Article FREEMASONRY IN CORK. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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Freemasonry In Cork.
We , your Majesty ' s dutiful and loyal subjects , desire to approach your royal person , to tender our congratulations on the auspicious event of your Majesty ' s first visit to the shores of Ireland . Loyalty and obedience being amongst the first principles of Masonry , it is to us a source of unfeigned gratification to be afforded the opportunity of personally assuring your Majesty of our attachment , and our zealous desire to uphold the dignity of the crownand the good order
, and welfare of the state . The firm adherence of the Craft to those principles in all times and under all circumstances , has enabled us to acquire the honour of enrolling amongst its members your august father , and al ) his royal brothers ; and your Majesty ' s immediate predecessors , who had long experience of the principles of Masonry , and its extensive and useful efforts in the cause of charity , after they had ascended the thronewere graciouslpleased
, y to cement still firmer the links which bound the masonic body thereto , by becoming Grand Patrons of the Order ; his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex continuing to hold the office of Grand Master , until death deprived us of his valuable services and presidency . We hail the arrival of the Sovereign amongst us as the harbinger of brighter prospects for the country ; and we feel assured that all classes will unite to prove themselves worthy of this mark of your royal favour , and to merit your
Majesty ' s continued consideration ; and it is our ardent hope that your Majesty and your Royal Consort , with your illustrious family , may be long spared to enjoy the regards of an attached people , and to dignify the exalted position you occupy . JAMES CHARLES CHATTERTON , Provincial Grand Master , L . G . I . G ., 33 rd deg . GEORGE CHATTERTON , K . H . T ., Prov . Grand Secretary .
Reply to the Address ofthe Provincial Grand Lodge of Munster . Cove of Cork , August 4 , 1849 . Sir , —I have had the honour of laying before the Queen the loyal and dutiful address of the Provincial Grand Master , the Grand Officers and Brethren , of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Province of Munster , and I have the satisfaction to inform you , that her Majesty was pleased to receive this address in the most gracious manner . I have the honour to be , Sir , Your most obedient servant , To Colonel Cliatterton , K . H ., a flnu'v Prov . Grand Master , Castle Mahon , Cork . VXK 1 ! ' -
We next present to our readers an ample report of the very graceful compliment paid to that distinguished and gallant soldier-Mason , Colonel J . C . Chatterton , who has won all hearts by his truly masonic demeanour , extracted from different local papers . May 29 . —A most interesting masonic ceremony took place at the masonic rooms : a numerous deputation , composed of the officers of all the lodges in the provincewaited upon our gallant and highly
distin-, guished townsman , Colonel J . C . Chatterton , K . H ., requesting he would accept the high office of Provincial Grand Master of Munster , vacant by the resignation of Sir A . A . Cliatterton , Bart . Colonel Chatterton ' s acceptance of this important office has been hailed with the greatest satisfaction by all the masonic body , who are gratified at the prospect of
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Freemasonry In Cork.
We , your Majesty ' s dutiful and loyal subjects , desire to approach your royal person , to tender our congratulations on the auspicious event of your Majesty ' s first visit to the shores of Ireland . Loyalty and obedience being amongst the first principles of Masonry , it is to us a source of unfeigned gratification to be afforded the opportunity of personally assuring your Majesty of our attachment , and our zealous desire to uphold the dignity of the crownand the good order
, and welfare of the state . The firm adherence of the Craft to those principles in all times and under all circumstances , has enabled us to acquire the honour of enrolling amongst its members your august father , and al ) his royal brothers ; and your Majesty ' s immediate predecessors , who had long experience of the principles of Masonry , and its extensive and useful efforts in the cause of charity , after they had ascended the thronewere graciouslpleased
, y to cement still firmer the links which bound the masonic body thereto , by becoming Grand Patrons of the Order ; his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex continuing to hold the office of Grand Master , until death deprived us of his valuable services and presidency . We hail the arrival of the Sovereign amongst us as the harbinger of brighter prospects for the country ; and we feel assured that all classes will unite to prove themselves worthy of this mark of your royal favour , and to merit your
Majesty ' s continued consideration ; and it is our ardent hope that your Majesty and your Royal Consort , with your illustrious family , may be long spared to enjoy the regards of an attached people , and to dignify the exalted position you occupy . JAMES CHARLES CHATTERTON , Provincial Grand Master , L . G . I . G ., 33 rd deg . GEORGE CHATTERTON , K . H . T ., Prov . Grand Secretary .
Reply to the Address ofthe Provincial Grand Lodge of Munster . Cove of Cork , August 4 , 1849 . Sir , —I have had the honour of laying before the Queen the loyal and dutiful address of the Provincial Grand Master , the Grand Officers and Brethren , of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Province of Munster , and I have the satisfaction to inform you , that her Majesty was pleased to receive this address in the most gracious manner . I have the honour to be , Sir , Your most obedient servant , To Colonel Cliatterton , K . H ., a flnu'v Prov . Grand Master , Castle Mahon , Cork . VXK 1 ! ' -
We next present to our readers an ample report of the very graceful compliment paid to that distinguished and gallant soldier-Mason , Colonel J . C . Chatterton , who has won all hearts by his truly masonic demeanour , extracted from different local papers . May 29 . —A most interesting masonic ceremony took place at the masonic rooms : a numerous deputation , composed of the officers of all the lodges in the provincewaited upon our gallant and highly
distin-, guished townsman , Colonel J . C . Chatterton , K . H ., requesting he would accept the high office of Provincial Grand Master of Munster , vacant by the resignation of Sir A . A . Cliatterton , Bart . Colonel Chatterton ' s acceptance of this important office has been hailed with the greatest satisfaction by all the masonic body , who are gratified at the prospect of