Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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To Correspondents.
lino . UBV . T . E . POOLE —The lines to Lady have been inadvertently mislaid . J . K . ( Worcester ) . —If we did not know our Correspondent better , wo should suspect hiin of it desire to hoax us by his description of the meeting in June last . Not a word about tho u-orkini ; of the Lodge , or any reference to the Charities . True the furmtmc and jewels are praised " ; but , ye Gods 1 what a liquorish account of tiie banquet . Our correspondent states that he never saw a more amiable melange of all the creatures that swim , waddle , graze , or fly , in a cooked stale . How the Editor of the Tablet would smack his lips . Wc have not ventured to insert the report ; we awhile ago sustained adreadful reproof from theNcwstead Lodge , for daring to allude to a haunch of venison , and possibly may be reproved now for the sin of omission ; however , we reserve the report as a morceau fit for a bonne-bouche .
Bito . WOOD ' S obliging letter is acknowledged . A CORNISH BROTHER . —A brief account of the meeting at Liskeard was worked off before the arrival of his report . A BRISTOL MASON . —We have heen inundated with letters ou the cowardly attacks upon the venerable D . P . G . M . for the Province . There are literary scribes who , like sneaking tlogs , always fight foul ; but even the low betters of the cock-pit disown the dog .
A LADY . —We are not in the secrets of the prison-house ; but place your money m some other office . A MASON ( Dorchester ) . —Sept . 22 .-Thc report of the sermon on the 24 t ? i July came too late ; we had previously inserted a brief account of the Grand Lodge . AN OCTOGENARtAN .-Some few numbers since , we inserted the facts now stated . It is our intention to give a chronological account of the Boys' School , aud to complete that of the Girls' to the present period . A MASONIC LEGIST—We may sometimes write sharply ourselves , but are not admirers of coarse invective 1 the Council of Five felt a subserviency to a dictator , and the Craft will suffer for their error until the evil is corrected .
LVNX . — "The pear is not ripe . " Some five or six years since . The events of the last fifteen years will not only be acceptable but necessary . Our materials are abundant . Thanks for the papers . JlEMTOtl . —Is surely joking . His letter is well enough for a diurnal or weekly ; but what have we to do with the prize ring or its victims ; if people will go to unlawful meetings , they become lawless , and , consequently , participators in the crimes committed ; the robbers and the robbed are but brethren of the ring . But Mentor does not know even the proper names in his grammar . The seasons are reversed . Spring is Winter .
A . J . —The number containing the engravings of the " Sussex Testimonial can he had . A BROTHER will see , by an advertisement in tho present number , that a most liberal offer has been made by Bro . Spencer , to aid the establishment of Masonic libraries-MASONS' MARKS . —Too late . DISCIPLINE AND PRACTICE .
ALIMI-I . — We have perused Ihe case , and do not recommend it for the Board of General Purposes ! Burn the papers , there will then exist no proof . There is a saying , " the falling ou t of faithful friends , the renewal is of love . " HENUICUS may send his case to the Board ; if certain patties he not present when he is in attendance , let him request a postponement , and the case not being of prcsauig haste , the request will probably be granted . A S TAFFORDSHIRE MASON .-Thcre is no regulation by the Grand Lodge of England inhibiting , or directing Ihe wearing of silk stockings , or indeed any article of dress beyond white gloves . Good taste should regulate these matters .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To Correspondents.
lino . UBV . T . E . POOLE —The lines to Lady have been inadvertently mislaid . J . K . ( Worcester ) . —If we did not know our Correspondent better , wo should suspect hiin of it desire to hoax us by his description of the meeting in June last . Not a word about tho u-orkini ; of the Lodge , or any reference to the Charities . True the furmtmc and jewels are praised " ; but , ye Gods 1 what a liquorish account of tiie banquet . Our correspondent states that he never saw a more amiable melange of all the creatures that swim , waddle , graze , or fly , in a cooked stale . How the Editor of the Tablet would smack his lips . Wc have not ventured to insert the report ; we awhile ago sustained adreadful reproof from theNcwstead Lodge , for daring to allude to a haunch of venison , and possibly may be reproved now for the sin of omission ; however , we reserve the report as a morceau fit for a bonne-bouche .
Bito . WOOD ' S obliging letter is acknowledged . A CORNISH BROTHER . —A brief account of the meeting at Liskeard was worked off before the arrival of his report . A BRISTOL MASON . —We have heen inundated with letters ou the cowardly attacks upon the venerable D . P . G . M . for the Province . There are literary scribes who , like sneaking tlogs , always fight foul ; but even the low betters of the cock-pit disown the dog .
A LADY . —We are not in the secrets of the prison-house ; but place your money m some other office . A MASON ( Dorchester ) . —Sept . 22 .-Thc report of the sermon on the 24 t ? i July came too late ; we had previously inserted a brief account of the Grand Lodge . AN OCTOGENARtAN .-Some few numbers since , we inserted the facts now stated . It is our intention to give a chronological account of the Boys' School , aud to complete that of the Girls' to the present period . A MASONIC LEGIST—We may sometimes write sharply ourselves , but are not admirers of coarse invective 1 the Council of Five felt a subserviency to a dictator , and the Craft will suffer for their error until the evil is corrected .
LVNX . — "The pear is not ripe . " Some five or six years since . The events of the last fifteen years will not only be acceptable but necessary . Our materials are abundant . Thanks for the papers . JlEMTOtl . —Is surely joking . His letter is well enough for a diurnal or weekly ; but what have we to do with the prize ring or its victims ; if people will go to unlawful meetings , they become lawless , and , consequently , participators in the crimes committed ; the robbers and the robbed are but brethren of the ring . But Mentor does not know even the proper names in his grammar . The seasons are reversed . Spring is Winter .
A . J . —The number containing the engravings of the " Sussex Testimonial can he had . A BROTHER will see , by an advertisement in tho present number , that a most liberal offer has been made by Bro . Spencer , to aid the establishment of Masonic libraries-MASONS' MARKS . —Too late . DISCIPLINE AND PRACTICE .
ALIMI-I . — We have perused Ihe case , and do not recommend it for the Board of General Purposes ! Burn the papers , there will then exist no proof . There is a saying , " the falling ou t of faithful friends , the renewal is of love . " HENUICUS may send his case to the Board ; if certain patties he not present when he is in attendance , let him request a postponement , and the case not being of prcsauig haste , the request will probably be granted . A S TAFFORDSHIRE MASON .-Thcre is no regulation by the Grand Lodge of England inhibiting , or directing Ihe wearing of silk stockings , or indeed any article of dress beyond white gloves . Good taste should regulate these matters .