Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 14 of 18 →
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The procession proceeded through the Market , Fountain-street , Bordage-street , Vauvert , Grange-road , Smith-street , High-street , to the church . The brethren halted at the north door , and , forming two lines , entered the church , and took their seats , the whole of the sacred building being densely crowded . During the service there was some excellent chanting by a choir composed of a number of musical ladies and gentlemenunder the direction of Bro . T . S . RayProvincial Grand
, , Organist . The church service for the day was read by the Rev . Bro . F . Jeremie , who afterwards preached an excellent sermon , enforcing the duties of charity and brotherly love , at the close of which a collection was made amounting to 8 / . 2 s ., which is to be applied to the De La Court fund . The numerous congregation was deeply attentive , and everything in the church was conducted with a solemnity and decorum not exceeded even on the Sabbath-day . On quitting the church the procession returned
through Fountain-street and Market-street to the Assembly Rooms , where the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer , and then dispersed to re-assemble at the banquet at half-past six o ' clock . At this hour about one hundred brethren , still clad in their varied and splendid costumes , sat down to an excellent cold dinner , the Right AVorshipful Provincial Grand Master in the chair , supported on either side by the principal officers of the lodges of Jersey and Guernsey , viz .:
—Bros . Sarchet , G . P . S . ; AVyatt , G . R . ; Torode , G . D . ; Rev . F . Jeremie ; Rev . H . O . AVood , D . P . G . M . ; Dr . Harding , D . P . G . M . for Jersey ; Captain Peard , G . S . AV . ; Dr . Goldstone , G . T . ; Lyte , G . S . for Jersey ; Rowdon , G . R . ; Sparrow , G . D . C . There were also two long tables running parallel do % vn the room . At the head of the south table was Bro . Le Page , G . J . AV ., supported hy Bro . Ray , G . O ., and at the west table was Bro . Brouard , G . S . AV ., supported by Bro . Dr . Collenette , G . D . On the table being cleared . The PROV . GRAND MASTER rose and called on the brethren to devote
a bumper to her Majesty , who , independently of her other claims on their love and loyalty , had an additional title to their regard in being the daughter of a Mason . The toast was drunk with acclamation , after which the National Anthem was sung by the whole assemblage . The P . G . M . then proposed the health of another illustrious lady , who had especial claims on the regard of the fraternity , as being the daughter and widow of a Mason , " The Queen Dowager . " The next toast proposed from the chair was an illustrious individual
who , although not a member of the Order , was deservedly beloved by all both on account of his hi gh and excellent personal character , as of his being identified with our beloved sovereign , " His Royal Highness Prince Albert , and the Royal Family . " The P . G . M . observed that he had now to call on the brethren to do honour to a toast which he was sure every good Mason would drink with enthusiasm , as it was to the health of a noble individual who now so
ably filled the office of Grand Master of England , " The Earl of Zetland . " All who knew the estimable character of him who stood at the head of the Order , and who knew the admirable manner in which he discharged the duties of the Grand Mastership , and fostered the interests of Masonry , would , he was sure , join with him in wishing to his lordshi p many years of health to sustain the duties of the office which he now so ably filled . AVithout dwelling on the many claims which Lord Zetland had established on the attachment of the fraternity , there was one which would suffice of itself , and which spoke most loudly in his praise—
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The procession proceeded through the Market , Fountain-street , Bordage-street , Vauvert , Grange-road , Smith-street , High-street , to the church . The brethren halted at the north door , and , forming two lines , entered the church , and took their seats , the whole of the sacred building being densely crowded . During the service there was some excellent chanting by a choir composed of a number of musical ladies and gentlemenunder the direction of Bro . T . S . RayProvincial Grand
, , Organist . The church service for the day was read by the Rev . Bro . F . Jeremie , who afterwards preached an excellent sermon , enforcing the duties of charity and brotherly love , at the close of which a collection was made amounting to 8 / . 2 s ., which is to be applied to the De La Court fund . The numerous congregation was deeply attentive , and everything in the church was conducted with a solemnity and decorum not exceeded even on the Sabbath-day . On quitting the church the procession returned
through Fountain-street and Market-street to the Assembly Rooms , where the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer , and then dispersed to re-assemble at the banquet at half-past six o ' clock . At this hour about one hundred brethren , still clad in their varied and splendid costumes , sat down to an excellent cold dinner , the Right AVorshipful Provincial Grand Master in the chair , supported on either side by the principal officers of the lodges of Jersey and Guernsey , viz .:
—Bros . Sarchet , G . P . S . ; AVyatt , G . R . ; Torode , G . D . ; Rev . F . Jeremie ; Rev . H . O . AVood , D . P . G . M . ; Dr . Harding , D . P . G . M . for Jersey ; Captain Peard , G . S . AV . ; Dr . Goldstone , G . T . ; Lyte , G . S . for Jersey ; Rowdon , G . R . ; Sparrow , G . D . C . There were also two long tables running parallel do % vn the room . At the head of the south table was Bro . Le Page , G . J . AV ., supported hy Bro . Ray , G . O ., and at the west table was Bro . Brouard , G . S . AV ., supported by Bro . Dr . Collenette , G . D . On the table being cleared . The PROV . GRAND MASTER rose and called on the brethren to devote
a bumper to her Majesty , who , independently of her other claims on their love and loyalty , had an additional title to their regard in being the daughter of a Mason . The toast was drunk with acclamation , after which the National Anthem was sung by the whole assemblage . The P . G . M . then proposed the health of another illustrious lady , who had especial claims on the regard of the fraternity , as being the daughter and widow of a Mason , " The Queen Dowager . " The next toast proposed from the chair was an illustrious individual
who , although not a member of the Order , was deservedly beloved by all both on account of his hi gh and excellent personal character , as of his being identified with our beloved sovereign , " His Royal Highness Prince Albert , and the Royal Family . " The P . G . M . observed that he had now to call on the brethren to do honour to a toast which he was sure every good Mason would drink with enthusiasm , as it was to the health of a noble individual who now so
ably filled the office of Grand Master of England , " The Earl of Zetland . " All who knew the estimable character of him who stood at the head of the Order , and who knew the admirable manner in which he discharged the duties of the Grand Mastership , and fostered the interests of Masonry , would , he was sure , join with him in wishing to his lordshi p many years of health to sustain the duties of the office which he now so ably filled . AVithout dwelling on the many claims which Lord Zetland had established on the attachment of the fraternity , there was one which would suffice of itself , and which spoke most loudly in his praise—