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after tbe English ritual ; also read a letter of such Master , dated May lo , and addressed to the Grand Lodge . * Bro . addressed the Grand Lodge in support of the charges in a rambling and inconclusive manner . The Alaster accused replied at considerable length , in a most lucid explanation , that rivetted the attention , he recapitulated the contents of bis letter of explanation to the Boardstating his active Masonic exertions
, in India ancl elsewhere . He anticipated not merely an acquittal , but an honourable testimony of the Grand Lodge in his favour : ancl concluded his admirable address by agreeing that , as the best means of promoting peace , it would be better to revive Masonry in Ireland by all prudent means in preserving its Landmarks . A Provincial Grand Master of high standing , ancl others , warmly supported the Master .
A Brother , differing in opinion , moved a vote oi thanks to the accuser!—which motion met with the derision it deserved . After a scene a la , the affair terminated in the adoption of the Master ' s suggestion , to promote peace if possible .
SUPREME GRAND ENCAMPMENT OP H . K . T . OP IRELAND . — July' 17 . — Resolved unanimously , "That this Grancl Encampment does not recognise , and refuses to acquiesce , in the order of the Grand Lodge of Ireland of the 1 st of February last , relative to Masonic meetings , because such order , if acted upon , would be an acknowledgment of the right of the Grand Lodge of Ireland ( constituted for the management and government of the Blue or Craft degree only ) , to interfere with the privileges and restrict the independence of this Grancl Encampment and its subordinate Encampments . "
ROYAL ALBERT LODGE ( 100 ) , Aug . 26 . —ANNIVERSARY MEETING . —The Lodge was opened by Bro . Dr . Whistler , P . M ., in the absence of Bro . Major , W . M . The attendance of the members and visitors was very numerous . A loyal address to the illustrious patron of the Lodge , Prince Albert , elegantly printed in gold letters on blue satin , was unanimously agreed to . Captain Chatsworth was then initiated , after which the Lodge
adjourned to banquet . The bill of fare was unusually elaborate , and after the contents had been duly discussed , and the cloth removed , the customary loyal and Masonic toasts ivere given by the chairman , and . received by the company in the most enthusiastic manner . The Master in the chair was particularl y happy in his addresses , but in none more so than when alluding to the Grand Master of Ireland , tbe Duke of Leinster , whose protection of the Order , when it was
endangered by the Unlawful Oaths' Bill , deserved its lasting gratitude . Bro . Captain CHATSWORTH returned thanks , on the proposition of his health , in very neat terms . Bro . FRENCH , of Lodge 167 , in returning thanks for a similar compliment , eulogised the working of the Lodge , and the character of its members , particularly as Prince Masons ; and afterwards , in the course of the evening , proposed the health of Dr . Whistler , the Master present in the chair , which was drank with acclamation . Bro . Dr . WHISTLER replied in a very excellent address .
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after tbe English ritual ; also read a letter of such Master , dated May lo , and addressed to the Grand Lodge . * Bro . addressed the Grand Lodge in support of the charges in a rambling and inconclusive manner . The Alaster accused replied at considerable length , in a most lucid explanation , that rivetted the attention , he recapitulated the contents of bis letter of explanation to the Boardstating his active Masonic exertions
, in India ancl elsewhere . He anticipated not merely an acquittal , but an honourable testimony of the Grand Lodge in his favour : ancl concluded his admirable address by agreeing that , as the best means of promoting peace , it would be better to revive Masonry in Ireland by all prudent means in preserving its Landmarks . A Provincial Grand Master of high standing , ancl others , warmly supported the Master .
A Brother , differing in opinion , moved a vote oi thanks to the accuser!—which motion met with the derision it deserved . After a scene a la , the affair terminated in the adoption of the Master ' s suggestion , to promote peace if possible .
SUPREME GRAND ENCAMPMENT OP H . K . T . OP IRELAND . — July' 17 . — Resolved unanimously , "That this Grancl Encampment does not recognise , and refuses to acquiesce , in the order of the Grand Lodge of Ireland of the 1 st of February last , relative to Masonic meetings , because such order , if acted upon , would be an acknowledgment of the right of the Grand Lodge of Ireland ( constituted for the management and government of the Blue or Craft degree only ) , to interfere with the privileges and restrict the independence of this Grancl Encampment and its subordinate Encampments . "
ROYAL ALBERT LODGE ( 100 ) , Aug . 26 . —ANNIVERSARY MEETING . —The Lodge was opened by Bro . Dr . Whistler , P . M ., in the absence of Bro . Major , W . M . The attendance of the members and visitors was very numerous . A loyal address to the illustrious patron of the Lodge , Prince Albert , elegantly printed in gold letters on blue satin , was unanimously agreed to . Captain Chatsworth was then initiated , after which the Lodge
adjourned to banquet . The bill of fare was unusually elaborate , and after the contents had been duly discussed , and the cloth removed , the customary loyal and Masonic toasts ivere given by the chairman , and . received by the company in the most enthusiastic manner . The Master in the chair was particularl y happy in his addresses , but in none more so than when alluding to the Grand Master of Ireland , tbe Duke of Leinster , whose protection of the Order , when it was
endangered by the Unlawful Oaths' Bill , deserved its lasting gratitude . Bro . Captain CHATSWORTH returned thanks , on the proposition of his health , in very neat terms . Bro . FRENCH , of Lodge 167 , in returning thanks for a similar compliment , eulogised the working of the Lodge , and the character of its members , particularly as Prince Masons ; and afterwards , in the course of the evening , proposed the health of Dr . Whistler , the Master present in the chair , which was drank with acclamation . Bro . Dr . WHISTLER replied in a very excellent address .