Article FREEMASONRY. W » EVAN S, ¦¦ • MASONIC JE... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY. , .. . /z , , ,. \ #3? " BY... Page 1 of 1
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Freemasonry. W » Evan S, ¦¦ • Masonic Je...
FREEMASONRY . W » EVAN S , ¦¦ MASONIC JEWELLER AND CLOTHING MANUFACTURER , No . G , GREAT NEWPORT STKEET , LONG Acme , Four Doors from St . Martin ' s Lane , Londonremoved from No . 28 New Street
, , Covent Garden . I 5 ROTHER WILLIAM EVANS begs leave most respectfully to return his sincere rM . thanks to his Friends , and the Masonic Craft in . general , forall past favours , and to inform them that he has removed his business to No . 6 , Great Newport Street , Long Acre , ( four , doors from St . . Martin ' s Larie ) , where his endeavours will continue to lie exerted to merit their patronage and support , ' i ' The Brethren may rely on being supplied with articles of the best quality , and on ,
the same reasonable terms as heretofore . Furniture , & c . for Craft , Royal Arch , and the other Degrees , made to order , oh the shortest possible notice . Brother WILLIAM EVANS requests , as a particular favour , ( his means being very limited ) , that all orders for goods may be accompanied by an order for payment , id London ; and his friends may rest assured of tbe utmost possible expedition , as well ; as carein the perfect execution of the same .
, All letters requiring information respecting any business in the Masonic line , will be punctually answered , and prices stated . yy-. y N . B . The Medal of his late Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , M . W . G . Master , is now complete , and can be obtained of Brother Evans , who will forward them , free of expense , to any part of the United Kingdom , on receipt of a post-office order , at the following prices : Bronze . . 10 * . Gd . Silver . . 21 s . Qd .
Freemasonry. , .. . /Z , , ,. \ #3? " By...
FREEMASONRY . , .. . , , ,. \ # 3 ? " BY ORDER . " ' .: ' ¦ . y ' yy ; ' y'y \ " ' . yy ; y y " In the advertisement sheets of the last number of the Freemasons' Quarterly Review , a notification appeared , stating that the proposal for arbitration , which had ; been suggested by the Grand Chapter to his Grace the Duke of Leinster , for . tlie J purpose of ,. putting Jan end to the existing differences between that body ami the conclave ' styling"itself the SUPRILME Grand Council of Rites for IrelandHAD NOT BEEN ACCEDED TO .
, The notification further announced , that the rejection of these proposals by the Council of Rites , to whom they hadbeen referred by the Duke of . Leinster , was indirect opposition to the wishes of his Grace , Grand Master of tlie Freemasons of 'Ireland : ' "' These statements remain' lincoritfadicted- 'M parf . i ! The Council of Rites haye refused ; and : still refiise ^ td ' submit theirclaims ' -to'investigation , while the Grand Chapter courts' ^ he most scrutinizing enquiry . A ¦ . . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦& r , y . ., ¦ _ ¦ : . * Under these circumstances ^'' it . becomes necessary to impress 1 upbn all regular Prince
Masons , that the sole origiri ! ahd' title ofj the'Council of Rites is derived from Emmanuel Zimmerman , who , iri the year I ' SO ' O'iHras expelled from'the Grand Chapter , . for a ^ wilful violation of his obligation . ..-, ( im- 'Ii .. . ¦ . ¦ -. ¦ . . ,,. - \ i . The Council of Rites are utterl y jutiable torefute , thi . sdeelaration , and / haye . refusetl to venture into any discussion of -the pointier / to : join , withJ ; the . Grand ; C , bapter 4 . 1 * a mutual investigation of their respective claims ; thoughytheiArbitr , aipr . ; propose 4 was . the Yenerable Walter Mant , Archdeacon of Down and Connor ^ l'roy . G . M . of Masons in Carey and Dunluce , a Prince Mason of English initiationand who ' previousto tl oposedefer 1 " cncehad been
, , . ^ pr . r , , ' elected an Honorary , Member of the very ' Cha ' pler . vylnchIm'd-ljeen so ' under the' auspices , and by the pretended auth ' ority of Zi ' mm ' era ^ nV . ; - ' -iW ' {^' - | Satrte periodical ( the Freemasons' Quarterly Review for last June ) these 'liberal proposals are inserted , page 235-237 , together with the comments of theEditor ;; highly approving of their liberality , and recommending their adoption . ¦ '* ¦ ¦¦ . ; - < ¦ ¦¦ ..-ii . r - y , yyy , . y ,. i , ;;> , / , • ¦ - , ¦ , ¦ . All Prince Masons are hereb y advised of the above'unquestionable facts' ^ notione , of ¦ which can be contradicted .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry. W » Evan S, ¦¦ • Masonic Je...
FREEMASONRY . W » EVAN S , ¦¦ MASONIC JEWELLER AND CLOTHING MANUFACTURER , No . G , GREAT NEWPORT STKEET , LONG Acme , Four Doors from St . Martin ' s Lane , Londonremoved from No . 28 New Street
, , Covent Garden . I 5 ROTHER WILLIAM EVANS begs leave most respectfully to return his sincere rM . thanks to his Friends , and the Masonic Craft in . general , forall past favours , and to inform them that he has removed his business to No . 6 , Great Newport Street , Long Acre , ( four , doors from St . . Martin ' s Larie ) , where his endeavours will continue to lie exerted to merit their patronage and support , ' i ' The Brethren may rely on being supplied with articles of the best quality , and on ,
the same reasonable terms as heretofore . Furniture , & c . for Craft , Royal Arch , and the other Degrees , made to order , oh the shortest possible notice . Brother WILLIAM EVANS requests , as a particular favour , ( his means being very limited ) , that all orders for goods may be accompanied by an order for payment , id London ; and his friends may rest assured of tbe utmost possible expedition , as well ; as carein the perfect execution of the same .
, All letters requiring information respecting any business in the Masonic line , will be punctually answered , and prices stated . yy-. y N . B . The Medal of his late Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , M . W . G . Master , is now complete , and can be obtained of Brother Evans , who will forward them , free of expense , to any part of the United Kingdom , on receipt of a post-office order , at the following prices : Bronze . . 10 * . Gd . Silver . . 21 s . Qd .
Freemasonry. , .. . /Z , , ,. \ #3? " By...
FREEMASONRY . , .. . , , ,. \ # 3 ? " BY ORDER . " ' .: ' ¦ . y ' yy ; ' y'y \ " ' . yy ; y y " In the advertisement sheets of the last number of the Freemasons' Quarterly Review , a notification appeared , stating that the proposal for arbitration , which had ; been suggested by the Grand Chapter to his Grace the Duke of Leinster , for . tlie J purpose of ,. putting Jan end to the existing differences between that body ami the conclave ' styling"itself the SUPRILME Grand Council of Rites for IrelandHAD NOT BEEN ACCEDED TO .
, The notification further announced , that the rejection of these proposals by the Council of Rites , to whom they hadbeen referred by the Duke of . Leinster , was indirect opposition to the wishes of his Grace , Grand Master of tlie Freemasons of 'Ireland : ' "' These statements remain' lincoritfadicted- 'M parf . i ! The Council of Rites haye refused ; and : still refiise ^ td ' submit theirclaims ' -to'investigation , while the Grand Chapter courts' ^ he most scrutinizing enquiry . A ¦ . . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦& r , y . ., ¦ _ ¦ : . * Under these circumstances ^'' it . becomes necessary to impress 1 upbn all regular Prince
Masons , that the sole origiri ! ahd' title ofj the'Council of Rites is derived from Emmanuel Zimmerman , who , iri the year I ' SO ' O'iHras expelled from'the Grand Chapter , . for a ^ wilful violation of his obligation . ..-, ( im- 'Ii .. . ¦ . ¦ -. ¦ . . ,,. - \ i . The Council of Rites are utterl y jutiable torefute , thi . sdeelaration , and / haye . refusetl to venture into any discussion of -the pointier / to : join , withJ ; the . Grand ; C , bapter 4 . 1 * a mutual investigation of their respective claims ; thoughytheiArbitr , aipr . ; propose 4 was . the Yenerable Walter Mant , Archdeacon of Down and Connor ^ l'roy . G . M . of Masons in Carey and Dunluce , a Prince Mason of English initiationand who ' previousto tl oposedefer 1 " cncehad been
, , . ^ pr . r , , ' elected an Honorary , Member of the very ' Cha ' pler . vylnchIm'd-ljeen so ' under the' auspices , and by the pretended auth ' ority of Zi ' mm ' era ^ nV . ; - ' -iW ' {^' - | Satrte periodical ( the Freemasons' Quarterly Review for last June ) these 'liberal proposals are inserted , page 235-237 , together with the comments of theEditor ;; highly approving of their liberality , and recommending their adoption . ¦ '* ¦ ¦¦ . ; - < ¦ ¦¦ ..-ii . r - y , yyy , . y ,. i , ;;> , / , • ¦ - , ¦ , ¦ . All Prince Masons are hereb y advised of the above'unquestionable facts' ^ notione , of ¦ which can be contradicted .