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2 Carter's Catalogue Of Bulbs. W.M'Htmih...
2 CARTER'S CATALOGUE OF BULBS . w . m'htmihYmm ^ ' - * " indicate such Hyacinths and Polyanthus Narcissus as are proper either for pots or glasses ; those marked with * succeed best in pots . Those ivithout any designation commonly succeed best in the open borders . The Amaryllidacete { 16 ) are chiefly greenhouse or stove lantsthe hardy
page p ; Hinds are designated . The Iridaeeie are proper for the greenhouse or frame , but they succeed very ivell in the open borders with a little protection . _ October and November are the best months for general planting . Iris and Friiillaries do not Heep well out of the ground , and should be planted as soon as received , any time during the months of September and October ; but they , as well as other hardy bulbs , may le planted much later . _ Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully informed , that if the choice , ofthe Hyacinths , Sfc . is left to J . Carter , he will guarantee their giving entire satisfaction .
I . Adapted for pots , or the open ground . * . , 100 in 100 very fine sorts 5 0 0 50 in 50 do . do 2 10 0 25 in 25 do . do 15 0 100 in 100 fine do 4 0 0 50 in 50 do . do 2 0 0 25 in 25 do . do 10 0 100 in 33 favourite do 3 0 0
100 in 50 do . do 3 3 0 50 in 25 do . do 1 11 6 25 in 25 do . do 0 16 0 II . Proper for pots , water , or the open ground . 25 in 25 extra fine sorts 2 0 0 25 in 25 fine do 10 0 25 in 25 favourite
do 0 15 0 12 in 12 extra fine do 10 0 12 in 12 fine do 0 10 0 12 in 12 favourite do 0 7 6
III . Proper for the open borders only . 200 fine Hyacinths , named , in 10 sorts , for separate 1 - n n beds , 20 in eacli bed j 5 u u 200 fine Hyacinths in separate colours , viz . light red , 1 dark red , light blue , dark blue and white , 40 of I 2 10 0 each J 200 fine Hyacinths , all colours , mixed 2 5 0
J . Carter requests to be informed whether the Uyacintlis are intended for water , pots , or the open borders ; also ivhether double or single Hyacinths are preferred , or part of each . If the selection is left to Mm , he generally sends Iwo-thirds double and one-third single , which will be found not only to give greater variety , but also to ensure a succession of bloom . Hyacinths may be arranged with much more effect when there are duplicates or triplicates ofthe same Hind .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
2 Carter's Catalogue Of Bulbs. W.M'Htmih...
2 CARTER'S CATALOGUE OF BULBS . w . m'htmihYmm ^ ' - * " indicate such Hyacinths and Polyanthus Narcissus as are proper either for pots or glasses ; those marked with * succeed best in pots . Those ivithout any designation commonly succeed best in the open borders . The Amaryllidacete { 16 ) are chiefly greenhouse or stove lantsthe hardy
page p ; Hinds are designated . The Iridaeeie are proper for the greenhouse or frame , but they succeed very ivell in the open borders with a little protection . _ October and November are the best months for general planting . Iris and Friiillaries do not Heep well out of the ground , and should be planted as soon as received , any time during the months of September and October ; but they , as well as other hardy bulbs , may le planted much later . _ Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully informed , that if the choice , ofthe Hyacinths , Sfc . is left to J . Carter , he will guarantee their giving entire satisfaction .
I . Adapted for pots , or the open ground . * . , 100 in 100 very fine sorts 5 0 0 50 in 50 do . do 2 10 0 25 in 25 do . do 15 0 100 in 100 fine do 4 0 0 50 in 50 do . do 2 0 0 25 in 25 do . do 10 0 100 in 33 favourite do 3 0 0
100 in 50 do . do 3 3 0 50 in 25 do . do 1 11 6 25 in 25 do . do 0 16 0 II . Proper for pots , water , or the open ground . 25 in 25 extra fine sorts 2 0 0 25 in 25 fine do 10 0 25 in 25 favourite
do 0 15 0 12 in 12 extra fine do 10 0 12 in 12 fine do 0 10 0 12 in 12 favourite do 0 7 6
III . Proper for the open borders only . 200 fine Hyacinths , named , in 10 sorts , for separate 1 - n n beds , 20 in eacli bed j 5 u u 200 fine Hyacinths in separate colours , viz . light red , 1 dark red , light blue , dark blue and white , 40 of I 2 10 0 each J 200 fine Hyacinths , all colours , mixed 2 5 0
J . Carter requests to be informed whether the Uyacintlis are intended for water , pots , or the open borders ; also ivhether double or single Hyacinths are preferred , or part of each . If the selection is left to Mm , he generally sends Iwo-thirds double and one-third single , which will be found not only to give greater variety , but also to ensure a succession of bloom . Hyacinths may be arranged with much more effect when there are duplicates or triplicates ofthe same Hind .