Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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United Grand Lodge.
" I am further commanded to assure them that His Royal Highness feels most deeply the expression of their kind wishes for the happiness of Her Majesty the Queen , His Royal Highness , and Infant Offspring . " I have the honour to be , " Your Royal Highness ' s most obedient humble servant , " Buckingham Palace , ISth March , 1842 . " " G . E . ANSON . "
" TO WILLIAM H . WHITE , ESQ . GRAND SECRETARY , ETC- ETC SIR , —Having had the honour of submitting to her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent , the congratulatory Address from the Members of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England , upon the joyful event of the Birth of the Prince of Wales , I am commanded by Her Royal Highness to convey to you and to all those whose sentiments are embodied in this most gratifying Address , the expression of Her
Royal Highness ' s heartfelt thanks for it , and for the renewed assurance it contains of loyal and affectionate attachment to her Majesty . " I have the honour to be , Sir , you most faithful humble servant , "Clarence House , ISth March , 1842 . "G . COUPER . "
The following Answer from His Royal Highness the DUKE OF SUSSEX , M . W . Grand Master , was then read , viz . " M . W . Pro-Grand Master , R . W . Deputy Grand Master , Grand Wardens , other Officers and Members of the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England , — " The long and intimate connexion which has subsisted between the Grand Master and the Brethren is always a source of happiness to me
, upon which I reflect with sentiments of the deepest gratitude- ; "Your congratulations upon the late fortunate event , which has so materially contributed to the personal happiness of the Queen , my beloved niece , while , at the same time , it has secured the stability of the throne and the tranquillity of the country , are most welcome to my heart . I trust , therefore , that you will be convinced of the value which I set upon the friendly and brotherl y expressions contained in your
Address . " The length of time which unavoidably elapsed previous to presenting the loyal Address of the Grand Lodge to Her Majesty at the levee , as likewise my continued indisposition , are the true causes for my not responding earlier to your congratulations , and which I hope you will receive as my excuse for an apparent , although unwilling , neglect on my partas nothing can afford me greater pleasure than to cherish and foster
, those brotherly and friendly feelings which the principles inculcated b y our Order , are calculated to implant in the breast of every true and worthy Brother . "May the Great Architect of the Universe protect all our labours and undertakings , and cement that good understanding , which ought to subsist amongst all the Members of the Craft , is the fervent praver of
" Your affectionate and grateful Brother , " Kensington Pa / ace , 18 th March , 1842 . " AUGUSTUS F . G . M . " Resolved unanimously , — " That the W- Brother CAMPHELL WRIGHT HOBSON , who , during the last two years , has zealously discharged the duties of the office of Grand Sword Bearer , do , in future , take his seat in the Grand Lodge as a Past Grand Sword Bearer , and wear Masonic clothing accordingly . " The Minutes of the Lodge of Benevolence were severall y read and
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United Grand Lodge.
" I am further commanded to assure them that His Royal Highness feels most deeply the expression of their kind wishes for the happiness of Her Majesty the Queen , His Royal Highness , and Infant Offspring . " I have the honour to be , " Your Royal Highness ' s most obedient humble servant , " Buckingham Palace , ISth March , 1842 . " " G . E . ANSON . "
" TO WILLIAM H . WHITE , ESQ . GRAND SECRETARY , ETC- ETC SIR , —Having had the honour of submitting to her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent , the congratulatory Address from the Members of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England , upon the joyful event of the Birth of the Prince of Wales , I am commanded by Her Royal Highness to convey to you and to all those whose sentiments are embodied in this most gratifying Address , the expression of Her
Royal Highness ' s heartfelt thanks for it , and for the renewed assurance it contains of loyal and affectionate attachment to her Majesty . " I have the honour to be , Sir , you most faithful humble servant , "Clarence House , ISth March , 1842 . "G . COUPER . "
The following Answer from His Royal Highness the DUKE OF SUSSEX , M . W . Grand Master , was then read , viz . " M . W . Pro-Grand Master , R . W . Deputy Grand Master , Grand Wardens , other Officers and Members of the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England , — " The long and intimate connexion which has subsisted between the Grand Master and the Brethren is always a source of happiness to me
, upon which I reflect with sentiments of the deepest gratitude- ; "Your congratulations upon the late fortunate event , which has so materially contributed to the personal happiness of the Queen , my beloved niece , while , at the same time , it has secured the stability of the throne and the tranquillity of the country , are most welcome to my heart . I trust , therefore , that you will be convinced of the value which I set upon the friendly and brotherl y expressions contained in your
Address . " The length of time which unavoidably elapsed previous to presenting the loyal Address of the Grand Lodge to Her Majesty at the levee , as likewise my continued indisposition , are the true causes for my not responding earlier to your congratulations , and which I hope you will receive as my excuse for an apparent , although unwilling , neglect on my partas nothing can afford me greater pleasure than to cherish and foster
, those brotherly and friendly feelings which the principles inculcated b y our Order , are calculated to implant in the breast of every true and worthy Brother . "May the Great Architect of the Universe protect all our labours and undertakings , and cement that good understanding , which ought to subsist amongst all the Members of the Craft , is the fervent praver of
" Your affectionate and grateful Brother , " Kensington Pa / ace , 18 th March , 1842 . " AUGUSTUS F . G . M . " Resolved unanimously , — " That the W- Brother CAMPHELL WRIGHT HOBSON , who , during the last two years , has zealously discharged the duties of the office of Grand Sword Bearer , do , in future , take his seat in the Grand Lodge as a Past Grand Sword Bearer , and wear Masonic clothing accordingly . " The Minutes of the Lodge of Benevolence were severall y read and