Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 22 of 25 →
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and Masonic songs , and we may truly say that a happier meeting of Brethren could scarcely take place . PORTSMOUTH , July 4 . —The Provincial Grand Lodge of Hampshire met for the installation of Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , Bart ., C . H ., as Provincial Grand Master of that county . This important ceremony attracted a numerous body of the Brethren , and created the most stirring interest amongst the inhabitants .
At the early hour of nine o ' clock the Brethren congregated in the Assembly-room of the Crown Hotel , where the Provincial Grand Lodge was held , and which was attended by the R . W . Bro . Ramsbottom , Provincial G . M . for Berks ; the Rev . Hro . T . T . Haverfield , Chaplain to the Duke of Sussex ; V . W . Hro . White , Grand Secretarv , and Bro . Burckhardt , P . G . D . ; the R . W . Bro . Eliot , P . G . M ., and other officers of the P . G . Lodge of Dorset ; the R . AV . Bro . Francis , D . P . G . M ., and other
officers of the P . G . Lodge of Surrey ; officers of the P . G . Lodge of the Isle of Wight , and several distinguished Masons from other Lodges , besides the officers and members of the P . G . Lodge of Hampshire , and the various Lodges in the province .
Tlie R . AV . Bro . Ramsbottom presided , who opened the Lodge in due form by reading the warrant . The several Lodges were ranged under their respective banners , and the Lodge laid out in great splendour . Amongst the emblems displayed we noticed the very elegant banners of Sir Knights R . Lea Wilson , W . T . Smith , J . A . ( . hase , J . Vink , 11 . Dover , and D . W . Osbaldiston , the magnificence of which enhanced very considerably the grandeur of the scene . Nearly four hundred Brethren were present .
Sir 1 . ucius Curtis being presented to the R . W . President , was installed in ancient form , and the oath administered . SIR LUCIUS CURTIS having been duly and solemnly installed into the office of Provincial Grand Master of Hampshire , a deputation from the province , consisting of the V . W . Bro . Trew , P . G . Treasurer , and the AVorshipful Masters of the different Lodges , advanced to the pedestal , and Bro . Trewin a very neat addresspresented to the Provincial Grand
, , Master a very splendid collar and a solid gold jewel , as a testimonial of Masonic regard and esteem from the Freemasons of the province . The R . AV . Bro . RAMSBOTTOM then addressed the P . G . Master , and expressed how much the pleasure of his duty was enhanced , in investing him with so flattering a testimonial of regard from the Masons of the
province . Sir Lucius CURTIS returned thanks in a most feeling , kind , and Masonic address to the Brethren , especially thanking them for so splendid a testimonial , which 3 lso called for the liveliest expression of gratitude for the manner in which had it been offered .
The R . AV . Bro . AVILLIAM ELIOT , P . G , Master of Dorset , was then duly installed into the full dignity and privileges of that distinguished office , having kindly attended at Portsmouth , to prevent the Grand Officers being called so far as Weymouth , to proceed with his installation . These important ceremonies being concluded , the Lodges formed in procession , for the purpose of attending divine service at St . Thomas ' s church ; the route being through Penny-street , the Parade , High-street ,
and St . Thomas ' s-street . On arriving at the church , the procession opened right and left , and the Grand Lodge and other Lodges passed through the lines in reversed order , the I ' . G . Master entering first . The church was crowded in
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and Masonic songs , and we may truly say that a happier meeting of Brethren could scarcely take place . PORTSMOUTH , July 4 . —The Provincial Grand Lodge of Hampshire met for the installation of Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , Bart ., C . H ., as Provincial Grand Master of that county . This important ceremony attracted a numerous body of the Brethren , and created the most stirring interest amongst the inhabitants .
At the early hour of nine o ' clock the Brethren congregated in the Assembly-room of the Crown Hotel , where the Provincial Grand Lodge was held , and which was attended by the R . W . Bro . Ramsbottom , Provincial G . M . for Berks ; the Rev . Hro . T . T . Haverfield , Chaplain to the Duke of Sussex ; V . W . Hro . White , Grand Secretarv , and Bro . Burckhardt , P . G . D . ; the R . W . Bro . Eliot , P . G . M ., and other officers of the P . G . Lodge of Dorset ; the R . AV . Bro . Francis , D . P . G . M ., and other
officers of the P . G . Lodge of Surrey ; officers of the P . G . Lodge of the Isle of Wight , and several distinguished Masons from other Lodges , besides the officers and members of the P . G . Lodge of Hampshire , and the various Lodges in the province .
Tlie R . AV . Bro . Ramsbottom presided , who opened the Lodge in due form by reading the warrant . The several Lodges were ranged under their respective banners , and the Lodge laid out in great splendour . Amongst the emblems displayed we noticed the very elegant banners of Sir Knights R . Lea Wilson , W . T . Smith , J . A . ( . hase , J . Vink , 11 . Dover , and D . W . Osbaldiston , the magnificence of which enhanced very considerably the grandeur of the scene . Nearly four hundred Brethren were present .
Sir 1 . ucius Curtis being presented to the R . W . President , was installed in ancient form , and the oath administered . SIR LUCIUS CURTIS having been duly and solemnly installed into the office of Provincial Grand Master of Hampshire , a deputation from the province , consisting of the V . W . Bro . Trew , P . G . Treasurer , and the AVorshipful Masters of the different Lodges , advanced to the pedestal , and Bro . Trewin a very neat addresspresented to the Provincial Grand
, , Master a very splendid collar and a solid gold jewel , as a testimonial of Masonic regard and esteem from the Freemasons of the province . The R . AV . Bro . RAMSBOTTOM then addressed the P . G . Master , and expressed how much the pleasure of his duty was enhanced , in investing him with so flattering a testimonial of regard from the Masons of the
province . Sir Lucius CURTIS returned thanks in a most feeling , kind , and Masonic address to the Brethren , especially thanking them for so splendid a testimonial , which 3 lso called for the liveliest expression of gratitude for the manner in which had it been offered .
The R . AV . Bro . AVILLIAM ELIOT , P . G , Master of Dorset , was then duly installed into the full dignity and privileges of that distinguished office , having kindly attended at Portsmouth , to prevent the Grand Officers being called so far as Weymouth , to proceed with his installation . These important ceremonies being concluded , the Lodges formed in procession , for the purpose of attending divine service at St . Thomas ' s church ; the route being through Penny-street , the Parade , High-street ,
and St . Thomas ' s-street . On arriving at the church , the procession opened right and left , and the Grand Lodge and other Lodges passed through the lines in reversed order , the I ' . G . Master entering first . The church was crowded in