Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 14 of 18 →
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which bore the following inscription : " This tribute , presented to Brother Lew-is Samuel , by the Members of the St . George ' s Lodge of Harmony , No . 35 , and of the Hol y Royal Arch Chapter of Jerusalem , to Brother Lewis Samuel , in testimony of their respect for his private charity , and as a record of their fraternal esteem and regard . Liverpool , July 1845 . " Brother Samuel returned thanks for this renewed mark of the ' sincere attachment entertained towards him bthose with whom he had so long
y been united in the bonds of fraternal love , and expressed an anxious desire that his family might ever preserve this most valuable present , with pride and satisfaction , and as an evidence of the beauty of the principles of the most ancient and honourable society on the face of creation .
NEWPORT . —Alasonic Banquet in Wales , August 4 . —A dinner was given to Colonel Tynte , jun ., by the Brethren of the Silurian Lodge , at the Westgate Hotel in this town , under circumstances of peculiar gratification to the Masonic body of the place . For several months past the brethren of the Silurian Ledge were anxious to pay a public compliment to the gallant Provincial Grand Master , ancl an acceptance of the invitation had long since been given . A distressing affliction , however , in Colonel ' familwhich
Tyntes y , plunged the whole of it into the deepest sorrow , ancl forced the gallant colonel into temporary retirement , constrained a postponement of the event , and it was only this day that he could definitely fix upon the meeting of a Lodge in his province , whose interests he has so affectionately watched over , and whose grateful esteem he has so eminently won . At four o ' clock the Lodge was opened with the usual ceremonies . Before six the brethren had fully assembled , and immediatelafter that hour
y proceeded to the dining-room . Upon entering , a scene of the most imposing character presented itself ; ancl when the Brethren hacl taken their places , ancl stood up to greet the entrance of the grand officer , the coiip d ' teil was really charming . The Masonic attire of the members was at intervals of space adorned by the jewels ancl other costly insignia of the officers ; ancl when the grancl officers appeared in their magnificent regalia , the scene was one of dazzling beauty and effect , the most perfect fraternal unanimity pervading the assemblage . —Provincial Paper .
MONMOUTH . —Bro . Isaac Chilcott . —A lithographic portrait of this zealous Mason has been published in the character of Toast Master . It is stated by those who are acquainted with Bro . Isaac Chilcott to be a most striking likeness . In many cases it happens that society is indebted greatly to individual energy for its support , and in that of Bro . Chilcott this is especially evidenced ; but a few years have elapsed when Masonry in Monmouthshire was but a mere name : it is true it had a
Provincial Grand Master—a gallant colonel , without even a Masonic corporal . _ Brother Chilcott took the chair , and , humble as was his position , his zeal and energy effected so much good , that not only was his own Lodge revived , but a new scion of the Masonic tree has sprung forth , ancl , as is seen in our previous report , has invited the P . G . Master to a splendid banquet , at which he ( the P . G . Master ) expressed the highest gratificationancl promised to exert himself in supporting the
, Order . Let him not disdain to profit by the example of his humble but zealous Brother in the craft , Isaac Chilcott . SWANSEA , June 24 . —The members of the Beaufort and Indefatigable Lodge , Swansea , dined together at their Lodge-room at the Castle Hotel ,
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which bore the following inscription : " This tribute , presented to Brother Lew-is Samuel , by the Members of the St . George ' s Lodge of Harmony , No . 35 , and of the Hol y Royal Arch Chapter of Jerusalem , to Brother Lewis Samuel , in testimony of their respect for his private charity , and as a record of their fraternal esteem and regard . Liverpool , July 1845 . " Brother Samuel returned thanks for this renewed mark of the ' sincere attachment entertained towards him bthose with whom he had so long
y been united in the bonds of fraternal love , and expressed an anxious desire that his family might ever preserve this most valuable present , with pride and satisfaction , and as an evidence of the beauty of the principles of the most ancient and honourable society on the face of creation .
NEWPORT . —Alasonic Banquet in Wales , August 4 . —A dinner was given to Colonel Tynte , jun ., by the Brethren of the Silurian Lodge , at the Westgate Hotel in this town , under circumstances of peculiar gratification to the Masonic body of the place . For several months past the brethren of the Silurian Ledge were anxious to pay a public compliment to the gallant Provincial Grand Master , ancl an acceptance of the invitation had long since been given . A distressing affliction , however , in Colonel ' familwhich
Tyntes y , plunged the whole of it into the deepest sorrow , ancl forced the gallant colonel into temporary retirement , constrained a postponement of the event , and it was only this day that he could definitely fix upon the meeting of a Lodge in his province , whose interests he has so affectionately watched over , and whose grateful esteem he has so eminently won . At four o ' clock the Lodge was opened with the usual ceremonies . Before six the brethren had fully assembled , and immediatelafter that hour
y proceeded to the dining-room . Upon entering , a scene of the most imposing character presented itself ; ancl when the Brethren hacl taken their places , ancl stood up to greet the entrance of the grand officer , the coiip d ' teil was really charming . The Masonic attire of the members was at intervals of space adorned by the jewels ancl other costly insignia of the officers ; ancl when the grancl officers appeared in their magnificent regalia , the scene was one of dazzling beauty and effect , the most perfect fraternal unanimity pervading the assemblage . —Provincial Paper .
MONMOUTH . —Bro . Isaac Chilcott . —A lithographic portrait of this zealous Mason has been published in the character of Toast Master . It is stated by those who are acquainted with Bro . Isaac Chilcott to be a most striking likeness . In many cases it happens that society is indebted greatly to individual energy for its support , and in that of Bro . Chilcott this is especially evidenced ; but a few years have elapsed when Masonry in Monmouthshire was but a mere name : it is true it had a
Provincial Grand Master—a gallant colonel , without even a Masonic corporal . _ Brother Chilcott took the chair , and , humble as was his position , his zeal and energy effected so much good , that not only was his own Lodge revived , but a new scion of the Masonic tree has sprung forth , ancl , as is seen in our previous report , has invited the P . G . Master to a splendid banquet , at which he ( the P . G . Master ) expressed the highest gratificationancl promised to exert himself in supporting the
, Order . Let him not disdain to profit by the example of his humble but zealous Brother in the craft , Isaac Chilcott . SWANSEA , June 24 . —The members of the Beaufort and Indefatigable Lodge , Swansea , dined together at their Lodge-room at the Castle Hotel ,