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Queen's College, London, (So Simeb By Bo...
© Inter . ti » e tTjc ^ stvonnge of HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY . II E R M A J E S T Y Q U E E N A D E L A I D E . IT . R . H . the PRINCE ALBERT : 1 H . R . H . the DUCHESS of GLOUCESTER . H . R . H . the DUKE of CAMBIDGE . I H . R . H . the DUCHESS of CAMBRIDGE . H . R . H . the HEREDITARY GRAND DUCHESS of MECKLENBERG-STRELITZ . THE Committee have always been of opinion that the governesses of England cannot he
permanently benefitted , until the qualified members of the profession are able to produce some satisfactory evidence of their merits ; and the less competent can . obtain an adequate and orderlypreparation for their work . In order that tho first of these benefits may be secured , and that there may he sound deliberation as to the best means of effecting the other , the Committee have sought the co-operation of a body of gentlemen , most of them connected with a Metropolitan College , many of them eminent for their professional abilities , all of them experienced in some department of instruction . These gentlemen will superintend the examination of any lady who shall desire to prove her
qualification for teaching any particular branch of knowledge , and , if satisfied of her competency , will grunt a certificate . The examination will not be public , and will be conducted with . the greatest regard to the feelings of the parties examined . The certificate will express , as accurately as possible , the opinion of the examiner as to the qualification of the lady who is examined , in his branch of instruction ; but without the least reference to her merits , as compared with those of any other governess who may be examined at the same time . For the present , the Committee are enabled ; through the kindness of the gentlemen who
undertake the examination , to offer the certificate - free of any charge . They cannot , however , promise that hereafter they may hot be forced , to ; make demands upon the time of gentlemen engaged in laborious professions , which may require some remuneration . It will be needful to obtain rooms for the examinations , which it is hoped , may hereafter be used
for lectures and classes j it is proposed , therefore , to procure eligible premises near to those now nccupied by the society . To meet this demand , to procure the necessary apparatus and books , and to secure advantages to governesses in any future and more general scheme of education , it is proposed immediately to receive subscriptions for the " College Fund . " The Committee earnestly hope that the measures which they propose may afford considerable comfort and security to parents . They cannot , indeed , relieve any mother or guardian of her natural responsibility ; they cannot engage . to give any sufficient information respecting the moral character , temper , skill in management ofthe governesses to whom they grant certificates . An
experienced examiner may make observations upon some such points , which will not be without their value ; but all that ho can positively answer for is the . knowledge of the governess in the .. subject which she professes to teach . The Committee would be sorry to diminish—they would gladly increase—the diligence of parents in making inquiries respecting those to whom they commit their children . ' . ..... . ' Several'gentleman have kindly undertaken to form a Committee , under whose superintendence the examinations shall be conducted . J It is hoped that all governesses will take a , deep interest in this effort to elevate the character and
respectability . of the profession . . The Committee of Education will moot in October , and will be ready to receive the names of all ladies seeking a certificate . . ' ¦¦ . ' . . _ . -. ¦ Thc Committee of the " Aged Governesses' Asylum" have now received a plan , from the gratuitous kindness of Mr . Thomas Henry Wyatt , and have taken land in a healthy suburb , on which to commence immediately a building , such as they do not doubt will be most satisfactory to the inmates and to the subscribers . The details of admission must be a matter of future , but they confidently hops not distant , arrangement . . .
It is proposed to erect at OXOB the rooms for general use , and apartments for four or six aged governesses ; whilst a sum of 150 / . will at any time enable a donor to add apartments for two more , aid the benevolent will thus bo able to build or to endow , or both , as inclination may suggest . Subscriptions and donations , large or small , will bo thankfully received by the Secretaries .
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Queen's College, London, (So Simeb By Bo...
© Inter . ti » e tTjc ^ stvonnge of HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY . II E R M A J E S T Y Q U E E N A D E L A I D E . IT . R . H . the PRINCE ALBERT : 1 H . R . H . the DUCHESS of GLOUCESTER . H . R . H . the DUKE of CAMBIDGE . I H . R . H . the DUCHESS of CAMBRIDGE . H . R . H . the HEREDITARY GRAND DUCHESS of MECKLENBERG-STRELITZ . THE Committee have always been of opinion that the governesses of England cannot he
permanently benefitted , until the qualified members of the profession are able to produce some satisfactory evidence of their merits ; and the less competent can . obtain an adequate and orderlypreparation for their work . In order that tho first of these benefits may be secured , and that there may he sound deliberation as to the best means of effecting the other , the Committee have sought the co-operation of a body of gentlemen , most of them connected with a Metropolitan College , many of them eminent for their professional abilities , all of them experienced in some department of instruction . These gentlemen will superintend the examination of any lady who shall desire to prove her
qualification for teaching any particular branch of knowledge , and , if satisfied of her competency , will grunt a certificate . The examination will not be public , and will be conducted with . the greatest regard to the feelings of the parties examined . The certificate will express , as accurately as possible , the opinion of the examiner as to the qualification of the lady who is examined , in his branch of instruction ; but without the least reference to her merits , as compared with those of any other governess who may be examined at the same time . For the present , the Committee are enabled ; through the kindness of the gentlemen who
undertake the examination , to offer the certificate - free of any charge . They cannot , however , promise that hereafter they may hot be forced , to ; make demands upon the time of gentlemen engaged in laborious professions , which may require some remuneration . It will be needful to obtain rooms for the examinations , which it is hoped , may hereafter be used
for lectures and classes j it is proposed , therefore , to procure eligible premises near to those now nccupied by the society . To meet this demand , to procure the necessary apparatus and books , and to secure advantages to governesses in any future and more general scheme of education , it is proposed immediately to receive subscriptions for the " College Fund . " The Committee earnestly hope that the measures which they propose may afford considerable comfort and security to parents . They cannot , indeed , relieve any mother or guardian of her natural responsibility ; they cannot engage . to give any sufficient information respecting the moral character , temper , skill in management ofthe governesses to whom they grant certificates . An
experienced examiner may make observations upon some such points , which will not be without their value ; but all that ho can positively answer for is the . knowledge of the governess in the .. subject which she professes to teach . The Committee would be sorry to diminish—they would gladly increase—the diligence of parents in making inquiries respecting those to whom they commit their children . ' . ..... . ' Several'gentleman have kindly undertaken to form a Committee , under whose superintendence the examinations shall be conducted . J It is hoped that all governesses will take a , deep interest in this effort to elevate the character and
respectability . of the profession . . The Committee of Education will moot in October , and will be ready to receive the names of all ladies seeking a certificate . . ' ¦¦ . ' . . _ . -. ¦ Thc Committee of the " Aged Governesses' Asylum" have now received a plan , from the gratuitous kindness of Mr . Thomas Henry Wyatt , and have taken land in a healthy suburb , on which to commence immediately a building , such as they do not doubt will be most satisfactory to the inmates and to the subscribers . The details of admission must be a matter of future , but they confidently hops not distant , arrangement . . .
It is proposed to erect at OXOB the rooms for general use , and apartments for four or six aged governesses ; whilst a sum of 150 / . will at any time enable a donor to add apartments for two more , aid the benevolent will thus bo able to build or to endow , or both , as inclination may suggest . Subscriptions and donations , large or small , will bo thankfully received by the Secretaries .