Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. ← Page 4 of 4
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To Correspondents.
A MASON . —Regard being had to tho Jlasonic Law , it is required by the Constitutions that permission should be obtained for a Brother to consecrate a new Lodge . HEAUTONTAMAREUMENOS . —We have not seen the last edition of the Constitution of Sumatra ; whoever saw the first ? P . M .-It is not merely improper , hut illegal lo allow one candidate to be prepared for initiation in the presence of another Candidate , and for obvious reasons . We have known otherwise minded
men , strong- , that have betrayed singular faintheartedness , others have behaved ridiculously . The circumstance is always embanassing . A DEPUTY P . G . M . must conform to the Constitutions ; he cannot appoint in perpetuity , but should give notice of motion to the P . G . Lodge to confer the rank and clothing of certain Prov . G . Officers . A PROV . G . OFFICER ( Devon ) . —NO P . G . Officer ( the P . G . M . excepted ) , as such , can claim seat in Grand
a Lodge , nor claim rank as R . VV . or V . VV . ARCH MATTERS . P . Z . —The companion alluded to is no authority , although a great little man . There is as much wisdom in the wig as in the caput . EZRA . —There is no denying the fact , that the appointment of Grand Officers a vested in the Grand Secretary ; for him , however , to admit it , would be contra bonds mores . The fantastical tricks in the R . A . appointment would puzzle a conjuror .
TEMPLARS . AN ENGLISH TEMPLAR may spare himself all trouble ; he may be insulted ; he certainly will be laughed at . Those who have the power want the will to advance the Christian orders . Heform it altogether ; do a little wrong , and some right may by chance result . A PRINCE MASON enquires what Degree the Grand Conclave of England can confer . We presume the powers of the Grand Master ud vitam , and the Grand Chancellor ad interim , and their aidesdeehambre extend far
-- as as the ineffable degrees of " perfect apathy and indifference . " T . P . —The Report of Mount Calvary , & c , too late . THE ASYLUM FOR AGED FREEMASONS . This institution may be now considered as fairly before the wind , having sustained a most fearful struggle , during which its principles have been powerfully tested , and therebv truthfully proved .
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To Correspondents.
A MASON . —Regard being had to tho Jlasonic Law , it is required by the Constitutions that permission should be obtained for a Brother to consecrate a new Lodge . HEAUTONTAMAREUMENOS . —We have not seen the last edition of the Constitution of Sumatra ; whoever saw the first ? P . M .-It is not merely improper , hut illegal lo allow one candidate to be prepared for initiation in the presence of another Candidate , and for obvious reasons . We have known otherwise minded
men , strong- , that have betrayed singular faintheartedness , others have behaved ridiculously . The circumstance is always embanassing . A DEPUTY P . G . M . must conform to the Constitutions ; he cannot appoint in perpetuity , but should give notice of motion to the P . G . Lodge to confer the rank and clothing of certain Prov . G . Officers . A PROV . G . OFFICER ( Devon ) . —NO P . G . Officer ( the P . G . M . excepted ) , as such , can claim seat in Grand
a Lodge , nor claim rank as R . VV . or V . VV . ARCH MATTERS . P . Z . —The companion alluded to is no authority , although a great little man . There is as much wisdom in the wig as in the caput . EZRA . —There is no denying the fact , that the appointment of Grand Officers a vested in the Grand Secretary ; for him , however , to admit it , would be contra bonds mores . The fantastical tricks in the R . A . appointment would puzzle a conjuror .
TEMPLARS . AN ENGLISH TEMPLAR may spare himself all trouble ; he may be insulted ; he certainly will be laughed at . Those who have the power want the will to advance the Christian orders . Heform it altogether ; do a little wrong , and some right may by chance result . A PRINCE MASON enquires what Degree the Grand Conclave of England can confer . We presume the powers of the Grand Master ud vitam , and the Grand Chancellor ad interim , and their aidesdeehambre extend far
-- as as the ineffable degrees of " perfect apathy and indifference . " T . P . —The Report of Mount Calvary , & c , too late . THE ASYLUM FOR AGED FREEMASONS . This institution may be now considered as fairly before the wind , having sustained a most fearful struggle , during which its principles have been powerfully tested , and therebv truthfully proved .