Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 13 of 18 →
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when the officers for the ensuing year were installed : Wm . Feuwick , W . M . ; Wm . Anderson , jun ., P . M . ; F . P . Ionn , S . W ., & c . After the ceremonies of the day were concluded , the Brethren sat clown to an elegant repast . PRESTON , July 23 . —A Provincial Grand Lodge for the Western division of this countywas held at the Bull Innfor the transaction of the business
, , of the province . The Brethren , representing various Loclges in this division , met in the large dining-room , when the Grand Lodge was opened in due form by A- Henderson , Esq ., W . M . of Lodge 35 , of this town , assisted by the W . M . of other lodges in the order of their numerical rank . On the announcement of the approach of the P . G . officers , the Brethren greeted them with the usual honours , the P . G . Organist , John Molineux , jun ., Esq ., playing a solemn march during the
procession . The P . G . Lodge was opened by the R . AV . P . G M-, Le G- N . Starkie , Esq ., supported by the Dep ., P- P . G- M , John Drinkwater , Esq ., and other P . G officers , Among the visitors present was the Dep . P . G- M . for the Eastern division of Lancashire , S Blair , Esq . The business being transacted and the Loclges closed , the Brethren met in the Assembly-room , where a sumptuous banquet was provided . The chair was occupied by the R- W . P . G . M . supported
, by the Grand Officers . Among the visitors were his worship the Mayor Preston , the Dep- P- G- M . for East Lancashire , and the P . G . Organist for the same division , who played the grancl march on the entrance of R . W . P . G M- ; the orchestra was filled with ladies , which formed a pleasing feature in a Masonic assembly ; various loyal toasts were drunk , and the Brethren enlivened the entertainments by singing some of the choicest glees and appropriate songs : Brother Rileyof
, Preston , appeared to great advantage , ancl Brothers Hornby ancl Dodd , of Liverpool , added not a little to the harmony of the evening . The brethren have cause to feel gratified at the plan now pursued by the R . W . P- G , M ., who , it is evident , feels desirous of holding his P . G . Lodges in various parts of the province , and thus afford those Brethren who reside widely apart an opportunity of becoming better acquainted with each other .
LIVERPOOL , July 12 . —We gave in our last a brief notice of the presentation of a testimonial of respect from the Members of the St . George ' s Lodge of Harmony ( No . 35 ) , and the Holy Royal Arch Chapter of Jerusalem , to their late Treasurer , Brother Lewis Samuel . It had been intended , previous to the time appointed for the annunciation of the feelings entertained towards that distinguished person by his Brethren , to accompany the expression with a substantial and desirable proof of their gratitudebut the designs of the Committee coulcl not be
com-, pleted within the prescribed period , by the party to whom the execution had been entrusted . Intimation of the accomplishment of their wishes having been conveyed to Brother Samuel , the subscribing Brethren were invited by him to a splendid cold collation , provided in the style which Radley alone understands , and sumptuously entertained . The Worshipful the Master of 35 , Brother Arthur Henderson presided , and after the toastswhich are invariably the first in Freemasonry within
, the British dominions , hacl been drunk with the customary honours , proposed " Long life and continued prosperity to our worthy Brother , Lewis Samuel , " ancl in a very neat and appropriate address , handed to him a magnificent silver salver , of the value of one hundred guineas , VOL . in . 3 A
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when the officers for the ensuing year were installed : Wm . Feuwick , W . M . ; Wm . Anderson , jun ., P . M . ; F . P . Ionn , S . W ., & c . After the ceremonies of the day were concluded , the Brethren sat clown to an elegant repast . PRESTON , July 23 . —A Provincial Grand Lodge for the Western division of this countywas held at the Bull Innfor the transaction of the business
, , of the province . The Brethren , representing various Loclges in this division , met in the large dining-room , when the Grand Lodge was opened in due form by A- Henderson , Esq ., W . M . of Lodge 35 , of this town , assisted by the W . M . of other lodges in the order of their numerical rank . On the announcement of the approach of the P . G . officers , the Brethren greeted them with the usual honours , the P . G . Organist , John Molineux , jun ., Esq ., playing a solemn march during the
procession . The P . G . Lodge was opened by the R . AV . P . G M-, Le G- N . Starkie , Esq ., supported by the Dep ., P- P . G- M , John Drinkwater , Esq ., and other P . G officers , Among the visitors present was the Dep . P . G- M . for the Eastern division of Lancashire , S Blair , Esq . The business being transacted and the Loclges closed , the Brethren met in the Assembly-room , where a sumptuous banquet was provided . The chair was occupied by the R- W . P . G . M . supported
, by the Grand Officers . Among the visitors were his worship the Mayor Preston , the Dep- P- G- M . for East Lancashire , and the P . G . Organist for the same division , who played the grancl march on the entrance of R . W . P . G M- ; the orchestra was filled with ladies , which formed a pleasing feature in a Masonic assembly ; various loyal toasts were drunk , and the Brethren enlivened the entertainments by singing some of the choicest glees and appropriate songs : Brother Rileyof
, Preston , appeared to great advantage , ancl Brothers Hornby ancl Dodd , of Liverpool , added not a little to the harmony of the evening . The brethren have cause to feel gratified at the plan now pursued by the R . W . P- G , M ., who , it is evident , feels desirous of holding his P . G . Lodges in various parts of the province , and thus afford those Brethren who reside widely apart an opportunity of becoming better acquainted with each other .
LIVERPOOL , July 12 . —We gave in our last a brief notice of the presentation of a testimonial of respect from the Members of the St . George ' s Lodge of Harmony ( No . 35 ) , and the Holy Royal Arch Chapter of Jerusalem , to their late Treasurer , Brother Lewis Samuel . It had been intended , previous to the time appointed for the annunciation of the feelings entertained towards that distinguished person by his Brethren , to accompany the expression with a substantial and desirable proof of their gratitudebut the designs of the Committee coulcl not be
com-, pleted within the prescribed period , by the party to whom the execution had been entrusted . Intimation of the accomplishment of their wishes having been conveyed to Brother Samuel , the subscribing Brethren were invited by him to a splendid cold collation , provided in the style which Radley alone understands , and sumptuously entertained . The Worshipful the Master of 35 , Brother Arthur Henderson presided , and after the toastswhich are invariably the first in Freemasonry within
, the British dominions , hacl been drunk with the customary honours , proposed " Long life and continued prosperity to our worthy Brother , Lewis Samuel , " ancl in a very neat and appropriate address , handed to him a magnificent silver salver , of the value of one hundred guineas , VOL . in . 3 A