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NENAGII , Aug . 12 . —St . James ' s Lodge , No . 20 S , was visited by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Munster , Michael Furnell , Esq ., D . L . and high sheriff , County Limerick , who was accompanied by the D P . G . M ., and the Staff of Officers of the P . G . L . After opening the Lodge in due form , inspecting the books and minutely investigating all matters relative to the clue working of No . 208 , the P . G . M . was leased to express his entire approbationand in testimony
p , thereof , recorded a minute , and affixed his seal on the books of this young Lodge , scarcely twelve months in operation , after which , by permission , 20 S was opened in the first degree for initiation , and at seven o ' clock the Brethren were entertained at dinner , the AV . M . ( Dr . Dempster ) in the chair , when a very delightful evening was spent in tlie greatest harmony . There were many members of the Craft belonging to other Lodges who favoured the company by their presence .
CiiAiiLEviLLE , Aug . 20 . —The Right Worshipful -Provincial Grand Master , M . Furnell , visited Emerald Lodge , No . 49 , accompanied by the Brethren of Ashhill Towers , expressed much satisfaction at the zealous care the Emerald Lodge evinced in the very perfect preservation of their warrant and records , from the year 1736 to the present . The Right AVorshipful Master visits Lodge 60 , Ennis , to-morrow , at three , P . M ., and we are happy to congratulate the Order on the supreme Grand
Royal Arch Chapter having conferred on him the honourable appointment of Grand Inspector of Royal Arch Masonry for North Munster . CLARE , Aug . 21 , Lodge 60 . —This most ancient and respectable Lodge , now 107 years in existence , met to receive the deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of North Munster , headed by a gentleman to whom Masonry owes so much , Bro . Michael Furnell . On this grand occasion two most estimable Brethren were raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons , by the Provincial Grand Master , to whose superior merit and knowledge the arduous duty was willingly conceded .
No GO , though inactive , was never dormant , and though death , the cholera , and the various casualties to which human nature is subject , had so thinned its ranks , that some months ago there were scarcely a sufficient number of Brethren to open Lodge , yet , it has arisen like another Phcenix , and from the number and respectability of those who are crowding to its ranks , no doubt can be entertained of its attaining its . former celebrity , and when we consider that on its registry are numbered the first , the highest , and the best names of this country , and of many other localities , who were members , it will not be too much to presume that the addition to its numbers will comprise the worth , the intelligence , and the liberality of the country .
It is most truly gratifying to behold the great progress of this most invaluable institution ; the battle-field , the ocean , the land , attest its worth . The Brother is found and welcomed in the frozen regions of Denmark and Norway , in the sands of Egypt , in the burning climes of India and the Cape , in the vast America ; even in the bush of S ydney , everywhere and in every country where civilisation prevails , or even marks its first footsteps . Let it be recollected how often the uplifted sword has been stayed in the heat of action—how often the captive has
been liberated from the dungeon by the hand of a Brother . With Lodge 60 , the arduous duty of Provincial Grand Inspectorship concluded , and it will not be too much to say , that for knowledge , intelligence , and brotherly affection , the Provincial Grand Master cannot lie exceeded , perhaps equalled .
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NENAGII , Aug . 12 . —St . James ' s Lodge , No . 20 S , was visited by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Munster , Michael Furnell , Esq ., D . L . and high sheriff , County Limerick , who was accompanied by the D P . G . M ., and the Staff of Officers of the P . G . L . After opening the Lodge in due form , inspecting the books and minutely investigating all matters relative to the clue working of No . 208 , the P . G . M . was leased to express his entire approbationand in testimony
p , thereof , recorded a minute , and affixed his seal on the books of this young Lodge , scarcely twelve months in operation , after which , by permission , 20 S was opened in the first degree for initiation , and at seven o ' clock the Brethren were entertained at dinner , the AV . M . ( Dr . Dempster ) in the chair , when a very delightful evening was spent in tlie greatest harmony . There were many members of the Craft belonging to other Lodges who favoured the company by their presence .
CiiAiiLEviLLE , Aug . 20 . —The Right Worshipful -Provincial Grand Master , M . Furnell , visited Emerald Lodge , No . 49 , accompanied by the Brethren of Ashhill Towers , expressed much satisfaction at the zealous care the Emerald Lodge evinced in the very perfect preservation of their warrant and records , from the year 1736 to the present . The Right AVorshipful Master visits Lodge 60 , Ennis , to-morrow , at three , P . M ., and we are happy to congratulate the Order on the supreme Grand
Royal Arch Chapter having conferred on him the honourable appointment of Grand Inspector of Royal Arch Masonry for North Munster . CLARE , Aug . 21 , Lodge 60 . —This most ancient and respectable Lodge , now 107 years in existence , met to receive the deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of North Munster , headed by a gentleman to whom Masonry owes so much , Bro . Michael Furnell . On this grand occasion two most estimable Brethren were raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons , by the Provincial Grand Master , to whose superior merit and knowledge the arduous duty was willingly conceded .
No GO , though inactive , was never dormant , and though death , the cholera , and the various casualties to which human nature is subject , had so thinned its ranks , that some months ago there were scarcely a sufficient number of Brethren to open Lodge , yet , it has arisen like another Phcenix , and from the number and respectability of those who are crowding to its ranks , no doubt can be entertained of its attaining its . former celebrity , and when we consider that on its registry are numbered the first , the highest , and the best names of this country , and of many other localities , who were members , it will not be too much to presume that the addition to its numbers will comprise the worth , the intelligence , and the liberality of the country .
It is most truly gratifying to behold the great progress of this most invaluable institution ; the battle-field , the ocean , the land , attest its worth . The Brother is found and welcomed in the frozen regions of Denmark and Norway , in the sands of Egypt , in the burning climes of India and the Cape , in the vast America ; even in the bush of S ydney , everywhere and in every country where civilisation prevails , or even marks its first footsteps . Let it be recollected how often the uplifted sword has been stayed in the heat of action—how often the captive has
been liberated from the dungeon by the hand of a Brother . With Lodge 60 , the arduous duty of Provincial Grand Inspectorship concluded , and it will not be too much to say , that for knowledge , intelligence , and brotherly affection , the Provincial Grand Master cannot lie exceeded , perhaps equalled .