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The chair opposite to that of the Right AA ' orshipful Past Grand Master was filled by Right AA'orshipful Bro . Le Geypt ; Right AA ' orshipful Bro . AA'm . Crawford and Right AA ' orshipful Bro . Mullaly filled the chairs of Senior and Junior Grand AA ' ardens at either end of the line of tables .
Right AVorshipful Bro . Burnes discharged the duties ofthe chair with his usual ability and efficiency , and in the course of the evening delivered what has been since pronounced by competent judges to be his best speech—no mean praise , if we remember the celebrity attained by our gifted Past Grancl Master at Calcutta and elsewhere . Several other speeches followed , full of true Masonic feeling , amongst which we must not omit to notice very able addresses from Right AVorshipful Brothers Le Geypt and Mullaland a striking and appropriate speech from
y , AA ' orshipful Bro . Larkworthy , the Master of Lodge Perseverance . Right AVorshipful Bros . Harry Carr and Crawford made somemodest . observations on their healths being drunk , ancl Bro . Manockjee Cursetjee wound up the speeches oi the night with great point and fluency . The interest of the evening was greatly enhanced by the presence at Lodge , and afterwards at refreshment , of eight Native Brethren—Parsees and Mahomedans . Nothing could exceed the propriety of their
demeanour ; and their presence at the festive board was a novelty to their European brethren of the most agreeable nature . Nothing could better illustrate the beauties of the system than this Brotherly association of the most discordant elements—opposed to each other in religion , yet still harmonizing—taught to speak different languages from their youth , now holding converse together in the universal language of the Craft . The disciple of Zoroaster , the follower of the Prophet , and the Christian here met together as children of the same Father , bound indissolubly by
that unbroken and imperishable tie that unites the Brethren . Shortl y before twelve o ' clock each Brother betook himself to his own home , highly gratified at the progress Masonry is making in Bombay , under zealous and competent Masters . —Courier . Masonry and Misrepresentation . —AA'e are proud to say that the press of India , " licentious" though it be , so far as our experience carries us has never merited the imputation of lending itself to wilful and malignant misrepresentation . This remark applies to the European
press exclusively ; how far a portion of the native press of the country is entitled to respect may be gathered from the following gross and wilful perversion of facts by the Bombay Chabook newspaper . In our issue following the festival of St . John we gave a short description of the meeting of the Masonic Brethren on the 24 th of June . AVe made allusion to the appearance of Native Brethren . AVith reference to the above quoted remarks , the Bombay Chabook of
the 29 th ult . ( as appears in the Gentleman ' s Gazette of the 6 th inst . ) contained an article which we print , and to which we would invite attention , observing that the writer in the Chabook , whoever he maybe , had neither the courage nor candour to translate the article from the Courier , but meanly and contemptibly imposes upon his readers what he terms " an abstract" of that article , but which , as will sufficiently appear , is a wilful perversion of truth and fact from the beginning to the end .
Translation from the Chabook . — "In our last publication we made an allusion to the Parsee Freemasons . Since then the notice of the celebration of St . John ' s day at the Masonic House , Mazagon , has been published in last Friday ' s Courier , an abstract of which we publish below
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The chair opposite to that of the Right AA ' orshipful Past Grand Master was filled by Right AA'orshipful Bro . Le Geypt ; Right AA ' orshipful Bro . AA'm . Crawford and Right AA ' orshipful Bro . Mullaly filled the chairs of Senior and Junior Grand AA ' ardens at either end of the line of tables .
Right AVorshipful Bro . Burnes discharged the duties ofthe chair with his usual ability and efficiency , and in the course of the evening delivered what has been since pronounced by competent judges to be his best speech—no mean praise , if we remember the celebrity attained by our gifted Past Grancl Master at Calcutta and elsewhere . Several other speeches followed , full of true Masonic feeling , amongst which we must not omit to notice very able addresses from Right AVorshipful Brothers Le Geypt and Mullaland a striking and appropriate speech from
y , AA ' orshipful Bro . Larkworthy , the Master of Lodge Perseverance . Right AVorshipful Bros . Harry Carr and Crawford made somemodest . observations on their healths being drunk , ancl Bro . Manockjee Cursetjee wound up the speeches oi the night with great point and fluency . The interest of the evening was greatly enhanced by the presence at Lodge , and afterwards at refreshment , of eight Native Brethren—Parsees and Mahomedans . Nothing could exceed the propriety of their
demeanour ; and their presence at the festive board was a novelty to their European brethren of the most agreeable nature . Nothing could better illustrate the beauties of the system than this Brotherly association of the most discordant elements—opposed to each other in religion , yet still harmonizing—taught to speak different languages from their youth , now holding converse together in the universal language of the Craft . The disciple of Zoroaster , the follower of the Prophet , and the Christian here met together as children of the same Father , bound indissolubly by
that unbroken and imperishable tie that unites the Brethren . Shortl y before twelve o ' clock each Brother betook himself to his own home , highly gratified at the progress Masonry is making in Bombay , under zealous and competent Masters . —Courier . Masonry and Misrepresentation . —AA'e are proud to say that the press of India , " licentious" though it be , so far as our experience carries us has never merited the imputation of lending itself to wilful and malignant misrepresentation . This remark applies to the European
press exclusively ; how far a portion of the native press of the country is entitled to respect may be gathered from the following gross and wilful perversion of facts by the Bombay Chabook newspaper . In our issue following the festival of St . John we gave a short description of the meeting of the Masonic Brethren on the 24 th of June . AVe made allusion to the appearance of Native Brethren . AVith reference to the above quoted remarks , the Bombay Chabook of
the 29 th ult . ( as appears in the Gentleman ' s Gazette of the 6 th inst . ) contained an article which we print , and to which we would invite attention , observing that the writer in the Chabook , whoever he maybe , had neither the courage nor candour to translate the article from the Courier , but meanly and contemptibly imposes upon his readers what he terms " an abstract" of that article , but which , as will sufficiently appear , is a wilful perversion of truth and fact from the beginning to the end .
Translation from the Chabook . — "In our last publication we made an allusion to the Parsee Freemasons . Since then the notice of the celebration of St . John ' s day at the Masonic House , Mazagon , has been published in last Friday ' s Courier , an abstract of which we publish below