Article CHIT CHAT. ← Page 7 of 8 →
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Chit Chat.
the past month in excavating a temple at Citta Vecchia , which , doubtless , owes its origin to the earliest inhabitants of this island , and may be considered a most remarkable relic . This curious Phoenician relic , or " Church of the Saracens , " as the country people have already begun to call it , is situated in a very pretty valley , not far from the small church of Virtu , and can easily be found by those who , as antiquarians in search of tombs , have made themselves acquainted with that part of the
island . Travellers and others , who take an interest in antiquarian researches , will be amply repaid for their trouble in visiting this temple , which will carry their speculations back to the earliest ages , ancl be found wholly unlike any other place in Malta or Gozo now knoivn to exist .
JENNY LIND . —Messrs . G . Smith and Hall feel it only an act of justice due to Madlle . Lind to state , that that lady has voluntarily , ancl with the kindest feeling , intimated her intention of giving 200 / . from the sum paid for her services , to the charities of the county ancl city of Norwich . TRUE CHARITY . —He that hath pity on another man ' s sorrow shall be free from it himself ; but he that scorneth ancl neglecteth the misery of another , shall one time or other fall into it himself .
THE VALUE OP PEACE . —The more quietly and peaceably we all get on the better—the better for ourselves , the better for our neighbour . In nine cases out of ten the wisest course is , if a man cheats you , to quit dealing with him ; if he is abusive , quit his company ; if he slander you , take care to live so that no man will believe him . No matter who he is or how he misuses you , the wisest way is just to let him alone , for there is nothing better than this cool , calm , quiet way of dealing with the wrongs we meet with .
" I know a set of men , of the cold respectable class , who never did a vicious thing , and never had a generous inspiration ; ivho never wronged a man of a penny , and never presented a man with a penny ; who are never out of spirits , and never in them ; who are never sick , and never in rioting flushing health ; who never cry , and never shriek out a heartfelt burst of uproarious laughter ; men in whose minds there are no ' engineering difficultiesthe rails of whose souls are laid upon a
spirit-, less flat ; who never break down , and never fly off at a curve ; but who from one terminus to the other—the pap-bowl to the bottle of funeral port—keep up a continuous jig-jog jogging , very slow and very sure ; very stale , but , in worldly gear , very profitable "—A . B . Reach . It is stated that a Bill will be introduced into Parliament to enable her Majesty to appoint " Courts of Honour , " to which questions are to be referred at present involving a resort to the duel .
Mr . H . AV . Newman , of Thornbury-park , a magistrate of Bristol , is lineally descended from Edward I ., being the twenty-first in direct descent . Mr . Pusey , the well-known M . P . for AVilts , is only the seventeenth removed from Edward III . CROGGAN ' PATENT ASPHALTE ROOFING FELT . —In what an age do ive live ! Scarcely has the bituminous asphalte been proved to be a protective means whereon to walkthan it becomes equally serviceable as a roofing
, materia ] , of no common kind ; ancl being found a non-conductor , is applicable to many important purposes . In this country , where money can command every available material at any cost , the patent asphalte may not be in requisition as a roofing for mansions or even houses , but for farm-sheds ancl other coverings its cheapness must be attractive .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Chit Chat.
the past month in excavating a temple at Citta Vecchia , which , doubtless , owes its origin to the earliest inhabitants of this island , and may be considered a most remarkable relic . This curious Phoenician relic , or " Church of the Saracens , " as the country people have already begun to call it , is situated in a very pretty valley , not far from the small church of Virtu , and can easily be found by those who , as antiquarians in search of tombs , have made themselves acquainted with that part of the
island . Travellers and others , who take an interest in antiquarian researches , will be amply repaid for their trouble in visiting this temple , which will carry their speculations back to the earliest ages , ancl be found wholly unlike any other place in Malta or Gozo now knoivn to exist .
JENNY LIND . —Messrs . G . Smith and Hall feel it only an act of justice due to Madlle . Lind to state , that that lady has voluntarily , ancl with the kindest feeling , intimated her intention of giving 200 / . from the sum paid for her services , to the charities of the county ancl city of Norwich . TRUE CHARITY . —He that hath pity on another man ' s sorrow shall be free from it himself ; but he that scorneth ancl neglecteth the misery of another , shall one time or other fall into it himself .
THE VALUE OP PEACE . —The more quietly and peaceably we all get on the better—the better for ourselves , the better for our neighbour . In nine cases out of ten the wisest course is , if a man cheats you , to quit dealing with him ; if he is abusive , quit his company ; if he slander you , take care to live so that no man will believe him . No matter who he is or how he misuses you , the wisest way is just to let him alone , for there is nothing better than this cool , calm , quiet way of dealing with the wrongs we meet with .
" I know a set of men , of the cold respectable class , who never did a vicious thing , and never had a generous inspiration ; ivho never wronged a man of a penny , and never presented a man with a penny ; who are never out of spirits , and never in them ; who are never sick , and never in rioting flushing health ; who never cry , and never shriek out a heartfelt burst of uproarious laughter ; men in whose minds there are no ' engineering difficultiesthe rails of whose souls are laid upon a
spirit-, less flat ; who never break down , and never fly off at a curve ; but who from one terminus to the other—the pap-bowl to the bottle of funeral port—keep up a continuous jig-jog jogging , very slow and very sure ; very stale , but , in worldly gear , very profitable "—A . B . Reach . It is stated that a Bill will be introduced into Parliament to enable her Majesty to appoint " Courts of Honour , " to which questions are to be referred at present involving a resort to the duel .
Mr . H . AV . Newman , of Thornbury-park , a magistrate of Bristol , is lineally descended from Edward I ., being the twenty-first in direct descent . Mr . Pusey , the well-known M . P . for AVilts , is only the seventeenth removed from Edward III . CROGGAN ' PATENT ASPHALTE ROOFING FELT . —In what an age do ive live ! Scarcely has the bituminous asphalte been proved to be a protective means whereon to walkthan it becomes equally serviceable as a roofing
, materia ] , of no common kind ; ancl being found a non-conductor , is applicable to many important purposes . In this country , where money can command every available material at any cost , the patent asphalte may not be in requisition as a roofing for mansions or even houses , but for farm-sheds ancl other coverings its cheapness must be attractive .