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TO CORRESPONDENTS . A MASONIS in error ; the party incurred the censure of the Grand Encampment , ami would have been suspended for two years hact he not matte a timely apology for his un-M . isonic conduct . We decline to insert the letter . A Qu KEN ' S OFKICKH . —You may safely and honourably join the Grand Chapter . To ONH OF run BUST , IF NOT THE BEST OF MASONS IN ' 1 UPLAND . — " Everything is possible to a man of courage and activity ; but to him who is timid and hesitating every thing is impossible , because it seems so . " A RKKOICUKK . —Do imt talk , but act- Reform abuses ; regulate dues ; have a * ' court of conscience ; " establish charities ; cease to be slanderers ; love one another ; observe the conduct of the P . G . M . for North Munster , and a very few others , whom you alarm but do not convince , ; 'iid thus lose the aid of those who possess both ' ¦ the will and the power . " A COIIK MASON ., en the " apron and breeches , "is inadmissible .
¦ " Such apparatus Was meant fur nobler uses than belong To a mere private feud . But I have fought : * . IvAitle toe W «\\ p \ incSp \ e , and taught Out centum , when it dares to tread down man , Man shall arise in turn and tread h down . "
THE MASONIC DIFFERENCE . IT is with deep regret we announce that the advances to reconciliation have not been successful . We have all along refrained from animadverting with severity on the conduct of either party , and shall leave to our readers a perusal of the various reports which are presented to them . In our next we shall , if the same obstinacy exists on the part
of those who have thus pertinaciously refused justice , feel ourselves called upon to attempt to treat this " moral ulcer ; " it may be by seemingly sharp practice , but which in such case will have been rendered necessary by the un-Masonic departure from the hi gh principles of the Order .
GRAND LODGE OF IRELAND . ( cincunAH . ) " TUB GUANI ) LODGE OP IRELAND has been officially informed that Knights Templars admitted in Scotland will not be required hereafter to be FREEMASONS , as was heretofore the case ; tbe Lodges in Ireland will therefore not infer , from a Knight Templar ' s certificate or diploma , that the bearer thereof is a Freemason , but resort to such proofs of
Masonic qualification as they would have had recourse to if no such certificate had been produced . " July i . —Present—Rig ht Worshipful Bro . Geo . Hoyte , D . G . M . as G . M . „ ,, Norman , as D . G . M . „ „ M . Furnell , as S . G . W . Bros . Thos . Wright , M . B . O'Ryan , — Brownrigg , deighton , Alex . Grant , Burnside , and about sixty Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens . After the usual business had been transacted , the letter of Bro . , dated June 22 , 1843 , was read ; also his letter of February 9 , 1844 , inculpating the conduct of the Master of a Lodge , as working a Lodge
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
TO CORRESPONDENTS . A MASONIS in error ; the party incurred the censure of the Grand Encampment , ami would have been suspended for two years hact he not matte a timely apology for his un-M . isonic conduct . We decline to insert the letter . A Qu KEN ' S OFKICKH . —You may safely and honourably join the Grand Chapter . To ONH OF run BUST , IF NOT THE BEST OF MASONS IN ' 1 UPLAND . — " Everything is possible to a man of courage and activity ; but to him who is timid and hesitating every thing is impossible , because it seems so . " A RKKOICUKK . —Do imt talk , but act- Reform abuses ; regulate dues ; have a * ' court of conscience ; " establish charities ; cease to be slanderers ; love one another ; observe the conduct of the P . G . M . for North Munster , and a very few others , whom you alarm but do not convince , ; 'iid thus lose the aid of those who possess both ' ¦ the will and the power . " A COIIK MASON ., en the " apron and breeches , "is inadmissible .
¦ " Such apparatus Was meant fur nobler uses than belong To a mere private feud . But I have fought : * . IvAitle toe W «\\ p \ incSp \ e , and taught Out centum , when it dares to tread down man , Man shall arise in turn and tread h down . "
THE MASONIC DIFFERENCE . IT is with deep regret we announce that the advances to reconciliation have not been successful . We have all along refrained from animadverting with severity on the conduct of either party , and shall leave to our readers a perusal of the various reports which are presented to them . In our next we shall , if the same obstinacy exists on the part
of those who have thus pertinaciously refused justice , feel ourselves called upon to attempt to treat this " moral ulcer ; " it may be by seemingly sharp practice , but which in such case will have been rendered necessary by the un-Masonic departure from the hi gh principles of the Order .
GRAND LODGE OF IRELAND . ( cincunAH . ) " TUB GUANI ) LODGE OP IRELAND has been officially informed that Knights Templars admitted in Scotland will not be required hereafter to be FREEMASONS , as was heretofore the case ; tbe Lodges in Ireland will therefore not infer , from a Knight Templar ' s certificate or diploma , that the bearer thereof is a Freemason , but resort to such proofs of
Masonic qualification as they would have had recourse to if no such certificate had been produced . " July i . —Present—Rig ht Worshipful Bro . Geo . Hoyte , D . G . M . as G . M . „ ,, Norman , as D . G . M . „ „ M . Furnell , as S . G . W . Bros . Thos . Wright , M . B . O'Ryan , — Brownrigg , deighton , Alex . Grant , Burnside , and about sixty Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens . After the usual business had been transacted , the letter of Bro . , dated June 22 , 1843 , was read ; also his letter of February 9 , 1844 , inculpating the conduct of the Master of a Lodge , as working a Lodge