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IIANDSIVOR-III . —THE ST . JAMES ' LODGE 707 , July 29 . —About twenty-five " good men and true , " from Birmingham , AVolverhampton , Shrewsbury , London , & c ., honoured the Lodge with their presence . The Board of installed Masters having bscn formed , consisting of Bros . AVilliam Lloyd ( the installing ancl retiring Master ) , AVm . Broomhead ; J . Taylor , of the Grancl Master ' s Lodge No . 1 ; S . AVood , AV . M . ofthe Salopian Lodge No . 328 ; Dr . Bell FletcherW . M . ofthe
, Lodge of Light 089 ; and Perkins , AV , M . of the Faithful Lodge , No . 696 . The new Master , Bro . Broomhead , was regularly installed ,-saluted , and proclaimed , according to ancient custom . 'The following are the officers appointed for the ensuing year—viz ., AV . Taylor , S . AV . ; Dee ( Royal Hotel , Birmingham ) ,. ! . W . ; AVestley , Treasurer ; J . M . G . Underbill , Secretary ; ' J . L . ' Brierley , S . D . ; Russell ( Wcdnesbury ) J . D . ; Lowe and WoodwardDirectors of Ceremonies ;
, , and Buckle , I . G . The Lodge having been called from labour to refreshment , the Brethren ruralised tor a short time upon the splendid bowling-green adjoining the banquet-room . From this green is seen certainly one of the most extensive ancl picturesque views in England , comprising Bar Beacon , the newly erected Roman Catholic College at Oscot ; that ancient mansion , Aston Hall , where Charles I . was
entertained for two nights shortly previous to the battle of Edge Hill , now the residence of James A Vatt , Esq . ; the far-famed Soho , and the town of Birmingham ; while to the right the beautiful villas at Eclgbaston , and in the distance Bromsgrove , Lickey , & c , present themselves to view . Dinner having been announced , the W . Master took the chair , ancL evinced throughout the evening his usual tact , ability , ancl courteous demeanour . He was supported on the right by Bros . Sam . AVood , and "
G . Jones , of the Salopian Lodge ; and on theleft by Bros . Lloyd and Dr . Bell Fletcher . Bro . Tayler officiated in the west , and Bro . Dee in the south guided the social spirit around him , and promoted the happiness of the meeting by his " riyhte merrie" powers . The cloth having been removed , the usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts were given from the chair . Dr . Oliver ' s celebrated Lincolnshire fire was introduced with the mention of his name . The admirable and scientific singing of
Bros . Baker , Dee , & c . elicited a commensurate share of applause . Towartls the close of the evening ive were much pleased with a sight of Bro . Lloyd ' s splendid silver Hebe cup ( presented to him b y the members of the Lodge of Light 689 , Birmingham ) wending its way between East and West , teeming ivith some of Mr . Crockett ' s primest claret . The Brethren separated at an early hour , highly delighted with the day ' s proceedings , and with cordial good wishes for the next happy meeting .
AVOLVERHAMPTON . —A Grand Lodge for the province of Staffordshire will be held at the Assembly Rooms on the 26 th of September , at which the P . G . M . Colonel the lion . G . Anson intends to preside . The Grand Lodge will be opened at one , and the banquet will take place at four o ' clock . It is expected to be a GALA day ; but we much regret that our time of publication will scarcely permit the hope of giving any particulars .
LOGNOR , June 24 . —The Brethren of 143 met to celebrate the anniversary of St . John at their Lodge Rooms . After obeying the Junior Warden ' s call , passing from labour to refreshment , they spent a most delightful and intellectual evening , the AV . M . II , B , Manclarkc , Esq .,
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IIANDSIVOR-III . —THE ST . JAMES ' LODGE 707 , July 29 . —About twenty-five " good men and true , " from Birmingham , AVolverhampton , Shrewsbury , London , & c ., honoured the Lodge with their presence . The Board of installed Masters having bscn formed , consisting of Bros . AVilliam Lloyd ( the installing ancl retiring Master ) , AVm . Broomhead ; J . Taylor , of the Grancl Master ' s Lodge No . 1 ; S . AVood , AV . M . ofthe Salopian Lodge No . 328 ; Dr . Bell FletcherW . M . ofthe
, Lodge of Light 089 ; and Perkins , AV , M . of the Faithful Lodge , No . 696 . The new Master , Bro . Broomhead , was regularly installed ,-saluted , and proclaimed , according to ancient custom . 'The following are the officers appointed for the ensuing year—viz ., AV . Taylor , S . AV . ; Dee ( Royal Hotel , Birmingham ) ,. ! . W . ; AVestley , Treasurer ; J . M . G . Underbill , Secretary ; ' J . L . ' Brierley , S . D . ; Russell ( Wcdnesbury ) J . D . ; Lowe and WoodwardDirectors of Ceremonies ;
, , and Buckle , I . G . The Lodge having been called from labour to refreshment , the Brethren ruralised tor a short time upon the splendid bowling-green adjoining the banquet-room . From this green is seen certainly one of the most extensive ancl picturesque views in England , comprising Bar Beacon , the newly erected Roman Catholic College at Oscot ; that ancient mansion , Aston Hall , where Charles I . was
entertained for two nights shortly previous to the battle of Edge Hill , now the residence of James A Vatt , Esq . ; the far-famed Soho , and the town of Birmingham ; while to the right the beautiful villas at Eclgbaston , and in the distance Bromsgrove , Lickey , & c , present themselves to view . Dinner having been announced , the W . Master took the chair , ancL evinced throughout the evening his usual tact , ability , ancl courteous demeanour . He was supported on the right by Bros . Sam . AVood , and "
G . Jones , of the Salopian Lodge ; and on theleft by Bros . Lloyd and Dr . Bell Fletcher . Bro . Tayler officiated in the west , and Bro . Dee in the south guided the social spirit around him , and promoted the happiness of the meeting by his " riyhte merrie" powers . The cloth having been removed , the usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts were given from the chair . Dr . Oliver ' s celebrated Lincolnshire fire was introduced with the mention of his name . The admirable and scientific singing of
Bros . Baker , Dee , & c . elicited a commensurate share of applause . Towartls the close of the evening ive were much pleased with a sight of Bro . Lloyd ' s splendid silver Hebe cup ( presented to him b y the members of the Lodge of Light 689 , Birmingham ) wending its way between East and West , teeming ivith some of Mr . Crockett ' s primest claret . The Brethren separated at an early hour , highly delighted with the day ' s proceedings , and with cordial good wishes for the next happy meeting .
AVOLVERHAMPTON . —A Grand Lodge for the province of Staffordshire will be held at the Assembly Rooms on the 26 th of September , at which the P . G . M . Colonel the lion . G . Anson intends to preside . The Grand Lodge will be opened at one , and the banquet will take place at four o ' clock . It is expected to be a GALA day ; but we much regret that our time of publication will scarcely permit the hope of giving any particulars .
LOGNOR , June 24 . —The Brethren of 143 met to celebrate the anniversary of St . John at their Lodge Rooms . After obeying the Junior Warden ' s call , passing from labour to refreshment , they spent a most delightful and intellectual evening , the AV . M . II , B , Manclarkc , Esq .,