Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 13 →
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presiding with his accustomed ability ; but what gave a peculiar zest to the evening ' s enjoyment was a most eloquent and impressive address from their highly esteemed Brother , Dr . AV . B . M'Eyan . redundant as it was with oratorical fire , beautiful metaphor , and true Masonic charity ; proving to conviction the incalculable advantages derivable from Masonic institutions . Masonry is in a very flourishing state in this district ; our Lodge well attendedthough many of the Brethren have from seven
, or eight miles to come to labour . All this has been in a great measure owing to the untiring zeal of Bro . J . Mihvard , who is ever ready to diffuse light to his Brethren , and lend his powerful aid in teaching them the truths of our beautiful system . The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : —W . M . Bro . Johnson , of Stemdale ; S . AA . Bro . Melville Attwood , Eaton Mine ; J . AV . Bro . Dr . AV . B . M'Eyan , of Alstonfield ; Treasurer Bro . John Milward , Lognor .
GATESHEAD , Aug . 6 . —A Provincial Grand Lodge was held m the Town Hall , Oakwellgate , Gateshead , after which the Brethren , to the number of sixty-five , dined together in the large refreshment room of the new station , belonging to the Darlington Railway Company , the directors having kindly granted permission for the occasion . The chair was filled by Sir Cuthbert Sharp , P . G . M ., who was ably supported by the stewards of the different Lodges . The chairman , during the course ofthe evening , informed the Brethren that the Earl of Zetland , Grand Master of England , was expected to lay the foundation stone of the Earl of Durham ' s monument , at PensherHill , on AVednesday , the 28 th inst .
PENSHER HILL . —MONUMENT TO THE LATE EARL OF DURHAM , PROV . GRAND MASTER . —Aug . 28 . —The foundation stone of the monument to be erected on Penshei Hill , in the county of Durham , to the memory of the late Earl of Durham , was this day laid with Masonic honours , amidst an immense concourse of spectators assembled from all parts of the adjoining district . Pensher Hill is the western extremity of a long range of lofty mountains , running , in a direction nearly east
and west from tbe sea-coast , a considerable distance into the county of Durham , and the elevation of it is such as to command an extensive view of the adjacent country .. At the foot of this lofty mountain range the river Wear pursues its meandering course to the German Ocean , which is also visible from Pensher Hill . The locality of the monument is on the estate of the late earl , in a neighbourhood full of romantic associationsancl a more suitable spot for the erection of a monument to
, the late lamented earl could not have been selected . In order torencjer every facility to those desirous of visiting the spot on this interesting occasion , the Great North of England Railway Company , whose line passes little more than a mile from the hill , arranged that special trains , at reduced fares , should start simultaneously from Durham , Sunderland , South Shields , and Newcastle , and arrived shortly before the ceremony commenced . Many hundreds availed themselves
of these arrangements , and , the day being fine , a more animated and picturesque scene was perhaps never -witnessed in this part of the country . In a field on the south side of the hill a large pavilion was erected for the accommodation of the Masons , and here a Provincial Grancl Lodge was opened by the Earl of Zetland , the Most Worshipful Grand Master . The entrance of the pavilion was tastefully ornamented with evergreens , amongst which the laurel , the yew , and the cypress were conspicuously visible .
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presiding with his accustomed ability ; but what gave a peculiar zest to the evening ' s enjoyment was a most eloquent and impressive address from their highly esteemed Brother , Dr . AV . B . M'Eyan . redundant as it was with oratorical fire , beautiful metaphor , and true Masonic charity ; proving to conviction the incalculable advantages derivable from Masonic institutions . Masonry is in a very flourishing state in this district ; our Lodge well attendedthough many of the Brethren have from seven
, or eight miles to come to labour . All this has been in a great measure owing to the untiring zeal of Bro . J . Mihvard , who is ever ready to diffuse light to his Brethren , and lend his powerful aid in teaching them the truths of our beautiful system . The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : —W . M . Bro . Johnson , of Stemdale ; S . AA . Bro . Melville Attwood , Eaton Mine ; J . AV . Bro . Dr . AV . B . M'Eyan , of Alstonfield ; Treasurer Bro . John Milward , Lognor .
GATESHEAD , Aug . 6 . —A Provincial Grand Lodge was held m the Town Hall , Oakwellgate , Gateshead , after which the Brethren , to the number of sixty-five , dined together in the large refreshment room of the new station , belonging to the Darlington Railway Company , the directors having kindly granted permission for the occasion . The chair was filled by Sir Cuthbert Sharp , P . G . M ., who was ably supported by the stewards of the different Lodges . The chairman , during the course ofthe evening , informed the Brethren that the Earl of Zetland , Grand Master of England , was expected to lay the foundation stone of the Earl of Durham ' s monument , at PensherHill , on AVednesday , the 28 th inst .
PENSHER HILL . —MONUMENT TO THE LATE EARL OF DURHAM , PROV . GRAND MASTER . —Aug . 28 . —The foundation stone of the monument to be erected on Penshei Hill , in the county of Durham , to the memory of the late Earl of Durham , was this day laid with Masonic honours , amidst an immense concourse of spectators assembled from all parts of the adjoining district . Pensher Hill is the western extremity of a long range of lofty mountains , running , in a direction nearly east
and west from tbe sea-coast , a considerable distance into the county of Durham , and the elevation of it is such as to command an extensive view of the adjacent country .. At the foot of this lofty mountain range the river Wear pursues its meandering course to the German Ocean , which is also visible from Pensher Hill . The locality of the monument is on the estate of the late earl , in a neighbourhood full of romantic associationsancl a more suitable spot for the erection of a monument to
, the late lamented earl could not have been selected . In order torencjer every facility to those desirous of visiting the spot on this interesting occasion , the Great North of England Railway Company , whose line passes little more than a mile from the hill , arranged that special trains , at reduced fares , should start simultaneously from Durham , Sunderland , South Shields , and Newcastle , and arrived shortly before the ceremony commenced . Many hundreds availed themselves
of these arrangements , and , the day being fine , a more animated and picturesque scene was perhaps never -witnessed in this part of the country . In a field on the south side of the hill a large pavilion was erected for the accommodation of the Masons , and here a Provincial Grancl Lodge was opened by the Earl of Zetland , the Most Worshipful Grand Master . The entrance of the pavilion was tastefully ornamented with evergreens , amongst which the laurel , the yew , and the cypress were conspicuously visible .