Article FREEMASONRY. "jVTASONIC CLOTHING, FURNIT... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY. THE EMULATION LODGE OF IMPR... Page 1 of 1 Article To be published by Subscription, in One ... Page 1 of 1 Article Just published, 18mo. cloth , price is.,... Page 1 of 1 Article TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. AN OPERATIVE A... Page 1 of 1 Article WATCHES, PLATE, AND JEWELLERY. T P. ACKL... Page 1 of 1
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Freemasonry. "Jvtasonic Clothing, Furnit...
FREEMASONRY . "jVTASONIC CLOTHING , FURNITURE , and PARAPHERNALIA requisite for ¦ * - ¦* - Craft , Royal Arch , and Knight Templars , supplied on Reasonable Terms by Bro . J . NICHOLLS , 14 , AVell Street , Jewin Street , Cripplegate . N . B . —Orders punctually attended to for the FREEMASONS' Q UARTERLY REVIEW , and other Masonic AVorks .
Freemasonry. The Emulation Lodge Of Impr...
FREEMASONRY . THE EMULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT , T > EMOTED from the Grand Hotel , Covent Garden , to the Freemasons' Tavern , Great •*- Queen Street , will be opened every Friday evening , at Seven o ' clock precisely , and a Ceremony , with a portion of the Lectures , worked during the evening . The Anniversary will be held on the 7 th of October , at Seven o ' clock in the Evening .
To Be Published By Subscription, In One ...
To be published by Subscription , in One Volume , small 8 vo ., price 7 * ., under the immediate Patronage of His Grace the Duke of Sutherland , K . G ., Lord Lieutenant of the County of Salop , XfSSAYS , MORAL and LITERARY ; from the Pen of HENRY RAPER SLADE , LL . B ., - * - Incumbent of Kenley , Salop , and a Minister of the Collegiate Church , Wolverhampton ; Author of a Translation of Plato ' s Defence of SocratesPulpit Lecturesand
, , other works . Subscribers' Names received at Bro . Spencer ' s Library , 314 , High Holborn , London . The principal object in collecting and printing these productions in one volume , out of the various periodicals in which they have appeared , is to assist the Author in executing some contemplated improvements in his village church and school .
Just Published, 18mo. Cloth , Price Is.,...
Just published , 18 mo . cloth , price is ., rFHE SIMPLE TREATMENT of DISEASE ; deduced from the Methods of - *¦ Expectancy and Revulsion . BY JAMES M . GULLY , M . D ., London : John Churchill , Princes-street , Soho .
To Parents And Guardians. An Operative A...
TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS . AN OPERATIVE AND DISPENSING CHEMIST ( a Member of the Pharmaeeu-¦ ^* - tical Society of Great Britain ) , is desirous of receiving a well-educated YOUTH , of strict morals and agreeable manners , as an APPRENTICE . The situation is in the most leading thoroughfare of the Metropolis . The Pupil will in all respects be treated as a Member of the Family . Apply to Messrs . Hodgkinson , Stead and Touge , Lambeth Hill , Upper Thames Street .
Watches, Plate, And Jewellery. T P. Ackl...
WATCHES , PLATE , AND JEWELLERY . T P . ACKLAM respectfully solicits those Brethren aud Friends in want of any of the " •above Articles , to inspect his STOCK , which consists of AVATCHES of every Description , particularly the Small Fashionable Gold AVatch , with Goltl or Silver Dials , Six and Seven Guineas each , Horizontal Gold AVatches , four holes jewelled , from Nine to Twelve Guineas each , all warranted in performance ; Silver Plate in every diversity of Articles , both Chased and Plain , New and Second-hand ; every Item of Fashionable Jewellery at moderate Prices ; best Sheffield Plated Articles , & c . 138 , Strand , opposite Catherine Street .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry. "Jvtasonic Clothing, Furnit...
FREEMASONRY . "jVTASONIC CLOTHING , FURNITURE , and PARAPHERNALIA requisite for ¦ * - ¦* - Craft , Royal Arch , and Knight Templars , supplied on Reasonable Terms by Bro . J . NICHOLLS , 14 , AVell Street , Jewin Street , Cripplegate . N . B . —Orders punctually attended to for the FREEMASONS' Q UARTERLY REVIEW , and other Masonic AVorks .
Freemasonry. The Emulation Lodge Of Impr...
FREEMASONRY . THE EMULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT , T > EMOTED from the Grand Hotel , Covent Garden , to the Freemasons' Tavern , Great •*- Queen Street , will be opened every Friday evening , at Seven o ' clock precisely , and a Ceremony , with a portion of the Lectures , worked during the evening . The Anniversary will be held on the 7 th of October , at Seven o ' clock in the Evening .
To Be Published By Subscription, In One ...
To be published by Subscription , in One Volume , small 8 vo ., price 7 * ., under the immediate Patronage of His Grace the Duke of Sutherland , K . G ., Lord Lieutenant of the County of Salop , XfSSAYS , MORAL and LITERARY ; from the Pen of HENRY RAPER SLADE , LL . B ., - * - Incumbent of Kenley , Salop , and a Minister of the Collegiate Church , Wolverhampton ; Author of a Translation of Plato ' s Defence of SocratesPulpit Lecturesand
, , other works . Subscribers' Names received at Bro . Spencer ' s Library , 314 , High Holborn , London . The principal object in collecting and printing these productions in one volume , out of the various periodicals in which they have appeared , is to assist the Author in executing some contemplated improvements in his village church and school .
Just Published, 18mo. Cloth , Price Is.,...
Just published , 18 mo . cloth , price is ., rFHE SIMPLE TREATMENT of DISEASE ; deduced from the Methods of - *¦ Expectancy and Revulsion . BY JAMES M . GULLY , M . D ., London : John Churchill , Princes-street , Soho .
To Parents And Guardians. An Operative A...
TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS . AN OPERATIVE AND DISPENSING CHEMIST ( a Member of the Pharmaeeu-¦ ^* - tical Society of Great Britain ) , is desirous of receiving a well-educated YOUTH , of strict morals and agreeable manners , as an APPRENTICE . The situation is in the most leading thoroughfare of the Metropolis . The Pupil will in all respects be treated as a Member of the Family . Apply to Messrs . Hodgkinson , Stead and Touge , Lambeth Hill , Upper Thames Street .
Watches, Plate, And Jewellery. T P. Ackl...
WATCHES , PLATE , AND JEWELLERY . T P . ACKLAM respectfully solicits those Brethren aud Friends in want of any of the " •above Articles , to inspect his STOCK , which consists of AVATCHES of every Description , particularly the Small Fashionable Gold AVatch , with Goltl or Silver Dials , Six and Seven Guineas each , Horizontal Gold AVatches , four holes jewelled , from Nine to Twelve Guineas each , all warranted in performance ; Silver Plate in every diversity of Articles , both Chased and Plain , New and Second-hand ; every Item of Fashionable Jewellery at moderate Prices ; best Sheffield Plated Articles , & c . 138 , Strand , opposite Catherine Street .