Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 27 →
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with ladies , as was the lower part , except the principal pews near the desk and pulpit , which were reserved for the Brethren . After the prayers , a sermon was preached by the Prov . Grancl Chaplain the Rev . Bro . D . Jones , from Acts , " It is better to give than to receive . " The discourse was simple ancl plain , and , as was happily observed afterwards by the Prov . Grand Master , it was so excellent that a child could understandand a man profit by it .
, The collection , about 20 / ., was divided between the National School of the town , and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Annuity Fund . On their return to the County Assembly Rooms , the Brethren passed complimentary resolutions to the Prov . ancl JDeputy Prov . Grancl Masters , the Prov . Grancl Chaplain , and to the Vicar , for the use of the church , after which the Prov . Grand Lodge was closed in due form . The banquet was attended by upwards of two hundred Brethren , nearly
thirty of whom were obliged , for want of room , to dine in a separate apartment . The Prov . Grancl Master was supported on his right and left by his Deputy ; the Grancl Chaplain ; Major General Cooke ( U . S . A . ); Dr . Crucefix ; the Grand Wardens , Bros . AVhitaker and . Hilder ; also by Bros . Hallowes , Johnston , Isaacs , Carlin and his sons , and many other Prov . Past Grancl Officers . Among the London Brethren we observed Bros . Pryer ; John Savage , Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes ; Spencer , Tombleson , ancl others . The vocal choir
consisted of Bros . Hatton , Sporle , Smith , and Genge . It is enough to state that they were in excellent voice , ancl delighted the meeting . After dinner , "Non Nobis" was most affectively chaunted , ancl the health ofthe Queen and the Craft was given , amid acclamations , followed by the National Anthem . The healths of the Grancl Master , the Earl of Zetland , and of the Deputy Grand Masterthe Earl of Yarboroughwere given respectivel
, , y with suitable addresses . The allusion to the Earl of Zetland as having hereditary claims to the respect and affection of Masons was peculiarly happy . Bro . ASHLEY offered , as a toast , the health of Bro . Humfrey , the Prov . Grand Master , and drew a vivid picture of his mental endowments , referring , as a proof thereof , to his conduct that clay as an earnest ofthe future .
The PROV . GRAND MASTER returned thanks at great length , during which he was frequently interrupted by the applause of his delighted auditory . The next toast was the health of " Our American Brother , Major-General Cooke , " in giving which the Prov . Grand Master entered into his subject with especial grace and courtesy , and drew the happiest omens .
General COOKE returned thanks , ancl delivered an elaborate address . The next toast was the health of the Deputy Prov . Grancl Master ; in giving it , the Grand Master alluded to the past services of the distinguished Brother with much fervency , and congratulated himself on so amiable but powerful friend ancl supporter . The DEPUTY PROV . GRAND MASTER , in very eloquent terms , acknowledged the kindness shown to him . The health of Dr . Crucefix next followed ; in proposing it the Prov . Grand Master observed thatwhatever differences of opinion might exist , ancl there must ever be such , that as a zealous and honest-minded Mason , he knew no one more deserving of respect .
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with ladies , as was the lower part , except the principal pews near the desk and pulpit , which were reserved for the Brethren . After the prayers , a sermon was preached by the Prov . Grancl Chaplain the Rev . Bro . D . Jones , from Acts , " It is better to give than to receive . " The discourse was simple ancl plain , and , as was happily observed afterwards by the Prov . Grand Master , it was so excellent that a child could understandand a man profit by it .
, The collection , about 20 / ., was divided between the National School of the town , and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Annuity Fund . On their return to the County Assembly Rooms , the Brethren passed complimentary resolutions to the Prov . ancl JDeputy Prov . Grancl Masters , the Prov . Grancl Chaplain , and to the Vicar , for the use of the church , after which the Prov . Grand Lodge was closed in due form . The banquet was attended by upwards of two hundred Brethren , nearly
thirty of whom were obliged , for want of room , to dine in a separate apartment . The Prov . Grancl Master was supported on his right and left by his Deputy ; the Grancl Chaplain ; Major General Cooke ( U . S . A . ); Dr . Crucefix ; the Grand Wardens , Bros . AVhitaker and . Hilder ; also by Bros . Hallowes , Johnston , Isaacs , Carlin and his sons , and many other Prov . Past Grancl Officers . Among the London Brethren we observed Bros . Pryer ; John Savage , Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes ; Spencer , Tombleson , ancl others . The vocal choir
consisted of Bros . Hatton , Sporle , Smith , and Genge . It is enough to state that they were in excellent voice , ancl delighted the meeting . After dinner , "Non Nobis" was most affectively chaunted , ancl the health ofthe Queen and the Craft was given , amid acclamations , followed by the National Anthem . The healths of the Grancl Master , the Earl of Zetland , and of the Deputy Grand Masterthe Earl of Yarboroughwere given respectivel
, , y with suitable addresses . The allusion to the Earl of Zetland as having hereditary claims to the respect and affection of Masons was peculiarly happy . Bro . ASHLEY offered , as a toast , the health of Bro . Humfrey , the Prov . Grand Master , and drew a vivid picture of his mental endowments , referring , as a proof thereof , to his conduct that clay as an earnest ofthe future .
The PROV . GRAND MASTER returned thanks at great length , during which he was frequently interrupted by the applause of his delighted auditory . The next toast was the health of " Our American Brother , Major-General Cooke , " in giving which the Prov . Grand Master entered into his subject with especial grace and courtesy , and drew the happiest omens .
General COOKE returned thanks , ancl delivered an elaborate address . The next toast was the health of the Deputy Prov . Grancl Master ; in giving it , the Grand Master alluded to the past services of the distinguished Brother with much fervency , and congratulated himself on so amiable but powerful friend ancl supporter . The DEPUTY PROV . GRAND MASTER , in very eloquent terms , acknowledged the kindness shown to him . The health of Dr . Crucefix next followed ; in proposing it the Prov . Grand Master observed thatwhatever differences of opinion might exist , ancl there must ever be such , that as a zealous and honest-minded Mason , he knew no one more deserving of respect .