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refreshing the glittering throng as they occasionally retired to enjoy in its cool fragrance the soft languor of repose , after the fatigues of the inspiring valse . The hall-room , when the company hacl entered , was the grand feature of attraction throughout the ni ght . As you approached , the coup d ' eil was magnificent . Far as the eye could penetrate , appeared walls festooned with flowersfresh and fragrant as when plucked from their
, dewy bed , with intermingled banners pendant from their staffs , and emblazoned with the armorial bearings of the members . Every sense was occupied . " Music , with its voluptuous swell , " echoed to the steps of the fair danseuses . Pretty feet twinkled in the rapid whirl of the valse , or bounded in the mazes of La Polka—elegant forms flitted by , glancing in light ancl loveliness—ancl
eyes" What eyes were there ! To stir men ' s contemplations ! Good blood , be temperate ! I must look ofl "; too excellent an object Confounds the sense that sees it . " The slipper rooms were thrown open about two o ' clock , when a wellgraced table invited the appetite witli all that was delicate , rich , and piquant , while under tbe presidency of the Worshipful Master . '' Festal joy
Laughed from the mantling goblet . " In brief time , dancing was resumed , and kept up with untiring interest , until " The yellow morning light Flamed in upon the pale and waning lamps And Sol reproved their lingering revelry ; And angry at the scorning of his state Shook off the slumber from their weary eyes . ''
The entertainment altogether went off with eclat , ancl gave unmixed gratification . —Honour to the enlightened Craft all over the globe . June 24 . —Lodge 60 met on this day to celebrate the festival of St . John , when the following Officers were installed : —Bros . G . W . O'Brien , M . D ., W . M . ; John Crowe , S . W . ; William Arthur , J . W . ; Michael Healy , M . D ., S . D . ; William Keane , J . D . The Brethren then adjourned for refreshment at half-past six , when they spent the
evening in peace , love , ancl harmony . June 24 . —Eden Lodge , 73 . —The Brethren assembled this clay , in full costume at high noon , to instal officers , when Bro . Past Master the Hon . F . Saville , S . P . G . R . C , was installed Worshipful Blaster ; Bro . Past Master Joseph Myles , H . K . T ., as Senior Warden ; and Bro . Joseph Fogarty , R . A . C ., as Junior Warden . Next evening they celebrated the festival of St . John at their room in Henry-street . June 24 . —Major George Jackson , was , this day , installed W . M . Bro . J . R . Minnitt , S . M . ; Bro . J . Bourchier , J . W . ; Bro . W . Minnitt , as S . D . ; and Bro . M . Harty , as J . D ., of Lodge 208 , at Nenagh .
SOUTH MUNSTER . CORK , June 26 . —At a large and influential meeting of the Masonic body assembled at the hall , Tuckey-street , for the purpose of choosing a successor to the late lamented Lord Caibcry , as Provincial Grand
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
refreshing the glittering throng as they occasionally retired to enjoy in its cool fragrance the soft languor of repose , after the fatigues of the inspiring valse . The hall-room , when the company hacl entered , was the grand feature of attraction throughout the ni ght . As you approached , the coup d ' eil was magnificent . Far as the eye could penetrate , appeared walls festooned with flowersfresh and fragrant as when plucked from their
, dewy bed , with intermingled banners pendant from their staffs , and emblazoned with the armorial bearings of the members . Every sense was occupied . " Music , with its voluptuous swell , " echoed to the steps of the fair danseuses . Pretty feet twinkled in the rapid whirl of the valse , or bounded in the mazes of La Polka—elegant forms flitted by , glancing in light ancl loveliness—ancl
eyes" What eyes were there ! To stir men ' s contemplations ! Good blood , be temperate ! I must look ofl "; too excellent an object Confounds the sense that sees it . " The slipper rooms were thrown open about two o ' clock , when a wellgraced table invited the appetite witli all that was delicate , rich , and piquant , while under tbe presidency of the Worshipful Master . '' Festal joy
Laughed from the mantling goblet . " In brief time , dancing was resumed , and kept up with untiring interest , until " The yellow morning light Flamed in upon the pale and waning lamps And Sol reproved their lingering revelry ; And angry at the scorning of his state Shook off the slumber from their weary eyes . ''
The entertainment altogether went off with eclat , ancl gave unmixed gratification . —Honour to the enlightened Craft all over the globe . June 24 . —Lodge 60 met on this day to celebrate the festival of St . John , when the following Officers were installed : —Bros . G . W . O'Brien , M . D ., W . M . ; John Crowe , S . W . ; William Arthur , J . W . ; Michael Healy , M . D ., S . D . ; William Keane , J . D . The Brethren then adjourned for refreshment at half-past six , when they spent the
evening in peace , love , ancl harmony . June 24 . —Eden Lodge , 73 . —The Brethren assembled this clay , in full costume at high noon , to instal officers , when Bro . Past Master the Hon . F . Saville , S . P . G . R . C , was installed Worshipful Blaster ; Bro . Past Master Joseph Myles , H . K . T ., as Senior Warden ; and Bro . Joseph Fogarty , R . A . C ., as Junior Warden . Next evening they celebrated the festival of St . John at their room in Henry-street . June 24 . —Major George Jackson , was , this day , installed W . M . Bro . J . R . Minnitt , S . M . ; Bro . J . Bourchier , J . W . ; Bro . W . Minnitt , as S . D . ; and Bro . M . Harty , as J . D ., of Lodge 208 , at Nenagh .
SOUTH MUNSTER . CORK , June 26 . —At a large and influential meeting of the Masonic body assembled at the hall , Tuckey-street , for the purpose of choosing a successor to the late lamented Lord Caibcry , as Provincial Grand