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The Rosicrucian Crusade.
Hiram Lodge , Londonderry , the Presidential Chair of which you have so honourably filled , deem it incumbent on us , on this occasion , to express our unqualified approbation , and sincere thanks , for the able and fraternal manner in which you have presided over us for the last twelve months , ancl also for the varied and valuable instruction you have on different occasions so willingly bestowed on us . To your activity , knowled ami zealthe Hiram Lodge owes its revival ; and we rejoice
ge , , in the hope , Worshipful Sir , and dear Brother , that , under your fostering auspices , it will exist for years to come , that at the termination of the century , when every eye in our assembly shall be closed in death , when every pulse shall have ceased to beat , ancl the green sod be laid over our mouldering remains , the members of that period may offer up a silent memento , to the honour of one whose talent , as a Mason , was only equalled by his virtue as a man , and whose perseverance ancl Masonic
tact had entitled him , while living , to the esteem of every worthy Mason . —With Christian and fraternal affection , we remain , Worshipful Sir , and dear Brother . ( Here follow the signatures . )
FRANCE , Paris . —A powerfully written article appeared in " the Globe , " upon the non-admission of Hebrews to the Masonic Lodges in Prussia , declaring Freemasonry to be more intolerant and unenlightened than any other society in Christendom ; and calling upon the Prussian Masons to reconcile such conduct with the assurance that religion ancl politics are the excluded ( subjects of conversation or ) objects of Masonry .
Bro . Morand , who had visited London by desire of the Grand Orient of France , to bring about a unity of purpose and correspondence with the Grancl Lodge of England , has made known , that , although received with much kindness and condescension by His late Royal Highness the Most Worshipful the late Grand Master , received , as a reply to his application , that the Grand Lodge of England would never enter into correspondence with any Grand Lodgethat entertained degrees , or
, granted them , beyond those of Master . —See Clavel ' s History of Freemasonry . As perhaps not much is known in England of the persecution in France , of those enlightened and highly talented Brethren , Ragon and Clavel , it will not be out of place , if we allude to it shortly here . Bro . Ragon has published a work , entitled " Cours Philisophique et Interpretatif des Imitations Anciennes et Modernes ; and Bro . Clavel , " The
Histoire Pittoresquedela Franc Maconnerie . " In consequence of the publicity given to these books , the respective authors were requested toattend before the Council of the Grand Orient , to explain and answer to a charge that had been brought against them . It will be necessary here to remind the readers , that the Lodge of Trinosophes notified to the Grand Orient , on the Sth of November , 1839 , that Bro . Ragon , who ivas a member of Grand Orient , had , at the meetings of their Lodge ,
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The Rosicrucian Crusade.
Hiram Lodge , Londonderry , the Presidential Chair of which you have so honourably filled , deem it incumbent on us , on this occasion , to express our unqualified approbation , and sincere thanks , for the able and fraternal manner in which you have presided over us for the last twelve months , ancl also for the varied and valuable instruction you have on different occasions so willingly bestowed on us . To your activity , knowled ami zealthe Hiram Lodge owes its revival ; and we rejoice
ge , , in the hope , Worshipful Sir , and dear Brother , that , under your fostering auspices , it will exist for years to come , that at the termination of the century , when every eye in our assembly shall be closed in death , when every pulse shall have ceased to beat , ancl the green sod be laid over our mouldering remains , the members of that period may offer up a silent memento , to the honour of one whose talent , as a Mason , was only equalled by his virtue as a man , and whose perseverance ancl Masonic
tact had entitled him , while living , to the esteem of every worthy Mason . —With Christian and fraternal affection , we remain , Worshipful Sir , and dear Brother . ( Here follow the signatures . )
FRANCE , Paris . —A powerfully written article appeared in " the Globe , " upon the non-admission of Hebrews to the Masonic Lodges in Prussia , declaring Freemasonry to be more intolerant and unenlightened than any other society in Christendom ; and calling upon the Prussian Masons to reconcile such conduct with the assurance that religion ancl politics are the excluded ( subjects of conversation or ) objects of Masonry .
Bro . Morand , who had visited London by desire of the Grand Orient of France , to bring about a unity of purpose and correspondence with the Grancl Lodge of England , has made known , that , although received with much kindness and condescension by His late Royal Highness the Most Worshipful the late Grand Master , received , as a reply to his application , that the Grand Lodge of England would never enter into correspondence with any Grand Lodgethat entertained degrees , or
, granted them , beyond those of Master . —See Clavel ' s History of Freemasonry . As perhaps not much is known in England of the persecution in France , of those enlightened and highly talented Brethren , Ragon and Clavel , it will not be out of place , if we allude to it shortly here . Bro . Ragon has published a work , entitled " Cours Philisophique et Interpretatif des Imitations Anciennes et Modernes ; and Bro . Clavel , " The
Histoire Pittoresquedela Franc Maconnerie . " In consequence of the publicity given to these books , the respective authors were requested toattend before the Council of the Grand Orient , to explain and answer to a charge that had been brought against them . It will be necessary here to remind the readers , that the Lodge of Trinosophes notified to the Grand Orient , on the Sth of November , 1839 , that Bro . Ragon , who ivas a member of Grand Orient , had , at the meetings of their Lodge ,