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Dick Lauder , Bart . ; John Maitland , Esq ., Grand Clerk ; AA . A . Laurie , Esq ., Grand Secretary ; together with twenty members of the Grand Lodge , and about one hundred Brothers of the Lodge , No . 1 . The hall was tastefully decorated for the occasion , and after the ceremony had been completed , and the illustrious candidate had been admitted as a Brother , the Brethren sat down to an elegant cold collation . The usual loyal toasts were drunk ; and the Master of the Lod in a speech
ge , replete with good feeling , proposed the health of the Grand Master , who in the course of his reply , complimented the office-bearers very highly for the efficient and dignified manner in which they had discharged their solemn and important duties , and said that it afforded a gratifying proof of the abiding nature of Freemasonry to find so ancient a Lodge so highly respected , and under such efficient management . The song of " Scotia ' s bonny Queen ' s come , " set to music by Bro . Peter M'Leod ,
was presented to the noble Brothers , together with a copy to the Queen , which Lord Adolphus said he would take an early opportunity of laying before her majesty . Altogether the meeting was remarkable for that delightful harmony of . feeling which is always to be found among the Fraternity ; and the whole scene must have made an impression on the minds , not only of the illustrious Brothers , but on all who witnessed it , which will not be easily effaced .
ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER , No . 1 . —Aug . IS . —A meeting was held , at which a considerable number attended ; the M . E . Z ., Alexander Deuchar on the throne . After the transaction of business , Bro . John Ferguson Cook , AV . M ., Union Lodge of Nassau , in the Bahama Islands , was exalted to the Royal Arch Degree .
EDINBURGH PRIORY , Aug . 18 . —Companion J . F . Cooke was installed a Masonic Knight Templar . THE LATE EDMUND KEAN . —It is not perhaps generally known that this celebrated actor was initiated in St . Mark ' s Lodged , Glasgow . The men of the " wet west" have usually been reputed as " given to hospitality , " and it may he supposed that on the reception among them of such a votary of the "jolly god , " their congratulatory libations would be neither few nor far between . It would be " an awfu' nict that ! " as Johnny Lees , an aged sutor said of the Bard of Coila ' s farewell-taking at Tarbolton .
GREENOCK —The members of St . John ' s Lodge , having heard of the arrival of Bro . Alexander Grant as passenger on board a vessel bound to the North , hastened to greet him . An Emergent meeting was convened for the 28 th July , which was attended by thirty members , who welcomed their distinguished guest with true Masonic hospitality .
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Dick Lauder , Bart . ; John Maitland , Esq ., Grand Clerk ; AA . A . Laurie , Esq ., Grand Secretary ; together with twenty members of the Grand Lodge , and about one hundred Brothers of the Lodge , No . 1 . The hall was tastefully decorated for the occasion , and after the ceremony had been completed , and the illustrious candidate had been admitted as a Brother , the Brethren sat down to an elegant cold collation . The usual loyal toasts were drunk ; and the Master of the Lod in a speech
ge , replete with good feeling , proposed the health of the Grand Master , who in the course of his reply , complimented the office-bearers very highly for the efficient and dignified manner in which they had discharged their solemn and important duties , and said that it afforded a gratifying proof of the abiding nature of Freemasonry to find so ancient a Lodge so highly respected , and under such efficient management . The song of " Scotia ' s bonny Queen ' s come , " set to music by Bro . Peter M'Leod ,
was presented to the noble Brothers , together with a copy to the Queen , which Lord Adolphus said he would take an early opportunity of laying before her majesty . Altogether the meeting was remarkable for that delightful harmony of . feeling which is always to be found among the Fraternity ; and the whole scene must have made an impression on the minds , not only of the illustrious Brothers , but on all who witnessed it , which will not be easily effaced .
ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER , No . 1 . —Aug . IS . —A meeting was held , at which a considerable number attended ; the M . E . Z ., Alexander Deuchar on the throne . After the transaction of business , Bro . John Ferguson Cook , AV . M ., Union Lodge of Nassau , in the Bahama Islands , was exalted to the Royal Arch Degree .
EDINBURGH PRIORY , Aug . 18 . —Companion J . F . Cooke was installed a Masonic Knight Templar . THE LATE EDMUND KEAN . —It is not perhaps generally known that this celebrated actor was initiated in St . Mark ' s Lodged , Glasgow . The men of the " wet west" have usually been reputed as " given to hospitality , " and it may he supposed that on the reception among them of such a votary of the "jolly god , " their congratulatory libations would be neither few nor far between . It would be " an awfu' nict that ! " as Johnny Lees , an aged sutor said of the Bard of Coila ' s farewell-taking at Tarbolton .
GREENOCK —The members of St . John ' s Lodge , having heard of the arrival of Bro . Alexander Grant as passenger on board a vessel bound to the North , hastened to greet him . An Emergent meeting was convened for the 28 th July , which was attended by thirty members , who welcomed their distinguished guest with true Masonic hospitality .
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