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Tee Aouixsoot Sseetzktg. Masonic Offerin...
TEE aOUIXSOOT SSEETZKTG . MASONIC OFFERING TO THE REV , GEORGE OLIVER , D . D . " 2 , King Edward-street , Westminster-road , September 13 th , 1842 . " Many Brethren of the Metropolis having heard , with grateful satisfaction , of the
proceedings of the Freemasons of Lincolnshire , as before detailed , have expressed an anxious desire that a meeting of the admirers of their revered , learned , and amiable Historian , should be convened as early as possible , for the purpose of co-operating with the Central Committee at Lincoln , whose preliminary regulations offer an excellent prospect of testifying the gratitude of the Fraternity to the most exemplary Freemason of the age . A meeting of Brethren , approving of this object , will be held at Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars , on Tuesday , the 20 th instant , at Seven o ' clock in the evening , punctually . By request , J . LEE STEVENS . "
In pursuance of the preceding circular , addressed to a large number of the metropolitan Brethren , a meeting was held at Radley ' s Hotel , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars , on Tuesday evening , the 20 th September , 1842 , for the purpose of co-operating with the Lincolnshire Lodges , in the presentation of " some suitable testimonial of regard and esteem , " Bro . E . R . MOHAN , of the Grand Master ' s Lodge , in the chair . The following resolutions were unanimously adopted : —
Moved b y Bro . H . PHILLIPS , P . M . ( Moira ) , seconded by Bro . T . PRYER , P . M . ( Oak)—That entertaining the highest respect and veneration for the V . AV . Brother the Rev . G . Oliver , D . D ., and did ) ' appreciating the very important services he has rendered Freemasonry , this meeting entirely approves of the proceedings that took place at a meeting of the Freemasons of Lincolnshire , on the 11 th of August last ; and will most cheerfully co-operate with the Central Committee then appointed , in presenting to that excellent Mason some suitable testimonial of regard and esteem . — Carried unanimously .
Moved by Bro . Z . AVATKINS , Grand Steward , and seconded by Bro . J . LEE STEVENS , Past Grand Steward—That with this view , subscriptions be respectfully solicited from Lodges , Chapters , and Encampments , as well as from individual Masons . Moved by Bro . ROBERT FIELD , P M ., and Treasurer of the Bank of England Lodge , and seconded by Bro . G . AV . TURNER , P . M ., and Treasurer of the Strong Man Lodge—¦ That the AV . BrotherDr . Crucefixbe requested to act as Treasurer to the metropolitan
, , subscribers . Moved by Bro . THOMAS PRYER , and seconded by Bro . RICHARD SPENCER , P . M ., Bank of England Lodge—That the AV . Brother J . Lee Stevens be requested to undertake the duties of Secretary to the metropolitan subscribers . Moved bBro . MARTIN SANGSTERP . M . of the Grenadier ' s Lod and seconded b
y , ge , y Bro . W . Lee AVright , P . M . of the Bank of England Lodge-That it he recommended to the Central Committee , to send circulars to the various Masonic Lodges at home and abroad ; and that the Tieasurer and Secretary to the metropolitan subscribers be requested to assist the Central Committee , in this or any other means of promoting the success of the Masonic offering to the Rev . Dr . Oliver . —Carried unanimously .
A very handsome subscription was then announced , and each Brother present undertook to increase the fund in his immediate circle . Bro . R . T . Citucfc'Fix , M . D ., Past Grand Deacon , then moved—That the very sincere thanks of this meeting be presented to Hro . E . R . Moran , for his kind and very efficient performance of tlie duties of chairman ; which resolution was carried by acclamation . % & Bro . 11 . Spencer , Masonic Librarian , 314 , Hi gh Holboni , will also receive subscriptions on account of the Treasurer .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Tee Aouixsoot Sseetzktg. Masonic Offerin...
TEE aOUIXSOOT SSEETZKTG . MASONIC OFFERING TO THE REV , GEORGE OLIVER , D . D . " 2 , King Edward-street , Westminster-road , September 13 th , 1842 . " Many Brethren of the Metropolis having heard , with grateful satisfaction , of the
proceedings of the Freemasons of Lincolnshire , as before detailed , have expressed an anxious desire that a meeting of the admirers of their revered , learned , and amiable Historian , should be convened as early as possible , for the purpose of co-operating with the Central Committee at Lincoln , whose preliminary regulations offer an excellent prospect of testifying the gratitude of the Fraternity to the most exemplary Freemason of the age . A meeting of Brethren , approving of this object , will be held at Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars , on Tuesday , the 20 th instant , at Seven o ' clock in the evening , punctually . By request , J . LEE STEVENS . "
In pursuance of the preceding circular , addressed to a large number of the metropolitan Brethren , a meeting was held at Radley ' s Hotel , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars , on Tuesday evening , the 20 th September , 1842 , for the purpose of co-operating with the Lincolnshire Lodges , in the presentation of " some suitable testimonial of regard and esteem , " Bro . E . R . MOHAN , of the Grand Master ' s Lodge , in the chair . The following resolutions were unanimously adopted : —
Moved b y Bro . H . PHILLIPS , P . M . ( Moira ) , seconded by Bro . T . PRYER , P . M . ( Oak)—That entertaining the highest respect and veneration for the V . AV . Brother the Rev . G . Oliver , D . D ., and did ) ' appreciating the very important services he has rendered Freemasonry , this meeting entirely approves of the proceedings that took place at a meeting of the Freemasons of Lincolnshire , on the 11 th of August last ; and will most cheerfully co-operate with the Central Committee then appointed , in presenting to that excellent Mason some suitable testimonial of regard and esteem . — Carried unanimously .
Moved by Bro . Z . AVATKINS , Grand Steward , and seconded by Bro . J . LEE STEVENS , Past Grand Steward—That with this view , subscriptions be respectfully solicited from Lodges , Chapters , and Encampments , as well as from individual Masons . Moved by Bro . ROBERT FIELD , P M ., and Treasurer of the Bank of England Lodge , and seconded by Bro . G . AV . TURNER , P . M ., and Treasurer of the Strong Man Lodge—¦ That the AV . BrotherDr . Crucefixbe requested to act as Treasurer to the metropolitan
, , subscribers . Moved by Bro . THOMAS PRYER , and seconded by Bro . RICHARD SPENCER , P . M ., Bank of England Lodge—That the AV . Brother J . Lee Stevens be requested to undertake the duties of Secretary to the metropolitan subscribers . Moved bBro . MARTIN SANGSTERP . M . of the Grenadier ' s Lod and seconded b
y , ge , y Bro . W . Lee AVright , P . M . of the Bank of England Lodge-That it he recommended to the Central Committee , to send circulars to the various Masonic Lodges at home and abroad ; and that the Tieasurer and Secretary to the metropolitan subscribers be requested to assist the Central Committee , in this or any other means of promoting the success of the Masonic offering to the Rev . Dr . Oliver . —Carried unanimously .
A very handsome subscription was then announced , and each Brother present undertook to increase the fund in his immediate circle . Bro . R . T . Citucfc'Fix , M . D ., Past Grand Deacon , then moved—That the very sincere thanks of this meeting be presented to Hro . E . R . Moran , for his kind and very efficient performance of tlie duties of chairman ; which resolution was carried by acclamation . % & Bro . 11 . Spencer , Masonic Librarian , 314 , Hi gh Holboni , will also receive subscriptions on account of the Treasurer .