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The Masonic Province Of Sumatra.
as the district Provincial Grand Mastership of Sumatra ; indeed , he frequently expressed himself rather sharply on the subject when he discovered the error into ivhich he had fallen , ancl , at one time , seriously entertained the intention of giving notice to alter the law altogether , and place the P . G . M . ' s next in rank to the Grand Wardens ; on this principle , that when in the proper sphere in their respective provinces , they were the presiding officers ; but that when in Grand Lod they were
ge , only the representatives of such provinces . I was but a Tyro at the time , and Bro . Meyrick ' s arguments struck my attention ; he afterwards agreed to take no further notice of the matter , and except some occasional disputations , more animated than congenial , reminded him of the "first cause , " he bore his disappointment pretty well . Bro . Meyrick was really a worthy Mason , was Grand Registrar from the Union to his deatha period exceeding twenty yearsduring which he annuallpaid
, , y his fees of honour . As you have amused your readers by breaking a fly on the wheel , I may , perhaps , be pardoned for endeavouring to put the little matter straight . July 24 , 1844 . * FIDUS .
To The Grand Lodge Of Ireland.—No. Ii.
" If there's a hole in a' your coats , I rede ye tent it ; A chief ' s amang you takin > notes . An' faith he'll prent it . "—BUIINS . " And now , yo generation of , who raise yourselves up , as if it were , brazen serpents , to hiss witii your tongues , and to smite witli your slings , bow yourselves down to your native dust , and acknowledge that yours have heen the thoughts of ignorance , and the words of vain-foolishness . Lo ! ye are cauglit in your own snare , and your own pit hath yawned for you . Turn then aside from the task that is too heavy for yuu ; destroy not your teeth by gnawing against a flic ; waste not your strength by spurring against a castle wall . "—SCOTT .
MAY IT PLEASE You . —The above quotations contain sharp words , my Masters—words culled from the thoughts and imaginings of two Masonic worthies , who , although their souls have long since winged their flight to the Grand Lodge above , their spirits have at length awakened a tardy gratitude , ancl the passing twelve months record " repentant " homage to the memory of the Highland Poet and the Great Wizard of the North . I do not desire it to be understood that this impress of their
words applies to all of you , but they do to many , and if you are ignorant , as " oi polloi , " that your " posse comitatus" is somewhat out at elbows , it may be well to be reminded , that the industry of " oi polloi" should bestir itself to mend the holes in the coats oi the " posse comitatus , " or the proofs of ignorance or vain-foolishness will become apparent to others , as well as to the chiel that ' s amang you . —Awake—be warned in time . What , as a Grand Lodge , have you done for the advancement of Masonic science ? shall we find any proofs of service among the records of your quondam hall in Dawson-street , or at Ingle ' s tavern in D'Olier-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Province Of Sumatra.
as the district Provincial Grand Mastership of Sumatra ; indeed , he frequently expressed himself rather sharply on the subject when he discovered the error into ivhich he had fallen , ancl , at one time , seriously entertained the intention of giving notice to alter the law altogether , and place the P . G . M . ' s next in rank to the Grand Wardens ; on this principle , that when in the proper sphere in their respective provinces , they were the presiding officers ; but that when in Grand Lod they were
ge , only the representatives of such provinces . I was but a Tyro at the time , and Bro . Meyrick ' s arguments struck my attention ; he afterwards agreed to take no further notice of the matter , and except some occasional disputations , more animated than congenial , reminded him of the "first cause , " he bore his disappointment pretty well . Bro . Meyrick was really a worthy Mason , was Grand Registrar from the Union to his deatha period exceeding twenty yearsduring which he annuallpaid
, , y his fees of honour . As you have amused your readers by breaking a fly on the wheel , I may , perhaps , be pardoned for endeavouring to put the little matter straight . July 24 , 1844 . * FIDUS .
To The Grand Lodge Of Ireland.—No. Ii.
" If there's a hole in a' your coats , I rede ye tent it ; A chief ' s amang you takin > notes . An' faith he'll prent it . "—BUIINS . " And now , yo generation of , who raise yourselves up , as if it were , brazen serpents , to hiss witii your tongues , and to smite witli your slings , bow yourselves down to your native dust , and acknowledge that yours have heen the thoughts of ignorance , and the words of vain-foolishness . Lo ! ye are cauglit in your own snare , and your own pit hath yawned for you . Turn then aside from the task that is too heavy for yuu ; destroy not your teeth by gnawing against a flic ; waste not your strength by spurring against a castle wall . "—SCOTT .
MAY IT PLEASE You . —The above quotations contain sharp words , my Masters—words culled from the thoughts and imaginings of two Masonic worthies , who , although their souls have long since winged their flight to the Grand Lodge above , their spirits have at length awakened a tardy gratitude , ancl the passing twelve months record " repentant " homage to the memory of the Highland Poet and the Great Wizard of the North . I do not desire it to be understood that this impress of their
words applies to all of you , but they do to many , and if you are ignorant , as " oi polloi , " that your " posse comitatus" is somewhat out at elbows , it may be well to be reminded , that the industry of " oi polloi" should bestir itself to mend the holes in the coats oi the " posse comitatus , " or the proofs of ignorance or vain-foolishness will become apparent to others , as well as to the chiel that ' s amang you . —Awake—be warned in time . What , as a Grand Lodge , have you done for the advancement of Masonic science ? shall we find any proofs of service among the records of your quondam hall in Dawson-street , or at Ingle ' s tavern in D'Olier-