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nearly a period of one hundred years . I repeat , it affords me great jileasure to meet him here after having been bronzed in many a field , and nerved to toil by many a march : to know his heart we have but to point to this splendid monument , raised by his untiring zeal and unceasing love towards the memory of his friend and our illustrious Brother , ivhich will , I trust , for ever keep alive the recollection of his glorious achievementsand attest his country ' s love—his country ' s gratitude . "
, ( Great cheering ) . The meeting was afterwards addressed by P . Boyd , Esq . ; AV . M . Hamilton , Esq . ; Carew O'Dwyer , Esq . ; the Rev . F . J . Blake ; Quartermaster Maudsiey , Sth Hussars , & c . The proceedings were then terminated by the Newtonards band playing the National Anthem ; after which , the immense assemblage gradually dispersed .
NORTH MUNSTER . LIMERICK , June 24 . —Lodge 13 , dined at their club , in George ' s-s . reet ; eighty of the Brethren were present . Edward Crips Villiers , Esq ., High Sheriff presided . July 26 . —The Provincial Grand Lodge met this day for the induction of Grand Officers , ivhich was an adjournment from St . John ' s day , in consequence of the absence of the Prov . Grand Master in Paris , where
he aided the Grancl Orient at the fete of St . John , ancl had the honour of affiliation in the highest ancl dernier grades of tbe Order . The Right Worshipful Bro . Michael Furnell , Prov . Grand Master , presiding , inducted the Hon . Frederick Saville , Deputy Prov . Grand Master ; the city and county High Sheriff ' s , Prov . Grand Wardens , with the other Grand Officers , and congratulated the Grancl Lodge on the exalted and dignified position of the Order , not only under the Irish constitution , but under every consistory with which he was in communication .
ENNIS . — Grand Alasonic Ball . — This fete , which had been for months past looked forward to with many a fond hope by a great portion of our fair readers , came off at the Masonic Hall , ancl more than realised the most sanguine anticipations , by the taste and splendour with which it was got up . Over 170 of the elite of Clare and Limerick assembled , with the Officers of the Royals from Clare Castle , and several of the Limerick garrison . The companyas they arrived , were announced and presented to the
, Worshipful Master , G . W . O'Brien , who occupied the throne , arrayed in his robes of office , ancl wearing the jewels of his degree , ancl supported on either side by his officers , glittering in the imposing costume and badges of the Order . He deported himself throughout the night with the dignified aud graceful courtesy of one , on whom had descended the high-toned feeling and chivalrous bearing of our ancient and honourable Order . The house did credit to the members of Lodge 60 ; every room
was appropriately embellished . The hall was beautifully painted in water colours . It was divided into compartments , ancl presented a variety of attractive landscape , backed by a panoramic view of the celebrated Coliseum by moonlight . The promenade ancl refreshment rooms were richly decorated , exhibiting long arcades of fragrant exotics , making the air odorous with " a thousand and one" delicious perfumes , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
nearly a period of one hundred years . I repeat , it affords me great jileasure to meet him here after having been bronzed in many a field , and nerved to toil by many a march : to know his heart we have but to point to this splendid monument , raised by his untiring zeal and unceasing love towards the memory of his friend and our illustrious Brother , ivhich will , I trust , for ever keep alive the recollection of his glorious achievementsand attest his country ' s love—his country ' s gratitude . "
, ( Great cheering ) . The meeting was afterwards addressed by P . Boyd , Esq . ; AV . M . Hamilton , Esq . ; Carew O'Dwyer , Esq . ; the Rev . F . J . Blake ; Quartermaster Maudsiey , Sth Hussars , & c . The proceedings were then terminated by the Newtonards band playing the National Anthem ; after which , the immense assemblage gradually dispersed .
NORTH MUNSTER . LIMERICK , June 24 . —Lodge 13 , dined at their club , in George ' s-s . reet ; eighty of the Brethren were present . Edward Crips Villiers , Esq ., High Sheriff presided . July 26 . —The Provincial Grand Lodge met this day for the induction of Grand Officers , ivhich was an adjournment from St . John ' s day , in consequence of the absence of the Prov . Grand Master in Paris , where
he aided the Grancl Orient at the fete of St . John , ancl had the honour of affiliation in the highest ancl dernier grades of tbe Order . The Right Worshipful Bro . Michael Furnell , Prov . Grand Master , presiding , inducted the Hon . Frederick Saville , Deputy Prov . Grand Master ; the city and county High Sheriff ' s , Prov . Grand Wardens , with the other Grand Officers , and congratulated the Grancl Lodge on the exalted and dignified position of the Order , not only under the Irish constitution , but under every consistory with which he was in communication .
ENNIS . — Grand Alasonic Ball . — This fete , which had been for months past looked forward to with many a fond hope by a great portion of our fair readers , came off at the Masonic Hall , ancl more than realised the most sanguine anticipations , by the taste and splendour with which it was got up . Over 170 of the elite of Clare and Limerick assembled , with the Officers of the Royals from Clare Castle , and several of the Limerick garrison . The companyas they arrived , were announced and presented to the
, Worshipful Master , G . W . O'Brien , who occupied the throne , arrayed in his robes of office , ancl wearing the jewels of his degree , ancl supported on either side by his officers , glittering in the imposing costume and badges of the Order . He deported himself throughout the night with the dignified aud graceful courtesy of one , on whom had descended the high-toned feeling and chivalrous bearing of our ancient and honourable Order . The house did credit to the members of Lodge 60 ; every room
was appropriately embellished . The hall was beautifully painted in water colours . It was divided into compartments , ancl presented a variety of attractive landscape , backed by a panoramic view of the celebrated Coliseum by moonlight . The promenade ancl refreshment rooms were richly decorated , exhibiting long arcades of fragrant exotics , making the air odorous with " a thousand and one" delicious perfumes , and