Article FIFTY POUNDS REWARD. HPHE hard substance... Page 1 of 1 Article TpLEGANCE and economy for the Table. WAT... Page 1 of 1
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Fifty Pounds Reward. Hphe Hard Substance...
FIFTY POUNDS REWARD . HPHE hard substance obtained by pressure from the Crude Cocoa-Nut Oil , is an essential x ingredient in the PATENT COMPOSITE CANDLES ; and , as EDWARD PRICE & Co ., hold the Patents for this process , and grant no licences under them it follows , either , that the imitation Composite Candles are entirely different from the Patent ones , or , that the imitators are infringing the Patents : the first is generall y the
case , but to protect themselves against the possibility of the other , EDWARD PRICE & Co ., hereby engage to pay a reward of Fifty Pounds , to any workman or other person who may give such information respecting parties pressing Cocoa-Nut Oil , as shall lead ' to their conviction . The name of the informant will be kept strictly secret , and he need not take a prominent part in the proceedings , as all that E . P . & Co . require , is the first clue to the discovery of the infringers , ivhich they will then follow up for themselves . This ' advertisement is being published in every newspaper of any circulation in the
United Kingdom . The Candles are now so well-known to the Public , that it is hardly necessary to state here that they burn more brilliantly than the best wax , and give so large an amount of light , as to be cheaper , taking this into account , than the commonest Tallow Candles . They may be had of most of the respectable Dealers , throughout the kingdom ; but purchasers must insist on being supplied with " PRICE'S PATENT CANDLES , " otherwise they are liable to be deceived with some of the imitationsall calledlike the
, , real ones , ' " Composite . " Those parties , really in the trade , who do not yet keep them for sale , are informed that they can purchase , of the Patentees , or of Palmer & Co . Sutton-street , Clerkenwell , any quantity , large or small , at the Wholesale price ; and that allowances are made in an increasing ratio , to parties taking to the amount of £ 50 , £ 100 £ 150 , or £ 200 , at a time ; and a very large allowance indeed to parties taking so large a quantity as to enable them . to become wholesale agents for an entire district . Belmont , Vauxhall , July 24 th , 1844 .
Tplegance And Economy For The Table. Wat...
TpLEGANCE and economy for the Table . WATSON ' s ALBATA PLATE , & c . - * - C ., WA * TSP * N" has just published his ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE and PRICE CURRENT " of every Article ' in Furnishing Hardware , with all the Newest Drawings of his Albata Plate . To Families and New-married Couples , and indeed , to all who study economy , combined with usefulness and elegance , the possession of this Book will prove invaluable and is sent to all parts of the Kingdom Gratis , and Post Free , on application at his Warehouses , 41 and 42 , BARBICAN , or 16 , NORTON FOLGATE .
¦ SILVER SUPERSEDED , and those corrosive and injurious Metals , called Nickel and T- ' German Silver ,, supplanted by the introduction of a new , and perfectly matchless ALBATA PLATE ; " C . WATSON , 41 and 42 , BARBIOAN , : and 16 , NORTON FOLGATE , aided by a Person of Science in the amalgamation-of Metals , yhas succeeded in bringin ° - to Public Notice the most beautiful Article ever yet offered ; possessing all the richnest of SHver in appearance , ^ withall i itsdurahility and hardness—with its perfect sweetness , in use , undergoing , . as it does , a Chemical Process ; -by which , all that is nauseous in
mixed Metals is entirely extracted—resisting all Acids—may be cleaned as-Silver , and is manufactured into every . Article for the Table and Sideboard : — Table Spoons and Forks ^ Fiddle . ' ... 16 s . 6 d . doz . Thdd . 30 s . King ' s 35 s . Dessert Ditto Ditto ,.. ........ , 12 s . 6 d . — Do . 25 s . Do . 28 s . Tea Spoons ............... . ' . ' 5 s . 6 d . — Dp . 12 s . 6 d . Do . 13 s . 6 d . Sugar Tongs Is . 3 d . — Do . 3 s . Do . 3 s 6 d
. . C . WATSON begs the Public will understand that this Metal is peculiarly his own , and that Silver is not more different from Gold , than his Metal is from all others—on its intrinsic merit alone he wishes to he tested , and from , the daily increasing eulogiums he receives , he is convinced that nothing can prevent its becoming an article of universal wear . C . WATSON ' handsomely ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE aud PRICE CURRENT is just published , and Families who regard economy and elegance , should possess themselves of this useful Book , which may be had Gratis , and Post Free from the above Address .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Fifty Pounds Reward. Hphe Hard Substance...
FIFTY POUNDS REWARD . HPHE hard substance obtained by pressure from the Crude Cocoa-Nut Oil , is an essential x ingredient in the PATENT COMPOSITE CANDLES ; and , as EDWARD PRICE & Co ., hold the Patents for this process , and grant no licences under them it follows , either , that the imitation Composite Candles are entirely different from the Patent ones , or , that the imitators are infringing the Patents : the first is generall y the
case , but to protect themselves against the possibility of the other , EDWARD PRICE & Co ., hereby engage to pay a reward of Fifty Pounds , to any workman or other person who may give such information respecting parties pressing Cocoa-Nut Oil , as shall lead ' to their conviction . The name of the informant will be kept strictly secret , and he need not take a prominent part in the proceedings , as all that E . P . & Co . require , is the first clue to the discovery of the infringers , ivhich they will then follow up for themselves . This ' advertisement is being published in every newspaper of any circulation in the
United Kingdom . The Candles are now so well-known to the Public , that it is hardly necessary to state here that they burn more brilliantly than the best wax , and give so large an amount of light , as to be cheaper , taking this into account , than the commonest Tallow Candles . They may be had of most of the respectable Dealers , throughout the kingdom ; but purchasers must insist on being supplied with " PRICE'S PATENT CANDLES , " otherwise they are liable to be deceived with some of the imitationsall calledlike the
, , real ones , ' " Composite . " Those parties , really in the trade , who do not yet keep them for sale , are informed that they can purchase , of the Patentees , or of Palmer & Co . Sutton-street , Clerkenwell , any quantity , large or small , at the Wholesale price ; and that allowances are made in an increasing ratio , to parties taking to the amount of £ 50 , £ 100 £ 150 , or £ 200 , at a time ; and a very large allowance indeed to parties taking so large a quantity as to enable them . to become wholesale agents for an entire district . Belmont , Vauxhall , July 24 th , 1844 .
Tplegance And Economy For The Table. Wat...
TpLEGANCE and economy for the Table . WATSON ' s ALBATA PLATE , & c . - * - C ., WA * TSP * N" has just published his ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE and PRICE CURRENT " of every Article ' in Furnishing Hardware , with all the Newest Drawings of his Albata Plate . To Families and New-married Couples , and indeed , to all who study economy , combined with usefulness and elegance , the possession of this Book will prove invaluable and is sent to all parts of the Kingdom Gratis , and Post Free , on application at his Warehouses , 41 and 42 , BARBICAN , or 16 , NORTON FOLGATE .
¦ SILVER SUPERSEDED , and those corrosive and injurious Metals , called Nickel and T- ' German Silver ,, supplanted by the introduction of a new , and perfectly matchless ALBATA PLATE ; " C . WATSON , 41 and 42 , BARBIOAN , : and 16 , NORTON FOLGATE , aided by a Person of Science in the amalgamation-of Metals , yhas succeeded in bringin ° - to Public Notice the most beautiful Article ever yet offered ; possessing all the richnest of SHver in appearance , ^ withall i itsdurahility and hardness—with its perfect sweetness , in use , undergoing , . as it does , a Chemical Process ; -by which , all that is nauseous in
mixed Metals is entirely extracted—resisting all Acids—may be cleaned as-Silver , and is manufactured into every . Article for the Table and Sideboard : — Table Spoons and Forks ^ Fiddle . ' ... 16 s . 6 d . doz . Thdd . 30 s . King ' s 35 s . Dessert Ditto Ditto ,.. ........ , 12 s . 6 d . — Do . 25 s . Do . 28 s . Tea Spoons ............... . ' . ' 5 s . 6 d . — Dp . 12 s . 6 d . Do . 13 s . 6 d . Sugar Tongs Is . 3 d . — Do . 3 s . Do . 3 s 6 d
. . C . WATSON begs the Public will understand that this Metal is peculiarly his own , and that Silver is not more different from Gold , than his Metal is from all others—on its intrinsic merit alone he wishes to he tested , and from , the daily increasing eulogiums he receives , he is convinced that nothing can prevent its becoming an article of universal wear . C . WATSON ' handsomely ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE aud PRICE CURRENT is just published , and Families who regard economy and elegance , should possess themselves of this useful Book , which may be had Gratis , and Post Free from the above Address .