Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 15 of 25 →
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provinces of Lancashire and Shropshire were present . On tho removal of the cloth , the D . P . G . M . gave , " The Queen and the Craft . " A number of loyal and Masonic toasts followed . NEWCASTLE , June 29 . —AV . Lorraine , Esq ., D . P . G . M . for Northumberland and Berwick-upon-Tweed , assisted by the Provincial Grand Wardens , John C . Jobling and AV . Punshon , Esqrs ., and the other Grand Officers of the province , held a Provincial Grand Lodge at the
Ship Inn , St . Peters' Quay , for the purpose of consecrating , dedicating , and constituting a new Lodge , under the title of " St . Peter ' s Lodge , " No . 70 G . The meeting was numerously attended by Brethren from the several Lodges of this and the adjoining province . The beautiful and solemn ceremony of consecration was performed in a most impressive manner by the Provincial Grand Chaplain , the Rev . Robert Green , who alsoat the end of the ceremony , delivered an eloquent and appropriate
, address to the Brethren . After which the following Brethren were appointed and installed officers of the new Lodge for the ensuing year , viz . : AV . Dalziel , V / . M . ; Robert Ridley , S . W . ; Cuthbert Potts , J . AV . ; Charles H . Hoyle , Secretary ; J . Dove , Treasurer ; W . Pickering , S . D . ; Nicholas Allan , J . D . ; AV . Archbold , S . S . ; J . Carr , J . S . ; George Craig , J . G . ; William M . M'Clelland , Tyler . After the conclusion of the ceremoniesupwards of forty of the Brethren partook of an excellent
, dinner , provided by Bro . Carr . The evening was spent with that harmony and good feeling which always distinguish the meetings of the Craft . CUMBERLAND . —The Masters and Office-bearers of the Lodges in Cumberland attended a Provincial Grand Lodge at the Coffee-house ,
Carlisle , on Thursday , the 22 nd of September , and transacted the Masonic business of the province . The dinner was held at Bro . Gray ' s at three o ' clock . AVORCESTER , August 12 . —The Brethren of this Ancient Fraternity held their first Lodge at the new Freemasons' Hall , in the Bell Hotel , which has been prepared and fitted up for their reception in a very complete and elegant manner , and furnished with every accommodation necessary for the Craft . The number of members present was perhaps
never equalled , certainly not surpassed , by that of any previous Masonic gathering in this city ; in addition to which , the Lodge was honoured with the presence of some visiting Brethren conversant with the style and economy of some of the London and principal provincial Lodges , who declared , that they had never witnessed one , of which the furniture and appointments exhibited so much elegance and good taste , combined with a strict adherence to Masonic prescriptionor of which the
arrange-, ments were so complete and constitutionally correct in every point . Much praise is due to the Brethren who superintended the grateful labour of providing all these things , whether necessary for use , or calculated to please by " graceful outward show ; " and we must not omit to record the names of Bros . Burrow and Bennett , on whom the chief portion of this business devolved , as being entitled to the warmest thanks of the Brotherhood . The Lodwas opened with the usual
ge ceremonial observances about seven o ' clock , and two candidates were admited to a participation in the . secrets of the first degree of Masonic science . Shortly after nine , the Brethren were called from Lodge to refreshment , and sat down to the number of thirty . . The evening was passed in the greatest harmony and refined social pleasure ; a delightful interchange of true Fraternal feeling signalised the reunion , and the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
provinces of Lancashire and Shropshire were present . On tho removal of the cloth , the D . P . G . M . gave , " The Queen and the Craft . " A number of loyal and Masonic toasts followed . NEWCASTLE , June 29 . —AV . Lorraine , Esq ., D . P . G . M . for Northumberland and Berwick-upon-Tweed , assisted by the Provincial Grand Wardens , John C . Jobling and AV . Punshon , Esqrs ., and the other Grand Officers of the province , held a Provincial Grand Lodge at the
Ship Inn , St . Peters' Quay , for the purpose of consecrating , dedicating , and constituting a new Lodge , under the title of " St . Peter ' s Lodge , " No . 70 G . The meeting was numerously attended by Brethren from the several Lodges of this and the adjoining province . The beautiful and solemn ceremony of consecration was performed in a most impressive manner by the Provincial Grand Chaplain , the Rev . Robert Green , who alsoat the end of the ceremony , delivered an eloquent and appropriate
, address to the Brethren . After which the following Brethren were appointed and installed officers of the new Lodge for the ensuing year , viz . : AV . Dalziel , V / . M . ; Robert Ridley , S . W . ; Cuthbert Potts , J . AV . ; Charles H . Hoyle , Secretary ; J . Dove , Treasurer ; W . Pickering , S . D . ; Nicholas Allan , J . D . ; AV . Archbold , S . S . ; J . Carr , J . S . ; George Craig , J . G . ; William M . M'Clelland , Tyler . After the conclusion of the ceremoniesupwards of forty of the Brethren partook of an excellent
, dinner , provided by Bro . Carr . The evening was spent with that harmony and good feeling which always distinguish the meetings of the Craft . CUMBERLAND . —The Masters and Office-bearers of the Lodges in Cumberland attended a Provincial Grand Lodge at the Coffee-house ,
Carlisle , on Thursday , the 22 nd of September , and transacted the Masonic business of the province . The dinner was held at Bro . Gray ' s at three o ' clock . AVORCESTER , August 12 . —The Brethren of this Ancient Fraternity held their first Lodge at the new Freemasons' Hall , in the Bell Hotel , which has been prepared and fitted up for their reception in a very complete and elegant manner , and furnished with every accommodation necessary for the Craft . The number of members present was perhaps
never equalled , certainly not surpassed , by that of any previous Masonic gathering in this city ; in addition to which , the Lodge was honoured with the presence of some visiting Brethren conversant with the style and economy of some of the London and principal provincial Lodges , who declared , that they had never witnessed one , of which the furniture and appointments exhibited so much elegance and good taste , combined with a strict adherence to Masonic prescriptionor of which the
arrange-, ments were so complete and constitutionally correct in every point . Much praise is due to the Brethren who superintended the grateful labour of providing all these things , whether necessary for use , or calculated to please by " graceful outward show ; " and we must not omit to record the names of Bros . Burrow and Bennett , on whom the chief portion of this business devolved , as being entitled to the warmest thanks of the Brotherhood . The Lodwas opened with the usual
ge ceremonial observances about seven o ' clock , and two candidates were admited to a participation in the . secrets of the first degree of Masonic science . Shortly after nine , the Brethren were called from Lodge to refreshment , and sat down to the number of thirty . . The evening was passed in the greatest harmony and refined social pleasure ; a delightful interchange of true Fraternal feeling signalised the reunion , and the