Article SIGNS OF THE TIMES. Page 1 of 3 →
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Signs Of The Times.
Forti etfideli nil difficile . WE cannot avoid offering our felicitations on the altered tone and temper of certain members at the last Grand Lodge . There was an evident deference to opinion , a desire to allow justice and reason to have some share in its deliberations and decisions ; and a careful abstinence
from thepooh-pooing , which those in authority , backed by their " Swiss , " were in the habit of treating all fair argument , augurs well for nascent repentance .
There are some men on whom the benefit of experience has been , and will always be thrown away ; they live in a world of their own , as limited as their ideas , and as mean as their conceits . Enthroned in prejudice and fortified by power , their minds are as impervious to reason and the enlightenment of the age , as the hide of a Rhinoceros would be to the assailing darts of an infant . Let us hope that of this
number but few remain , and that the day of our redemption is drawing near , when Masonry and its institutions may be rescued from the degradation which perverted power , false reasoning , and men ' s fears , have cast around it .
Our present special purpose is to offer our congratulations on the important measure adopted by the last Grand Lodge , in enacting a new mode for taking divisions on any question . In order perfectly to appreciate the new law , it will be necessary to collate it with the old one . By the old law , whenever a division was taken , it was by a show of hands , each member holding up one hand in favour of or against a motion . If
upon such a show the Grand Master found it difficult to decide , it became the duty of the Deacons to count the numbers , and their report decided the question—aye or nay .
Now all this appears prima facie fair enough ; but in truth there was no practical fairness in the matter , —general dissatisfaction was the result . Let us for a moment cast a glance at this proceeding . The Grand Master by the old plan , was placed in tbe invidious position of deciding on a view , —and against his decision there was no appeal !
If the Grand Master declined to decide , the Deacons were called into action to report the results on questions in which in all likelihood they had an interest , and from their decision there was no appeal !! In our mind ' s eye we now see these infallible magnates slowly measuring their
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Signs Of The Times.
Forti etfideli nil difficile . WE cannot avoid offering our felicitations on the altered tone and temper of certain members at the last Grand Lodge . There was an evident deference to opinion , a desire to allow justice and reason to have some share in its deliberations and decisions ; and a careful abstinence
from thepooh-pooing , which those in authority , backed by their " Swiss , " were in the habit of treating all fair argument , augurs well for nascent repentance .
There are some men on whom the benefit of experience has been , and will always be thrown away ; they live in a world of their own , as limited as their ideas , and as mean as their conceits . Enthroned in prejudice and fortified by power , their minds are as impervious to reason and the enlightenment of the age , as the hide of a Rhinoceros would be to the assailing darts of an infant . Let us hope that of this
number but few remain , and that the day of our redemption is drawing near , when Masonry and its institutions may be rescued from the degradation which perverted power , false reasoning , and men ' s fears , have cast around it .
Our present special purpose is to offer our congratulations on the important measure adopted by the last Grand Lodge , in enacting a new mode for taking divisions on any question . In order perfectly to appreciate the new law , it will be necessary to collate it with the old one . By the old law , whenever a division was taken , it was by a show of hands , each member holding up one hand in favour of or against a motion . If
upon such a show the Grand Master found it difficult to decide , it became the duty of the Deacons to count the numbers , and their report decided the question—aye or nay .
Now all this appears prima facie fair enough ; but in truth there was no practical fairness in the matter , —general dissatisfaction was the result . Let us for a moment cast a glance at this proceeding . The Grand Master by the old plan , was placed in tbe invidious position of deciding on a view , —and against his decision there was no appeal !
If the Grand Master declined to decide , the Deacons were called into action to report the results on questions in which in all likelihood they had an interest , and from their decision there was no appeal !! In our mind ' s eye we now see these infallible magnates slowly measuring their