Article THE ROSICRUCIAN CRUSADE. ← Page 12 of 13 →
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The Rosicrucian Crusade.
Colonel Cairnes , on coming forward , was received with loud cheers . He went on to say that he felt very highly honoured by the position which he then occupied . They had called on him to lay the first stone of a monument to as brave a Freemason as ever lived—( loud cheers)—an honour which he would never forget — ( cheers ) . Scotland has reason to be proud of the heroes whom she has sent forth . She has given to the world her Mooreand the three brothers Napier . England well
, may be proud of her Nelson and her Howe ; but if these have reason to glory in their heroes , Ireland has reason to be proud of her illustrious names also . She has given a Wellington , who is , undoubtedly , the greatest man of the age —( cheers ) . Fie is the man who , after gaining immortal honours in the field , is now enlivening the councils of his sovereign by his advice—( loud cheers ) . He was proud to say that he then stood on the spot that had given birth to General Gillespie , and he
ivas proud to see so many friends around him , among whom he might mention Percy Boyd , Esq ., a nephew of the gallant general ; Major Houghton , and John Andrews , Esq . He was bappy to see a number of the gallant regiment present ( the Sth Hussars ) , which General Gillespie at one time commanded , and whose deeds , while under his command , as well recorded on the page of history , and will stand so long as military honour keeps its place in the world .- The gallant Colonel concluded amidst loud cheerin < r .
Percy Boyd , Esq ., Barrister-at-law , next addressed the assemblage in eloquent and appropriate terms . Major Houghton followed . The Rev . Jex Blake , and John Andrews , Esq ., joint treasurers to the fund , severally addressed the meeting , after which the ceremony of laying the foundation-stone was proceeded with . Colonel Cairnes having deposited a bottle , hermetically sealed , in the cavity of the stone , which contained the Belfast newspapers of the past weekthe Commercial Chronicle oi
, the day . Belfast Almanack for the present year , a parchment scroll , with the names of the subscribers , and the current coins of the realm , the stone was then lowered into its place , amidst great cheering from the Brethren . The ceremony was concluded by those assembled giving three hearty cheers for the Queen , the Marquis of Londonderry , ancl Colonel Cairnes .
LONDONDERRY-, Sept . 16 . —Hiram Lodge ( 93 ) . The officers of the Both depot are almost to a man , Masons , many were present in Lodge , and expressed themselves delighted with the work . The Rev . Or . Oliver and Dr . Crucefix were unanimously elected honorary members ; ancl it was also unanimously resolved that the compliment should be communicated to those eminent worthies in the name of the Lodge by the Worshipful Master , Brother A . Grant , which direction we need hardlobservehas been complied with ; these Masonic
y , expressions having lost nothing of their import by passing through Bro . Grant ' s medium . We only regret that time will not permit us to give the resolutions themselves—the letters of the Worshipful A'laster , nor the replies of the two Masons who have been thus honoured by their Irish Brethren . Address to Alexander Grant , Esq ., Master of Lodge 93 , and Past Grand Secretary of Bengal , § c . —The following address , signed by
the Junior Grancl Warden of Ireland , the Wardens , and members of Lodge 93 , was presented to Alexander Grant , Esq ., in open Lodge , iu this city , on Monday , the 24 th instant , ( St . John ' s Oay ) : — Worshipful Sir aud Brother , —We , the undersigned , members of
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The Rosicrucian Crusade.
Colonel Cairnes , on coming forward , was received with loud cheers . He went on to say that he felt very highly honoured by the position which he then occupied . They had called on him to lay the first stone of a monument to as brave a Freemason as ever lived—( loud cheers)—an honour which he would never forget — ( cheers ) . Scotland has reason to be proud of the heroes whom she has sent forth . She has given to the world her Mooreand the three brothers Napier . England well
, may be proud of her Nelson and her Howe ; but if these have reason to glory in their heroes , Ireland has reason to be proud of her illustrious names also . She has given a Wellington , who is , undoubtedly , the greatest man of the age —( cheers ) . Fie is the man who , after gaining immortal honours in the field , is now enlivening the councils of his sovereign by his advice—( loud cheers ) . He was proud to say that he then stood on the spot that had given birth to General Gillespie , and he
ivas proud to see so many friends around him , among whom he might mention Percy Boyd , Esq ., a nephew of the gallant general ; Major Houghton , and John Andrews , Esq . He was bappy to see a number of the gallant regiment present ( the Sth Hussars ) , which General Gillespie at one time commanded , and whose deeds , while under his command , as well recorded on the page of history , and will stand so long as military honour keeps its place in the world .- The gallant Colonel concluded amidst loud cheerin < r .
Percy Boyd , Esq ., Barrister-at-law , next addressed the assemblage in eloquent and appropriate terms . Major Houghton followed . The Rev . Jex Blake , and John Andrews , Esq ., joint treasurers to the fund , severally addressed the meeting , after which the ceremony of laying the foundation-stone was proceeded with . Colonel Cairnes having deposited a bottle , hermetically sealed , in the cavity of the stone , which contained the Belfast newspapers of the past weekthe Commercial Chronicle oi
, the day . Belfast Almanack for the present year , a parchment scroll , with the names of the subscribers , and the current coins of the realm , the stone was then lowered into its place , amidst great cheering from the Brethren . The ceremony was concluded by those assembled giving three hearty cheers for the Queen , the Marquis of Londonderry , ancl Colonel Cairnes .
LONDONDERRY-, Sept . 16 . —Hiram Lodge ( 93 ) . The officers of the Both depot are almost to a man , Masons , many were present in Lodge , and expressed themselves delighted with the work . The Rev . Or . Oliver and Dr . Crucefix were unanimously elected honorary members ; ancl it was also unanimously resolved that the compliment should be communicated to those eminent worthies in the name of the Lodge by the Worshipful Master , Brother A . Grant , which direction we need hardlobservehas been complied with ; these Masonic
y , expressions having lost nothing of their import by passing through Bro . Grant ' s medium . We only regret that time will not permit us to give the resolutions themselves—the letters of the Worshipful A'laster , nor the replies of the two Masons who have been thus honoured by their Irish Brethren . Address to Alexander Grant , Esq ., Master of Lodge 93 , and Past Grand Secretary of Bengal , § c . —The following address , signed by
the Junior Grancl Warden of Ireland , the Wardens , and members of Lodge 93 , was presented to Alexander Grant , Esq ., in open Lodge , iu this city , on Monday , the 24 th instant , ( St . John ' s Oay ) : — Worshipful Sir aud Brother , —We , the undersigned , members of