Article FREEMASONRY IN CORK. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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Freemasonry In Cork.
having at their head a person in every way so qualified to advance the interests of Masonry , and who has attained the highest grade in the Craft . The grand installation ofthe Provincial Grand Master , and banquet , will take place on St . John ' s day . The reception of the deputation was marked with that dignity of manner , and perfect urbanity , which distinguishes the highly educated
gentleman , and the gallant officer ' s address on the occasion breathed his high sense of the honour conferred , and his perfect knowledge of Masonry , convincing the brethren of the excellence of their choice . —Cork Constitution .
Masonic Installation of Colonel Chatterton , K . H ., as Provincial Grand Master of Munster . —This imposing ceremonial took place on 26 th June , at the lodge-rooms of the First Lodge of Ireland , in the presence of the largest body of Freemasons which has assembled for many years in this city . The Honourable Augustus Geo . Jocelyn , Captain in the Carabineers , Past Officer of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and member of the Grand Master ' s Lodge of Ireland , 33 d , or dernier degreewas commissioned bhis Grace the Duke of LeinsterGrand
, y , Master of Ireland , to conduct the impressive rite . The Provincial Grand Lodge being opened in form , after the usual preliminaries were gone through , the gallant Colonel was conducted by Past Masters of the Senior Lodges Nos . 1 and 3 , and being duly presented to Brother Jocelyn , the ancient charges were delivered ) and Colonel Chatterton was then solemnly invested and installed in the chair of bis exalted office . The brethren joined in saluting their Provincial Grand Master with the
honours due to his rank , and at his call similar honours were heartily accorded to Brother Jocelyn , whose dignified discharge of his important functions elicited the admiration of all present on this occasion , memorable in the masonic annals of Munster . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Munster has held its sittings in this city for a century and a half with the greatest distinction , its presidency and other offices having been
invariably filled by noblemen and gentlemen of high station and worth , as well as masonic attainments ; and , in the selection of Colonel Chatterton as its head , the brethren of the Province have united the urbanity and kindly feeling of a distinguished fellow-citizen with consummate knowledge in the Craft . The honourable and important office of Deputy Prov . Grand Master was conferred upon Brother Robert Atkins , of Waterpark , J . P . The banquetin celebration of the above auspicious eventtook lace
, , p in the evening at the Imperial Hotel . At seven o ' clock about one hundred and thirty brethren were ushered into the ball room , the Provincial Grand Organist , Brother Wm . Gillespie , playing the well known masonic march , and sat down to dinner . The manner in which the entertainment was provided elicited entire approbation , and reflects very great credit on Brother Cotton . The tables were beautifully ornamented and covered with plate , and every delicacy procurable served
in abundance . Several distinguished foreigners , members of Lodges in Lisbon , Rome , Marseilles , attended ; also many military brethren now in the garrison . The music was of the highest order , Bros . Gillespie , A . D . Roche , Wheeler , and M'Carthy , assisted by several amateurs , having largely contributed to the enjoyment of the evening . Among the toasts were the following : — " The Queen , " " Queen Adelaide , " " Prince Albert and the rest of the Royal Family , " " Army and Navy , " " The
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Freemasonry In Cork.
having at their head a person in every way so qualified to advance the interests of Masonry , and who has attained the highest grade in the Craft . The grand installation ofthe Provincial Grand Master , and banquet , will take place on St . John ' s day . The reception of the deputation was marked with that dignity of manner , and perfect urbanity , which distinguishes the highly educated
gentleman , and the gallant officer ' s address on the occasion breathed his high sense of the honour conferred , and his perfect knowledge of Masonry , convincing the brethren of the excellence of their choice . —Cork Constitution .
Masonic Installation of Colonel Chatterton , K . H ., as Provincial Grand Master of Munster . —This imposing ceremonial took place on 26 th June , at the lodge-rooms of the First Lodge of Ireland , in the presence of the largest body of Freemasons which has assembled for many years in this city . The Honourable Augustus Geo . Jocelyn , Captain in the Carabineers , Past Officer of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and member of the Grand Master ' s Lodge of Ireland , 33 d , or dernier degreewas commissioned bhis Grace the Duke of LeinsterGrand
, y , Master of Ireland , to conduct the impressive rite . The Provincial Grand Lodge being opened in form , after the usual preliminaries were gone through , the gallant Colonel was conducted by Past Masters of the Senior Lodges Nos . 1 and 3 , and being duly presented to Brother Jocelyn , the ancient charges were delivered ) and Colonel Chatterton was then solemnly invested and installed in the chair of bis exalted office . The brethren joined in saluting their Provincial Grand Master with the
honours due to his rank , and at his call similar honours were heartily accorded to Brother Jocelyn , whose dignified discharge of his important functions elicited the admiration of all present on this occasion , memorable in the masonic annals of Munster . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Munster has held its sittings in this city for a century and a half with the greatest distinction , its presidency and other offices having been
invariably filled by noblemen and gentlemen of high station and worth , as well as masonic attainments ; and , in the selection of Colonel Chatterton as its head , the brethren of the Province have united the urbanity and kindly feeling of a distinguished fellow-citizen with consummate knowledge in the Craft . The honourable and important office of Deputy Prov . Grand Master was conferred upon Brother Robert Atkins , of Waterpark , J . P . The banquetin celebration of the above auspicious eventtook lace
, , p in the evening at the Imperial Hotel . At seven o ' clock about one hundred and thirty brethren were ushered into the ball room , the Provincial Grand Organist , Brother Wm . Gillespie , playing the well known masonic march , and sat down to dinner . The manner in which the entertainment was provided elicited entire approbation , and reflects very great credit on Brother Cotton . The tables were beautifully ornamented and covered with plate , and every delicacy procurable served
in abundance . Several distinguished foreigners , members of Lodges in Lisbon , Rome , Marseilles , attended ; also many military brethren now in the garrison . The music was of the highest order , Bros . Gillespie , A . D . Roche , Wheeler , and M'Carthy , assisted by several amateurs , having largely contributed to the enjoyment of the evening . Among the toasts were the following : — " The Queen , " " Queen Adelaide , " " Prince Albert and the rest of the Royal Family , " " Army and Navy , " " The