Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 27 →
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The DOCTOR responded , and concluded his address by proposing the AVomen of Kent and the Kentish Women ; commenting on the character of woman as mother , wife , daughter , sister , and friend . This toast was followed by " Sally in our Alley , " given by Bro . Genge , in the sweetest and most effective manner . It was rapturously encored . The health of Bro . the Rev . D . Jones next followedancl the Rev .
, Brother returned his thanks in a very appropriate and feeling speech . The Pnov . GRAND MASTER then proposed the health of his Grand Wardens , Bros . AVhitaker and Hilder , and took occasion to deliver , in connexion with their appointment ancl duties , an exhortation of surpassing beauty on the moral excellencies of Freemasonry , concluding by expressing his hope that whenever any differences might exist between any Lodges meeting in one town , that neither should consider
itself above or balow the other , but that each should view any supposed fault of the other with the pure Masonic feeling of charity . * Bros . AVhitaker and Hilder acknowledged the compliment . There were many other toasts given , but we reluctantly confess the routine has escaped us . The day being one of unmixed pleasure , we shall not otherwise advert to the occasional lapse of order ; agreeing with Dr . Crucefix , who observed that even overjoy had its drawback , but that on a future occasion the Brethren would no doubt be more disciplined in their happiness . BURNHAM , July 22 . —It will afford the Brethren ( in the province of
Essex especially ) much pleasure to learn that a new Lodge " The Royal Burnham , " No . 877 , was opened at the Star Inn , Burnham , under a dispensation from Rowland Alston , Esq . the Provincial Grand Master , and Past Masters of the Lodge of True Friendship , No . 186 , Rochford . The Provincial Senior Grand AVarden , Bro . Rowland Gardiner Alston , R . AV . M . of No . 186 , presided—and having read the warrant and dispensation said , the opening of a new Lodge was an honour that fell to the share of a very few of the numerous members of the Craft , and that
it was an incident in his life that would not be easily effaced from his memory ; he regretted however for the sake of the Brethren that it had not fallen into abler hands ; he congratulated the AVorshipful Master Elect , ( the Rev . J . Bruce , Vicar of Althorne , ) as well as the Burnham Brethren , on the consummation , of their efforts , ancl exhorted them to pay strict attention to the principles of the Order , and carefully to preserve its landmarks , assuring them that the Lodge of True Friendship , from which they emanated , ivould always feel the liveliest parental
interest in their welfare ; he then proceeded to the installation of the Worshipful JIaster , who forthwith invested his officers ; after the close of the Lodge , the Brethren took a stroll round this pretty little waterside town , and on their return sat down to banquet . The Senior Grancl AVarden of the province , at the request of the AVorshipful Master , again presided , and was supported by seven of his Brother Grand Officers , in addition to the members of the new Lodge . On proposing the first toast , he remarked that the loyalty , and ready obedience to constituted authorities on the part of the Masonic fraternity , had no doubt obtained for it that special protection of the law , which it is its privilege to enjoy , and
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The DOCTOR responded , and concluded his address by proposing the AVomen of Kent and the Kentish Women ; commenting on the character of woman as mother , wife , daughter , sister , and friend . This toast was followed by " Sally in our Alley , " given by Bro . Genge , in the sweetest and most effective manner . It was rapturously encored . The health of Bro . the Rev . D . Jones next followedancl the Rev .
, Brother returned his thanks in a very appropriate and feeling speech . The Pnov . GRAND MASTER then proposed the health of his Grand Wardens , Bros . AVhitaker and Hilder , and took occasion to deliver , in connexion with their appointment ancl duties , an exhortation of surpassing beauty on the moral excellencies of Freemasonry , concluding by expressing his hope that whenever any differences might exist between any Lodges meeting in one town , that neither should consider
itself above or balow the other , but that each should view any supposed fault of the other with the pure Masonic feeling of charity . * Bros . AVhitaker and Hilder acknowledged the compliment . There were many other toasts given , but we reluctantly confess the routine has escaped us . The day being one of unmixed pleasure , we shall not otherwise advert to the occasional lapse of order ; agreeing with Dr . Crucefix , who observed that even overjoy had its drawback , but that on a future occasion the Brethren would no doubt be more disciplined in their happiness . BURNHAM , July 22 . —It will afford the Brethren ( in the province of
Essex especially ) much pleasure to learn that a new Lodge " The Royal Burnham , " No . 877 , was opened at the Star Inn , Burnham , under a dispensation from Rowland Alston , Esq . the Provincial Grand Master , and Past Masters of the Lodge of True Friendship , No . 186 , Rochford . The Provincial Senior Grand AVarden , Bro . Rowland Gardiner Alston , R . AV . M . of No . 186 , presided—and having read the warrant and dispensation said , the opening of a new Lodge was an honour that fell to the share of a very few of the numerous members of the Craft , and that
it was an incident in his life that would not be easily effaced from his memory ; he regretted however for the sake of the Brethren that it had not fallen into abler hands ; he congratulated the AVorshipful Master Elect , ( the Rev . J . Bruce , Vicar of Althorne , ) as well as the Burnham Brethren , on the consummation , of their efforts , ancl exhorted them to pay strict attention to the principles of the Order , and carefully to preserve its landmarks , assuring them that the Lodge of True Friendship , from which they emanated , ivould always feel the liveliest parental
interest in their welfare ; he then proceeded to the installation of the Worshipful JIaster , who forthwith invested his officers ; after the close of the Lodge , the Brethren took a stroll round this pretty little waterside town , and on their return sat down to banquet . The Senior Grancl AVarden of the province , at the request of the AVorshipful Master , again presided , and was supported by seven of his Brother Grand Officers , in addition to the members of the new Lodge . On proposing the first toast , he remarked that the loyalty , and ready obedience to constituted authorities on the part of the Masonic fraternity , had no doubt obtained for it that special protection of the law , which it is its privilege to enjoy , and