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cisetl , bigotry abashed , practical Christianity cherished , ancl all the social virtues quickened and invigorated— . To works of art her merit not confined , Mie regulates the morals , squares the mind , Corrects with care tho sallif s of the soul , And points the tide of passion where to roll ; On virtue's tablet marks her moral rule , And forms her Lod ^ 'e an universal Schoo ' .
" \ es , all of ' the Craft divine' know and feel that the poet has , with equal truth and beauty , described the actions ancl attributes of Masonry . " DUBLIN . —Some of our Irish Brethren have been complimented by the Grand Orient of Paris ; when lately in that capital they were honoured with the highest rank in Masonry , ancl proclaimed Grancl Inspectors General of the 33 rd Degree of the Rite Ancien et Accepte ; the
Brothers are , Michael Furnell , P . G . Master of North Munster , & c , Bro . John Joues , M . W . S . of the Original Chapter of the Prince Masons of Ireland , and Bro . James Kenny , P . M . W . S . of the same ; no doubt this accession of the 33 rd to the Council here will have a most beneficial effect , ancl rouse it from its torpid state ; for , strange to say , the Supreme Council has never had the courage to raise to this high degree any worthy or talented Masonconsequentlthose Brothers who
; y , were qualified sought the degree in foreign countries . Whether this inactivity arose from a want of title or legality is hard to say , but if so , the presence of our three Brothers now freely legalizes them . We all hope here that a new ancl more liberal cera is opening upon us , and that the mysteries of those high degrees will no longer be hermetically sealed by our Grancl Chancellor , but diffused as rewards to those whose career in Masonry entitles them to honour .
We understand a very handsome gold snuff-box , manufactured by Mr . Law , will be presented by the Grand Chapter ( now the Kilwinning ) of the Prince Masons , at their meeting in November , to that talented Mason , Bro . H . O'Connor , its late M . S . W ., for his signal exertions on behalf of the Chapter .
June 2 S . —Encampment No . 4 , H . K . T . —This Encampment met this day , Sir Knight G . Rankin , R . N , on the Throne , when Companion Sir Edward Borrough , Bart ., was duly admitted into this exalted Order . July 4 . —Lodge SO held their last meeting this clay previous to breaking up for the vacation . This was as usual a large attendance , and the
following military Brethren were received as members ; viz ., Bro . Lieut .-Col . Gore Browne , C . B ., and Capt . W . Lawrence , 41 st Regt ., Capt . Deveril , and Lieut . Bunbury Pratt Cope and F . Pratt , 67 th Regt . The Lodge afterwards adjourned to Salt Hill , where upwards of fifty sat down to dinner .
^ August 14 . —K . D . S . H . —The College of Philosophical Masons , Knights of K . H . met this day for the installation of officers , when the Most Excellent Bro . Thomas Quinton was duly installed as Grancl Commander of the College , after which they adjourned to Salt Hill . September 5 . —Royal-Arch— -The Chapter No . 12 met this evening for business , when Bro . Lieut .-Col . Gore Browne , CJ ? ., and G . G . Wells , 41 st Regt ., Capt . Deverill , and W . Pratt , 67 th Regt , ancl J . Cole , Esq .,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
cisetl , bigotry abashed , practical Christianity cherished , ancl all the social virtues quickened and invigorated— . To works of art her merit not confined , Mie regulates the morals , squares the mind , Corrects with care tho sallif s of the soul , And points the tide of passion where to roll ; On virtue's tablet marks her moral rule , And forms her Lod ^ 'e an universal Schoo ' .
" \ es , all of ' the Craft divine' know and feel that the poet has , with equal truth and beauty , described the actions ancl attributes of Masonry . " DUBLIN . —Some of our Irish Brethren have been complimented by the Grand Orient of Paris ; when lately in that capital they were honoured with the highest rank in Masonry , ancl proclaimed Grancl Inspectors General of the 33 rd Degree of the Rite Ancien et Accepte ; the
Brothers are , Michael Furnell , P . G . Master of North Munster , & c , Bro . John Joues , M . W . S . of the Original Chapter of the Prince Masons of Ireland , and Bro . James Kenny , P . M . W . S . of the same ; no doubt this accession of the 33 rd to the Council here will have a most beneficial effect , ancl rouse it from its torpid state ; for , strange to say , the Supreme Council has never had the courage to raise to this high degree any worthy or talented Masonconsequentlthose Brothers who
; y , were qualified sought the degree in foreign countries . Whether this inactivity arose from a want of title or legality is hard to say , but if so , the presence of our three Brothers now freely legalizes them . We all hope here that a new ancl more liberal cera is opening upon us , and that the mysteries of those high degrees will no longer be hermetically sealed by our Grancl Chancellor , but diffused as rewards to those whose career in Masonry entitles them to honour .
We understand a very handsome gold snuff-box , manufactured by Mr . Law , will be presented by the Grand Chapter ( now the Kilwinning ) of the Prince Masons , at their meeting in November , to that talented Mason , Bro . H . O'Connor , its late M . S . W ., for his signal exertions on behalf of the Chapter .
June 2 S . —Encampment No . 4 , H . K . T . —This Encampment met this day , Sir Knight G . Rankin , R . N , on the Throne , when Companion Sir Edward Borrough , Bart ., was duly admitted into this exalted Order . July 4 . —Lodge SO held their last meeting this clay previous to breaking up for the vacation . This was as usual a large attendance , and the
following military Brethren were received as members ; viz ., Bro . Lieut .-Col . Gore Browne , C . B ., and Capt . W . Lawrence , 41 st Regt ., Capt . Deveril , and Lieut . Bunbury Pratt Cope and F . Pratt , 67 th Regt . The Lodge afterwards adjourned to Salt Hill , where upwards of fifty sat down to dinner .
^ August 14 . —K . D . S . H . —The College of Philosophical Masons , Knights of K . H . met this day for the installation of officers , when the Most Excellent Bro . Thomas Quinton was duly installed as Grancl Commander of the College , after which they adjourned to Salt Hill . September 5 . —Royal-Arch— -The Chapter No . 12 met this evening for business , when Bro . Lieut .-Col . Gore Browne , CJ ? ., and G . G . Wells , 41 st Regt ., Capt . Deverill , and W . Pratt , 67 th Regt , ancl J . Cole , Esq .,