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The Asylum For Worthy Aged And Decayed Freemasons.
the election of a President was indispensable to the interests of the charity , ancl all difficulties having been surmounted by perseverance , the office of President could now be offered to some distinguished and noble Brother , and as there was a nobleman who , through good report and evil report , hacl with unabated generosity supported the cause of the Asylum , he could with truthful sincerity speak of him as deserving , thc respect and gratitude of its supporters—he alluded to the Right Hon .
Lord Southampton—( great cheering)—whom with permission he would put in nomination as president —( continued cheering ) . It would , he was certain , be gratifying to hear that Lord Southampton had consented to be put in nomination . AVhereon it was unanimously resolved that a special general meeting of the governors and subscribers be held on the 18 th of August next , for the election of President , and on other business . It was resolved unanimously , that all donors of fifty guineas and upwards be constituted vice-presidents , according to the seniority of
their donation . It was also resolved unanimously , that to mark the high sense entertained of the valuable services rendered by Bro . R . G . Alston , P . J . G . AV . on many occasions , but more especially when filling for the second time the chair at the anniversary festival , he be elected a Vice-President of the institution . Bros . Dr . Crucefix , AVhitmore , ancl Solomons , were unanimously reelected to their respective offices of Treasurer , Secretary , and Collector .
The following Brethren were unanimously elected on the General Committee , viz . Bro . T . B ! Barnard i Bro . T . Neate Bro . M . Sangster " E . Brewster " E . Phillips " J . Savage " H . Browse " J . Pike " R . Spencer " AV . Evans " J . Powis " T . Tombleson — Ede " T . Pryer " AV . E . AA'almisley R . Graves " AV . Rackstraw " AV . AVilcockson " Dr . Leeson " AV . Rayner " AV . L . AVright .
SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING , AUGUST 18 , 1847 . Present—Dr . Crucefix ( in the chair ) and several other governors ancl subscribers . The circular convening the meeting was read . The minutes of the Annual General Meeting of July 14 , were read and confirmed . The Chairman then addressed the meeting on the subject more
immediately connected with the occasion , viz . the election of a President , ancl after dwelling emphatically on the services rendered to the charity by Lord Southampton , and his conviction that by his lordship ' s acceptance of the office , the charity would derive important advantages from his fostering care , he moved , and Bro . Faudel seconded" That the Right Honourable Lord Southampton , P . M . of the Towcester Lodge , No . 652 , be elected President of this institution , "which proposition was carried by acclamation . On a proposition moved and seconded , it was resolved unanimously , " That the Treasurer be requested to convey to Lord Southampton ,
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The Asylum For Worthy Aged And Decayed Freemasons.
the election of a President was indispensable to the interests of the charity , ancl all difficulties having been surmounted by perseverance , the office of President could now be offered to some distinguished and noble Brother , and as there was a nobleman who , through good report and evil report , hacl with unabated generosity supported the cause of the Asylum , he could with truthful sincerity speak of him as deserving , thc respect and gratitude of its supporters—he alluded to the Right Hon .
Lord Southampton—( great cheering)—whom with permission he would put in nomination as president —( continued cheering ) . It would , he was certain , be gratifying to hear that Lord Southampton had consented to be put in nomination . AVhereon it was unanimously resolved that a special general meeting of the governors and subscribers be held on the 18 th of August next , for the election of President , and on other business . It was resolved unanimously , that all donors of fifty guineas and upwards be constituted vice-presidents , according to the seniority of
their donation . It was also resolved unanimously , that to mark the high sense entertained of the valuable services rendered by Bro . R . G . Alston , P . J . G . AV . on many occasions , but more especially when filling for the second time the chair at the anniversary festival , he be elected a Vice-President of the institution . Bros . Dr . Crucefix , AVhitmore , ancl Solomons , were unanimously reelected to their respective offices of Treasurer , Secretary , and Collector .
The following Brethren were unanimously elected on the General Committee , viz . Bro . T . B ! Barnard i Bro . T . Neate Bro . M . Sangster " E . Brewster " E . Phillips " J . Savage " H . Browse " J . Pike " R . Spencer " AV . Evans " J . Powis " T . Tombleson — Ede " T . Pryer " AV . E . AA'almisley R . Graves " AV . Rackstraw " AV . AVilcockson " Dr . Leeson " AV . Rayner " AV . L . AVright .
SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING , AUGUST 18 , 1847 . Present—Dr . Crucefix ( in the chair ) and several other governors ancl subscribers . The circular convening the meeting was read . The minutes of the Annual General Meeting of July 14 , were read and confirmed . The Chairman then addressed the meeting on the subject more
immediately connected with the occasion , viz . the election of a President , ancl after dwelling emphatically on the services rendered to the charity by Lord Southampton , and his conviction that by his lordship ' s acceptance of the office , the charity would derive important advantages from his fostering care , he moved , and Bro . Faudel seconded" That the Right Honourable Lord Southampton , P . M . of the Towcester Lodge , No . 652 , be elected President of this institution , "which proposition was carried by acclamation . On a proposition moved and seconded , it was resolved unanimously , " That the Treasurer be requested to convey to Lord Southampton ,