Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 15 of 27 →
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2 " o thc Editor of the Monmouthshire Beacon .- —Sir , —In common with my Brethren in Freemasonry I regret the refusal ofthe Lord Bishop of Llandaff to grant the use of the parish church of St . AVoolios , Newport , for divine service , on the late occasion of the installation of Colonel Charles J . Kemeys Tynte , Esq ., as Grand Master of Masons for the province of Monmouth ; and , with an anxious hope that we may not be subjected to similar disappointment in futureI trust you will insert the
, accompanying extract from a pamphlet by the celebrated Masonic historian , the Rev . George Oliver , styled , "An apology for the Freemasons , " * and " respectfully submitted to the consideration of those clergymen who doubt the propriety of allowing the use of their churches for Masonic celebrations . " The very able , extremely apposite , and powerful defence of the privilege of the Order , enjoyed from time immemorial , therein containedwillI trustbe a sufficient apology for my requiring so large
, , , a space in the columns of your journal—did I fear otherwise , I would plead the vast importance of the question . In the humble anticipation of thereby attracting his lordship ' s attention to a favourable consideration of the subject , and happily removing any impressions he may entertain prejudicial to the Craft . —I am , sir , your obedient servant , Monmouth , July 13 th , 1847 . GEORGE CROOH , P . G . P .
AVORCESTEH , August 17 . —Institution of a Provincial Grand Lodge for the County of Worcester . —A large assemblage of the Masons of AVorcestershire , assisted by certain officers of the Grand Lodge of England and Brethren of the adjoining counties , met at AVorcester , to institute and hold the Provincial Grand Lodge for this county . The Lodge was held in the Guildhall , and thronged with the Brotherhood of all degrees . The two AVorcester Lodges contributed their handsome furniture ancl insignia , and every other requisite , to grace ancl adorn the
scene . The Grand Officers present were the Right AVorshipful Brother Alexander Dobie , Grancl Registrar ofthe Grand Lodge of JEngland , and , ex officio , Grand Master of all Provinces to which no Provincial Grancl Master is attached ; the Very AVorshipful Bro . AVilliam H . AVhite , Grancl Secretary ; the Rev . and Very AVorshipful Bro . John Osmoncl Dakeyne , M . A ., Grand Chaplain ; attended by Bro . Thomas Barton , the Grand Tyler . They were assisted by a large concourse of Brethren , including the Master , Wardens , ancl Past Masters of the Harmonic
Lodge , Dudley ; the AVorcester Lodge ; the Lodge Hope and Charity , Kidderminster ; the Semper Fidelis Lodge , AVorcester ; the Royal Standard Lodge , Kidderminster , and a great number of Brethren distinguished in the Craft ; amongst whom we noticed the AV . Bros . Lloyd , Dee , and others of the Warwickshire and Staffordshire Provincial Grancl Lodges . The Master of the AA orcester Lodgethe AV . Bro . Hde took his seat
, y and conducted the opening of the Craft Lodge . The Grancl Officers of the Grand Lodge then entered the Lodge , ancl having received the homage of the Craft , the R . W . Bro . Dobie took the chair , which had been previously occupied by Bro . Hyde , ancl proceeded to constitute , and open the Provincial Grand Lodge . ' ' ,: The Provincial Grancl Master having addressed the Lodge at length
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2 " o thc Editor of the Monmouthshire Beacon .- —Sir , —In common with my Brethren in Freemasonry I regret the refusal ofthe Lord Bishop of Llandaff to grant the use of the parish church of St . AVoolios , Newport , for divine service , on the late occasion of the installation of Colonel Charles J . Kemeys Tynte , Esq ., as Grand Master of Masons for the province of Monmouth ; and , with an anxious hope that we may not be subjected to similar disappointment in futureI trust you will insert the
, accompanying extract from a pamphlet by the celebrated Masonic historian , the Rev . George Oliver , styled , "An apology for the Freemasons , " * and " respectfully submitted to the consideration of those clergymen who doubt the propriety of allowing the use of their churches for Masonic celebrations . " The very able , extremely apposite , and powerful defence of the privilege of the Order , enjoyed from time immemorial , therein containedwillI trustbe a sufficient apology for my requiring so large
, , , a space in the columns of your journal—did I fear otherwise , I would plead the vast importance of the question . In the humble anticipation of thereby attracting his lordship ' s attention to a favourable consideration of the subject , and happily removing any impressions he may entertain prejudicial to the Craft . —I am , sir , your obedient servant , Monmouth , July 13 th , 1847 . GEORGE CROOH , P . G . P .
AVORCESTEH , August 17 . —Institution of a Provincial Grand Lodge for the County of Worcester . —A large assemblage of the Masons of AVorcestershire , assisted by certain officers of the Grand Lodge of England and Brethren of the adjoining counties , met at AVorcester , to institute and hold the Provincial Grand Lodge for this county . The Lodge was held in the Guildhall , and thronged with the Brotherhood of all degrees . The two AVorcester Lodges contributed their handsome furniture ancl insignia , and every other requisite , to grace ancl adorn the
scene . The Grand Officers present were the Right AVorshipful Brother Alexander Dobie , Grancl Registrar ofthe Grand Lodge of JEngland , and , ex officio , Grand Master of all Provinces to which no Provincial Grancl Master is attached ; the Very AVorshipful Bro . AVilliam H . AVhite , Grancl Secretary ; the Rev . and Very AVorshipful Bro . John Osmoncl Dakeyne , M . A ., Grand Chaplain ; attended by Bro . Thomas Barton , the Grand Tyler . They were assisted by a large concourse of Brethren , including the Master , Wardens , ancl Past Masters of the Harmonic
Lodge , Dudley ; the AVorcester Lodge ; the Lodge Hope and Charity , Kidderminster ; the Semper Fidelis Lodge , AVorcester ; the Royal Standard Lodge , Kidderminster , and a great number of Brethren distinguished in the Craft ; amongst whom we noticed the AV . Bros . Lloyd , Dee , and others of the Warwickshire and Staffordshire Provincial Grancl Lodges . The Master of the AA orcester Lodgethe AV . Bro . Hde took his seat
, y and conducted the opening of the Craft Lodge . The Grancl Officers of the Grand Lodge then entered the Lodge , ancl having received the homage of the Craft , the R . W . Bro . Dobie took the chair , which had been previously occupied by Bro . Hyde , ancl proceeded to constitute , and open the Provincial Grand Lodge . ' ' ,: The Provincial Grancl Master having addressed the Lodge at length