingham ; the St . Peter ' s Lodge , Wolverhampton ; the Olive Lodge , Horncastle , & c . & c . & c . Hie murus ahenus csto , Nil eomt- 'iri : siti . Hon . London , R . SPEINXKK , 314 , Hig h Holborn , - Nottingham , B . S . OLIVEB , 11 , Long Row .